For Sale:
Open Book 8.0, brand new. Asking $800 if you pay for the transfer fee or $875 if we cover that cost. Black-and-white scanner with cable and software on CD. Asking $50. Four slates and styli, free. Will only accept bank money orders in U.S. or Canadian funds. Upon receiving the money order, item(s) will be shipped out with shipping, handling, and insurance covered by us. Contact Nancy Ryder at [email protected] or (319) 217-8235.
For Sale:
Braille Note BT, 18-cell. Asking $2,000. JAWS 3.5, asking $100. Contact Steve Hearn at (601) 415-7987.
For Sale:
Perkins brailler in great condition. Asking $425. Contact Rosemir at (714) 267-3399.
For Sale:
Perkins brailler, brand-new, never been used. Comes with dust cover and book. Asking $400. Will only accept cashier's check or money order. Contact Lou Baker at (405) 364-4374, or e-mail [email protected].
For Sale:
PAC Mate Omni QX400, with cables, disks, carrying cases, & packaging. $1,600. E-mail [email protected] or phone (510) 851-3716.
For Sale:
PAC Mate QX Omni with 40-cell portable braille display, in addition to leather cases from Executive Products for both the PAC Mate 400 and the 440, and 2 hours of phone training. Also includes a copy of FSEdit, an Ambicom wireless card and a 2 GB compact flash card. Maintenance agreements run through April 2009 on the notetaker. If you're not interested in the entire package, the above list of products can be customized, so you take home only those items you need. Asking $2,300. Contact Don Olson at (703) 920-0922 or e-mail [email protected].
Used Kurzweil 7315 reading machine. Also seeking 19-key keypad for the Reading Edge, a used APH tape player that's still in working condition, and a laptop with Windows. Contact Bob Groff at (501) 589-2886.