For Sale:
New and used cassette tapes in good condition. Includes boxes, labels and padded envelopes. Old-time radio programs from the 1930s through the late 1950s, including CBS Mystery Theater, Lone Ranger, Shadow, Life of Reilly, Jack Benny, Escape, Suspense and many others. Other items also available. Call Joseph Kelly at (903) 794-4852.
For Sale:
1997 black-and-white Aladdin CCTV. In perfect condition. $1,000 or best offer. Contact Lisa Burkart at (757) 495-7179.
For Sale:
IBM ThinkPad T-30 wireless laptop with 512 MB RAM, 40 GB hard drive, slim and lightweight rugged titanium case, CD-RW plus DVD, Windows XP, MS Office, newest JAWS 7.0 speech, newest Kurzweil 10.03 scanning/reading software, and thousands of songs already installed. Includes docking station and extra power adapter and battery. Asking $1,800 or best offer. Call Al at (571) 276-6085.
For Sale:
Perkins brailler, recently refurbished. Asking $400. Call Steve at (517) 347-7046.
For Sale:
Sounding Board 2.7 by GW Micro and the Vocal-Eyes that it came with. Comes with instruction tapes, software and manuals. Asking $150 (including shipping). Contact Dr. Lucy Torres at (812) 323-9230.
For Sale:
Spectrum color video magnification system by Optelec, plus table. Comes with 20-inch color monitor that gives you the choice of 18 foreground/background color combinations. Magnification: 4x-100x. Includes user's manual. Like-new condition. Asking $1,600 or best offer. Call (610) 647-5758 or e-mail [email protected].
For Sale:
Braille 'n Speak 2000. Asking $600. Contact Jason via e- mail, [email protected].
For Sale:
An 18-volume King James braille Bible, maroon in color, hardback, in excellent shape. The braille dots are still very sharp. Asking $200, which includes insurance. Will be mailed to anywhere in the U.S. via free matter. I'll accept only a U.S. postal money order. Contact Johnny Blackwell at (803) 377-7913 between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Eastern.
For Sale:
Type 'n Speak and Basic braille printer. In great condition. Contact Carmen at (514) 380-0894 or e-mail [email protected] for more information.
From This Day Forward Ministries is looking for a Juliet Pro 60 braille embosser, JAWS screen reader software, and Open Book software. If you have any of the above listed equipment, please contact From This Day Forward Ministries at [email protected] or (740) 666- 0930.
Donation of talking laptop with Internet capability, in good condition. Contact Tonya Smith at (734) 586-8713.
IBM talking typewriter with instructions. Call Walter at (661) 833-3663.