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Here and There

by Susan Lichtenfels

The announcement of products and services in this column is not an endorsement by the American Council of the Blind, its staff, or elected officials. Products and services are listed free of charge for the benefit of our readers. "The Braille Forum" cannot be held responsible for the reliability of products and services mentioned.

To submit items for this column, send a message to [email protected], or call ACB at 1-800-424-8666 and leave a message in mailbox 26. Please remember that postal regulations prohibit us from including advertisements, and that we need information two months ahead of actual publication dates.

2007 AFB Award Nominations

The American Foundation for the Blind is now accepting nominations for its 2007 Migel Medals and Access Awards. The Migel Medals honor one professional and one volunteer who have significantly improved the lives of people who are blind or visually impaired. The Access Awards honor individuals, corporations, and organizations that are eliminating or substantially reducing inequities faced by people who are blind or visually impaired. Nominations for all honors are due by Sept. 29, 2006. Nominations for Migel Medals should be e-mailed to Gil Johnson at [email protected]. Nominations for Access Awards should be e-mailed to Jacki Packer at [email protected].

Want To Win a Light Touch Brailler?

To register for a chance to win the Light Touch electric blue Perkins brailler, please send an e-mail message to [email protected] and put "Perkins raffle" in the subject line, or call Howe Press directly at (617) 972-7308 to register. Include your name, address, telephone number and e- mail address in the message. The contest closes on Oct. 6!

Park Design for the Disabled

On June 27, International Paper John Dillon Park, a 200-acre wilderness park designed for people with disabilities, opened in the Adirondacks. The adaptive features include miles of specially graded trails, accessible Adirondack lean-tos, boat and kayak docks, and even solar-powered battery carts to recharge wheelchairs. The park is a collaboration between the state of New York, International Paper (who donated the land and constructed the park), Paul Smith's College, and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation's Task Force on Accessibility.

Clovernook's Braille Publications

In June, Clovernook Center for the Blind helped "Rolling Stone" magazine celebrate its 1,000th issue by producing it in braille for more than 400 readers. Clovernook produces more than 45 million braille pages of print publications each year including "Book World," "Braille Book Review," "Cooking Light," "Harper's Bazaar," "Kiplinger," "Musical Mainstream" and "National Geographic." To learn more, call (513) 522-3860 or visit

New Omni Bar Code Scanner

The newest version of i.d. mate, the Omni is now available as a hand- held talking bar code scanner. It is less than seven inches long and weighs under 1 1/2 pounds. The i.d. mate Omni was shown in the exhibit hall at the Jacksonville convention. For more information, or to set up a demonstration for your organization, call 1-877-579-4380.

And Speaking of Florida...

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush recently signed into law House Bill 281, which creates a new specialty license plate that will raise money to aid Florida residents who are blind or have low vision. The new tag will feature a picture of a lighthouse and the words "A State of Vision." Funds raised by the extra $25 cost of this specialty tag will go to the Florida Association of Agencies Serving the Blind.

Live Taping in Houston

Fans and friends of "The Blind Handyman" and "Blind Like Me" shows are gathering in Houston Nov. 3-6. We promise good weather and lots of live music and fun. We will record three shows, including "Cooking in the Dark," during the weekend. For more information, e-mail Phil Parr at [email protected], or phone (936) 634-9500.

Sight Loss Web Site is designed to help people who have lost or are losing their sight. It includes information on access resources, high tech items, reference lists, national organizations, and a "just for fun" category.

Braille & Color Ink Printer

Emprint is a printer that embosses braille and prints in color simultaneously. It allows braille documents to be shared among sighted colleagues and teachers by printing the corresponding ink characters above or beside the braille. Anything that is seen on a computer screen is printed quickly in braille and color ink, together or separately. The tactile and ink features make maps and diagrams engaging for low-vision and learning- disabled students. The Emprint (TM) package retails for $5,995 and includes the printer, ink, and braille translation software. For more information, contact ViewPlus at (541) 754-4002 or visit

Reasonable Accommodations Document

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently issued a new fact sheet addressing the reasonable accommodation obligation under the Americans with Disabilities Act. It is available on the web site,

Smith Wins Bressler Prize

Pediatric ophthalmologist Lois E.H. Smith has won the Alfred W. Bressler Prize in Vision Science, awarded by the Jewish Guild for the Blind. Dr. Smith works in the Department of Ophthalmology at Boston's Children's Hospital. She will receive the $35,000 prize at a symposium in New York City sometime this fall.

Guild Scholars

The Jewish Guild for the Blind recently awarded scholarships to 14 outstanding students. They are: Heather Bandy, Reseda, Calif.; Christopher Check, San Antonio, Tex.; James Dietz, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Haben Girma, Oakland, Calif.; Martha Harris, Altoona, Pa.; Ariella Herman, Paramus, N.J.; Justin Hodge, Bunker Hill, Ind.; Kyle Knop, Cottage Grove, Minn.; Caitlin Lynch, Smithtown, N.Y.; Rebecca Marcus, San Diego, Calif.; Sarah Massengale, Greenville, S.C.; Emily Michael, Jacksonville, Fla.; Steven Polaski, Oak Bluffs, Mass.; and Starsha Sessions, Sherwood, Ore. For information on the GuildScholar Program's 2007 scholarships, contact Gordon Rovins at (212) 769-7801 or e-mail [email protected].

Employee of the Year

Katie Mincey, a Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind contract employee and member of the D.C. Council of the Blind, was named the 2005 Peter J. Salmon Employee of the Year Award recipient.