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Go the Extra Mile for ACB

by Berl Colley

Hi ACB conventioneers! Do you want to step out and have some fun? Do you want to experience that rush that comes when you can square your shoulders and hit your stride? Then join the ACB Walk-a-thon Team Saturday morning, July 10, and participate in the second annual ACB Walk-a-thon in Phoenix.

We will be inside this year, in the air-conditioned Arizona Mills Mall. This year you can choose to walk 1, 2, or 3 miles. Each circuit around the inside of the mall equals a mile. We can't have any running, because of liability issues with the mall, but you can walk fast.

We will take buses from the Sheraton hotel to the mall, do the walk, then hold an awards ceremony before boarding the buses back to the hotel. ACB President Mitch Pomerantz is flying in from Los Angeles to make the awards presentation.

It only costs $25 to participate. You don't even have to walk in Phoenix. You can pay the $25 and be a virtual walker. For more information about virtual walking, call the national office at 1-800-424-8666 and talk to Dena Wilson, or e-mail her, [email protected]. You can also sign up on the walk web site,, or by calling Alisha Clauson at (612) 332-3242.

Need more information? Contact Dan Dillon at (615) 874-1223, or via e-mail, [email protected].

Time is running out to sign up and start getting those pledges. The heat may be on, but you can be a "cool" member of the ACB walk team. Let's go the extra mile for ACB.