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Expanded CEUs and Professional Development at the Virtual Convention

The 2020 ACB virtual conference and convention will be overflowing with continuing education and professional development opportunities, and they will be within the reach of every individual throughout the United States.

It is disappointing that we cannot gather in Schaumburg for our convention. But vision professionals and others can take advantage of outstanding continuing education and professional development opportunities right from home or office through the power of ACB Radio and the Zoom platform. No need to purchase an airline ticket, spend money on hotel and food, and hope and wait for travel authorizations from work.

Continuing education units will be available for a wide range of programs, seminars, and other events presented by ACB and its committees, special-interest affiliates, and representatives of government agencies and private industry. CEUs in the field of blindness and visual impairment are recognized by the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals (ACVREP).

A list of CE sessions will be posted on the ACB website in early May. Sign up for continuing education units when you register for the convention. Details will be posted on the ACB website at as soon as they are available.

For more information about professional development and continuing education opportunities at the ACB conference and convention, contact Carla Ruschival, CE chair, by phone at 1-877-630-7190 or by email at [email protected].


— Carla Ruschival