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Dots and Dashes 11/15/19

“Dots and Dashes” is a short newsletter featuring a variety of topics and ACB stories. This issue features information about an open conference call hosted by the advocacy committee, upcoming Forum deadlines and themes, ACB’s scholarships, the latest Advocacy Update podcasts, Aira adding Miami International Airport to its airport network, and JPMorgan Chase’s virtual career fair.


Advocacy Committee Hosts Open Call

The ACB Advocacy Committee will host a call open to all ACB members and friends on Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2019, from 8:00 – 9:30 p.m. Eastern (5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Pacific). The purpose of this call is to share the work of the ACB Advocacy Program with the ACB membership, and to provide members with a forum to raise additional issues. This meeting will be hosted on the Zoom Meeting platform. To join this call, please follow the conference instructions below.

Date and Time: Nov. 20, 2019, 8 p.m. Eastern
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 362 461 956
Password: 081422

One tap mobile:
+16465588656,,362461956# US (New York)
+17207072699,,362461956# US (Denver)

Dial by your location:
+1-646-558-8656 (New York)
+1-720-707-2699 (Denver)
Meeting ID: 362 461 956

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Upcoming Forum Deadlines

The theme for January is planning and seeking balance in life. It’s the new year, time for those terrifying resolutions or genuine fresh starts. What throws you off balance in life, and what helps you regain your balance and keep it? January’s deadline is Nov. 22nd.

February’s theme is leaders and leadership. This theme honors ACB’s leadership meetings and legislative advocacy. Who are the leaders in your state and special-interest affiliates? What are their qualities of character and their accomplishments? What makes leadership work? When and how does it thrive, and when does it flounder? The deadline is Dec. 16th.


Scholarship Application Now Available Online

The American Council of the Blind has a great opportunity for students who are legally blind to earn a scholarship, whether you are going to a technical college, an entering freshman, undergraduate or a graduate student. Over $55,000 in scholarships are awarded to students each year. To be eligible, you need to be legally blind, maintain a 3.0 GPA, and be involved in your school/local community.

Scholarship winners will experience firsthand ACB’s national conference and convention in July, where you will meet other students who share the same life experiences, create lasting friendships, and network with individuals who understand what you are going through and can help you with your journey.

Applications for the 2020-2021 school year can be submitted online now through February 14, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. Central time.  All interested candidates must register for a new ACB account prior to submitting a scholarship application online. Visit this link to register.

Candidates should receive an email containing a link to complete the scholarship application after their account request has been approved. Please note that the approval process may take up to three business days. 

For more information, contact Nancy Feela at (612) 332-3242 or 1-800-866-3242.


Advocacy Updates

On the Nov. 7th episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark speak with Jeff Bishop, ACB board member, and part of the critical team that keeps ACB up and running on the Internet. During this conversation, they discuss the work being done to modernize the ACB and ACB Radio websites, and how these tools are used to enhance ACB’s advocacy efforts. Listen via your favorite podcast player or online at A transcript of this podcast is available at

In the Nov. 14th episode, Claire and Clark spoke with Kelly Gasque, Executive Assistant and Multimedia Design Specialist for ACB. This is the second podcast in our two-part series on ACB’s online presence. Kelly talks about the work she does to coordinate and update the ACB website and social media platforms, and we discussed how this information is used to amplify the advocacy and governmental affairs work of ACB. Listen via your favorite podcast player, or online at A transcript of this podcast is available at

If you have feedback on these podcasts, the written transcripts, or ideas for future podcasts, please share them with us at [email protected].


New Addition to Aira’s Airport Network

Miami International Airport is the newest addition to the Aira Airport Network. To view a video demonstration, visit


Virtual Career Fair

JPMorgan Chase announced that they will be hosting a virtual career fair for people with disabilities on December 9th from 1 to 4 p.m. Eastern. They are seeking experienced top talent to connect with their recruiters. To learn more or register, please visit this link. This event is free for jobseekers.