by Mitch Pomerantz
On Jan. 15, Melanie Brunson and I were notified via e-mail that Damar Travel and Cruises was exercising its option giving ACB 90 days notice of intent to cancel the existing agreement between our two organizations. This notice was given subsequent to routine inquiries requested by the ACB board of directors at its teleconference meeting of January 2 and carried out by Brunson.
It is regrettable that Damar has unilaterally chosen this action since so many of us participated in and thoroughly enjoyed at least one of the cruises organized by them. Such cruises were made especially worthwhile by the always friendly and helpful David Kronk. Rest assured that this decision was made solely by Damar's two principle partners, David and Marsha Schuman, without prior consultation with me or anyone else connected with ACB.
Those of you who have sent in deposits for one of the upcoming Damar cruises and wish a refund should contact Damar directly. Also, since cruising has become such a popular form of travel for our members, we would like to contract with another organization which conducts tours for blind and visually impaired people, or would be interested in doing so. Please forward any information you may have to me directly and off-line at either [email protected] or [email protected].