by Ron Milliman
Stephanie Hunolt was one of the grand prize winners in the Monthly Monetary Support (MMS) Program at the 2011 ACB national conference and convention. She won a BookSense donated by GW Micro. Stephanie loves her BookSense, taking it everywhere she goes. She listens to several books each week, at the doctor's office and at home doing dishes and other chores. Since she has lost considerable sensitivity in her fingers and can't read braille anymore, she records and listens to notes with her BookSense.
You could be the next big winner! The MMS Program is again holding daily drawings at convention for valuable packages of gift cards and coupons from major national chains. Then, after convention, one lucky MMS participant will win the grand prize, a BookPort Plus donated by the American Printing House for the Blind. The BookPort Plus reads digital talking books, plays digital audio and Internet radio, downloads podcasts, reads computer files, and makes superb recordings.
To enter the 2012 MMS daily and grand prize drawings, you must either enroll in the MMS Program with a minimum contribution of $10 per month, or increase your existing contribution by a minimum of $5 per month. Anyone who has met these criteria between the end of the 2011 ACB national conference and convention and the close of this year's convention will be placed in the grand prize drawing. In addition, each day during the convention, the people who enroll or increase their contributions by the above minimums will be entered in the daily drawings. If, for example, 10 people enroll or increase their contributions to MMS on Monday, those 10 people will have their names placed in the drawing for that day AND in the grand prize drawing.
More Good News!
You can even increase your chances of winning! Here's how: Your name will be placed in the drawings once for every time your contribution increases by an increment of $5. Here are some examples of how it works:
- You enroll as a new participant in MMS on Wednesday of convention week with a contribution of $15 per month. Your name will be entered twice in Wednesday's daily drawing, once for the $10 minimum initial monthly contribution and once for the additional $5. Your name will also be entered twice in the grand prize drawing for the BookPort Plus.
- If you are already an existing member of the MMS program, like for instance, Mitch Pomerantz, and on Tuesday during convention, Mitch increases the amount of his existing MMS contribution by $20 per month. His name will be placed in the Tuesday daily drawing AND in the grand prize drawing four times, once for each $5 increment of the increase in his MMS contribution (hint, hint).
The MMS table will be open every afternoon of the convention. Exact location and times will be announced during general session and in the convention newspaper.