Stop by the Information Desk at the 2017 national convention! You can:
· find hotel orientation information and menus,
· sign up for newspaper delivery,
· drop off door prizes,
· drop off items for the Brenda Dillon Memorial Auction,
· make reservations for banquet tables, and
· report items you have lost or found.
Friendly and knowledgeable volunteers will be available throughout the convention to answer questions in person and by phone about meeting locations, caucuses, and special activities; download files and distribute hard copies of documents; and log in your door prizes and auction items. If you want materials downloaded, bring your thumb drive, cartridge, or SD card.
If you want to volunteer, contact me at [email protected] or (614) 949-7757. We need a team of willing helpers to make this a really good time in Sparks, Nevada!
— Vicky Prahin