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There’s a First Time for Everything

by Allen Casey

As old as history itself is the frequently quoted axiom, “There’s a first time for everything.”  The universe of examples is infinite.  But there is one first-time experience that is unique to ACB — the Durward K. McDaniel First-Timer program.
Two ACB members will be chosen to attend, for their first time, the 2015 national conference and convention in Dallas as guests of ACB and the DKM committee.  To be eligible, you must be age 18 or older; blind or visually impaired; a member in good standing of ACB; and never have attended a previous national conference and convention.  You also must submit two documents to the DKM committee  — a personal letter of application outlining your qualifications, experience and interest, and a letter of recommendation from the president of your state or special-interest ACB affiliate — and participate in a telephone interview.  Two applicants — one from east and one from west of the Mississippi River — will be selected as 2015 DKM first-timers and will receive an expense-paid trip to Dallas, including round-trip air fare, hotel accommodations (double occupancy), per diem allowance, convention registration fee and tickets to the DKM reception and ACB banquet.  In addition, first-timers participate in convention activities, from the opening session Sunday evening to the closing banquet Friday evening.
The two first-timers will join 2014 DKM first-timers Carol McGhee of West Virginia and Steve Fiksdal of Washington as the newest members of the DKM family.  Letters of application and recommendation must be received in the ACB national office not later than April 1 and should be directed to Sharon Lovering, [email protected] Questions should be directed to DKM chair Allen Casey, [email protected] or (336) 222-0201.  The first time only happens once; don’t pass up your opportunity!