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Survey of Visually Impaired People and Mobility

My name is Martin Goldberg, and I am a Ph.D. student at CUNY Graduate Center, New York, N.Y. I am studying assistive technology for the visually impaired, and focusing on mobility issues. Below is a survey I am conducting to help me in my studies.
The purpose of this survey is get a sense of how the visually impaired population is utilizing digital technology when it comes to getting around – i.e. mobility. The initial questions generate a baseline, to understand what state the user is in. Then we ask questions relevant to our study of what digital technology is out there and how it is being adopted by the visually impaired community.
If you would prefer to take this survey online, go to
If you fill out the survey below, e-mail it to [email protected]when you’re done.
What is your degree of visual difficulty? Choose one:

  • Totally blind
  • Blind – can see light and shapes
  • Low visioned – limited visual acuity
  • Low visioned – high visual acuity
  • Bad vision – not legally blind
  • Other:

What age group best describes you? Choose one:

  • Less than 21 years old
  • Between 21 and 44 years old
  • Between 45 and 65 years old
  • Over 65 years old
  • Prefer not to answer

Gender – Are you … (Choose one)

  • Male
  • Female
  • Other / Prefer not to answer

Distance mobility – how do you travel? Choose all that apply:

  • Use door-to-door pick-up service (e.g. Access-a-Ride)
  • Use public transport
  • Don’t travel
  • Other:

Use of devices while walking. Choose all that apply:

  • White cane
  • Guide dog
  • Telescopic device
  • Other:

Do you have a smartphone? Choose one:

  • Yes – An Apple iPhone
  • Yes – A Google phone
  • Yes – A Microsoft (Cortana) phone
  • No
  • Other:

Do you use your phone to help with getting from one place to another?

  • Yes
  • No

If you answer ‘Yes’ to using a smartphone to aid with walking, tell us what you use and how it helps you get about.
Do you use any of the following GPS products to aid with getting about? Choose all that apply:

  • Loadstone GPS
  • LoroDux
  • Mobile GEO/GEO Mobile
  • BlindSquare
  • Trekker/Trekker Breeze
  • BrailleNote GPS
  • Other:

Does/would social media (BlindSquare, Viz-Wiz, or other crowd-sourcing) help you with getting about? (Choose one)

  • Yes
  • No

Have you been part of a clinical trial for devices or implants to aid with you being able to get about? (If yes, please specify; if not, answer N/A)
Would you be willing to use a crowd navigation system (such as Be My Eyes) which requires you to stream your smartphone video to a person online who guides you for your visual tasks?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe, but I have safety concerns
  • Maybe, but I have privacy concerns

Do you use any electronic travel aids that give feedback either through vibration or by talking?

  • Yes, and I like using them
  • Yes, but I do not like/have issues using them
  • No