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Stride to Explore New Worlds

by Donna Brown

As ACB prepares to set sail and discover new worlds in Columbus, Ohio this summer for its 52nd national conference and convention, the ACB Walk committee is taking huge strides to be an integral part of this expedition.  The fifth annual ACB Walk will be held on Saturday morning, July 6, at beautiful Goodale Park, which is very close to the convention hotel.  The walk route is less than a half-mile long, so we will most likely walk it more than once.
So how can you stretch out your stride and be a part of this exciting outdoor event and help ACB at the same time? In just three small steps you can be making large strides for ACB.
Step 1: Sign up for the walk by paying an entry fee of only $25.  You may do this one of three ways: register online as an individual or a team by clicking the walk link on, by requesting assistance with online registration by calling Donna Brown at (304) 822-4679, or by filling out a hard-copy registration form by either requesting one from the ACB national office or downloading one yourself.
Step 2: Begin collecting donations.  Just simply ask everyone you know, and even people you don't know.  You may be surprised! Don't forget to ask your family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and businesses.
Step 3: Walk proudly for ACB! You may walk either onsite in Columbus or you may walk in the comfort of your own community.
Once again, prizes will be awarded to individuals and teams who reach various levels of received donations and to onsite walkers.  Tune in to the next issue of "The ACB Braille Forum" for more information about these opportunities to win prizes.
If you have any questions, contact Dan Dillon, chair of the walk committee, at (615) 874-1223 or e-mail [email protected].
Please join me in this endeavor, and let's really stride out to raise funds for ACB.