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Special-Interest Affiliate Meetings

American Association of Blind Teachers

President: Kate Crohan
Program Chair: Carla Hayes
Registration: $10 ($12)
Theme: Employment Matters

Sunday, July 3
8:00 AM – 11:00 AM: AABT Breakfast / Program / Meeting $25 ($27), Greenway A.

8:00 AM: “Skills for Work That Work.”  What skills lead to successful employment?  Learn what recent research reveals.  Presenter: Dr. Tabitha Brecke, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Accommodations Specialist, Auburn University, Auburn, AL.

9:30 AM: Break

9:45 AM: AABT Business Meeting

2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: Writers Workshop $8 ($10) Greenway B.  “Embedding Disability into Stories for Children”  Please bring your writers’ tool of choice.  Presenter: Leslye Orr, Author/Actress, Minneapolis, MN.  Co-sponsored by AABT and FIA.
Tuesday, July 5, Lake Nokomis
1:15 PM – 4:00 PM: AABT Program

1:15 PM – 2:30 PM: “The Teaching Job Interview.”  Learn what administrators are looking for in teaching candidates and how you can make your job interview a success.  Presenters: John Davis, Director, Minnesota State Academy for the Blind, Faribault, MN; Susan Glass, Retired English Professor, West Valley Community College, Saratoga, CA.

2:30 PM: Break

2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: “Test for Blind Job Seekers: What is your EQ (Employability Quotient)? Take this test to evaluate your job readiness skills. Bring your writing tool of choice.  Presenter, Carla Hayes, Teacher, CEO, Lengua-Learn Communications, McMurray, PA.
Wednesday, July 6
1:15 PM – 4:00 PM Greenway E

1:15 PM: Welcome to the LUA/BRAILLE/AABT Joint Session: Brian Charlson, President, Library Users of America, Watertown, MA; Paul Edwards, President, Braille Revival League, Miami, FL; Kate Crohan, Arlington, MA, President, American Association of Blind Teachers, provide a welcome and give those present a chance to introduce themselves.

1:30 PM: Meet the Talking Book Narrator.  Get up close and personal with Martha Harmon-Pardee, Denver, CO.

2:30 PM: Break

2:45 PM: What is happening with children's books today?  We will hear from representatives from the National Braille Press and Seedlings to see what is available today and what is planned for tomorrow for blind children and reading.

3:15 PM: Two Books, One ACB.  Explore "Jade Hunter" and "Devil at my Heels", two thrillers written by a blind person and published in mainstream Canada.  Presenter: Charles Mossop, Toronto, Canada.

4:15 PM – 5:30 PM Round & Harmony Sing $4 ($5), FIA Suite.  Take a break from a busy convention and learn simple rounds and songs.  Presenters: Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, Al; Nancy Pendegraph, Huntsville, AL; Susan Glass, Saratoga, CA; Karen Karsh, Denver, CO.  Co-sponsored by FIA & AABT.

American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys

President: Charles Nabarrete
Registration: $38 ($40)

Saturday, July 4, Lake Calhoun
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM: AAVIA Board Meeting, dinner to follow at a local restaurant.
Sunday, July 3, Lake Calhoun

1:15 PM: Opening Remarks And Self Introductions

1:30 PM: Tips on how to manage your law office business, presenter; Bill Lyon, SCORE representative, retired business executive, Minneapolis, MN.

2:45 PM: Recent Developments in U.S. Supreme Court Decisions.  Presenter: Professor Marie Failinger, Mitchell Hamilin School of Law, Minneapolis, MN.

4:00 PM: “Recent Developments in Minnesota Disability Law Litigation.”  Presenter; Pamela Hoopes, Esq., Legal Director, Minnesota Disability Law Center, Minneapolis, MN.

Monday, July 4, Lake Calhoun
1:15 PM – 5:30 PM: AAVIA Program

1:15 PM: Opening Remarks and Self Introductions

1:30 PM: Recent disability law and court decisions regarding disabled persons.  Presenter; Stephen Mendelsohn, Esq., author and expert in the tax
and law  field, San Leandro, CA.

3:00 PM: “The Origins and Developments of the Americans with Disability Act”, Christopher Bell, Esq., ADA consultant, Roseville, MN.

4:00 PM: To Be Announced
Tuesday, July 5, Lake Calhoun
12:15 PM – 4:00 PM: AAVIA Luncheon & Program
$30 ($32)

12:15 PM: Luncheon.  Speakers to be announced
2:45 PM: Meeting of AAVIA members

Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss

President: John Huffman
Registration: $10 ($10)

Monday, July 4, St. Croix
12:15 PM – 4:00 PM: AAVL Lunch and Business Meeting $26 ($29)

12:15 PM: Introductions and luncheon

1:00 PM: Social Security/Medicare Updates from Tony Stephens, ACB Director of Advocacy / Governmental Relations, Alexandria VA.

2:30 PM: Business Meeting
Wednesday, July 6, Greenway C
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM: Rockin' Senior Programs $5 ($8).  Vision Loss Resources built a robust program on a senior center model to assess needs, link clients with resources and engage clients and communities.  Presenter; Yvonne Hundshamer, Vision Loss Resources, St. Paul, MN.

4:00 PM – 5:30 PM: AAVL Mixer $10 ($12).  A relaxed friendly atmosphere; refreshments, conversation and raffles for all!

ACB Diabetics in Action

President: Dee Clayton
Registration: $12 ($15)

Sunday, July 3, Greenway E
1:15 PM – 5:00 PM: Diabetics Seminar and Social $15 ($17)

1:15 PM: The WarmFeet® technique is a relaxation skill, which is specifically designed to improve blood flow to your feet, hands and skin – for diabetic leg pain and healing sores!  Presenter: Birgitta Rice, Certified Health Education Specialist, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

2:45 PM: Safely and easily read information on your prescription bottles with Scriptalk.  Presenter: Dave Bode, Sales Manager – En-vision America, Normal, IL.

4:00PM: Visit with the presenters and seminar attendees while enjoying light refreshments
Wednesday, July 6, Lake Calhoun
12:15 PM – 2:30 PM: ACBDA Lunch and Meeting $29 ($31)

American Council of Blind Families

President: Ron Brooks
Registration: $8 ($10)

Saturday, July 2, Lake Minnetonka
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM: In the Garden with ACBF $7 ($10).  Whether you want to grow food or beautify the patio, gardening is a wonderful, relaxing activity for everyone.  Learn container gardening in this hands-on workshop.
Tuesday, July 5, Great Lakes Ballroom A
7:15 PM – 9:00 PM: ACB Families Bingo $5 ($8).  What do crosses, squares, straight lines, diagonal lines and blackouts have in common?  They appear on the cards of people who join us for BINGO.  Prizes and fun for all!
Wednesday, July 6, Greenway A
7:00 AM – 8:15AM: Breakfast in the Family Tree $20 ($23).  Were your ancestors on the Mayflower?  Were they wealthy or poor, heroes or villains?  Join ACBF for breakfast and our business meeting.  Then, ACBF Board Member Carla Ruschival, Louisville KY, will tell you how you can research your own dark past.

ACB Government Employees

President: Renee Zelickson
Registration: $10 ($10)

Sunday, July 3, President's Suite
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM: ACBGE Mixer $12 ($14).  Network and socialize with ACB government employees.
Thursday, July 7, St. Croix
12:15 PM – 2:30 PM: ACBGE Luncheon and Meeting $30 ($32).  Help ACBGE form a 508 committee to address inaccessibility issues of workplace computers and public self-help computers and kiosks.  Includes ACBGE business meeting.

American Council of Blind Lions

President: June Lenk
Registration: $10 ($12)

Saturday, July 4, President's Suite
9:00 PM – 10:30 PM: ACB Lions Milly's Place, $15 ($18).  A roaring good time with ACB Lions.  Meet friends, share local club ideas and learn about ACBL.
Sunday, July 3, Grant
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM: ACB Lions Board Meeting

Thursday, July 7, Greenway A
Lions Lunch/Reverse Visit…$30 ($32).  Fried chicken, a reverse club visit, and meeting - all wrapped into one great event.  The Minneapolis Can Do Canine Lions Club will be our guests, and their president, Maureen Pranghofer, Minneapolis, MN, will be the speaker.  A fantastic afternoon with ACBL.

ACB Radio Amateurs

President: John Glass
Registration: $5 ($7)

Monday, July 4, Lake Harriet
1:15 PM – 2:30PM: Using Echolink on Your iDevice.  Use Echolink on your iPhone / iDevice to connect with amateur radio stations!  Presenters: John McCann, Tucson, AZ; Steve Dresser, Reading, MA.  Co-sponsored by ACBRA & BITS.

Thursday, July 7, Greenway C
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM: ACB Radio Amateurs Annual Program and Business Meeting

American Council of Blind Students

President: Tiffany Jolliff
Program Chair: Minh Ha
Registration: $5 ($7)

Saturday, July 2, ACBS Suite
8:00 PM – 11:00 PM: ACB Students Welcome Party $8 ($10).  Food, fun and friendship!  Meet new people, get reacquainted with old friends, enjoy great music, and win door prizes!
Sunday, July 3, Greenway A
12:15 PM – 1:45 PM: ACBS Scholarship Winners' Luncheon $30 ($30).  Congratulate and celebrate the accomplishments of the 2016 ACB national scholarship winners, the newest dreamers in the ACB family!  Sponsored by ACBS and RSVA.
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM: ACBS Business Meeting.  Meet the fun and dynamic ACBS board; learn about what initiatives we are working on; listen to specialized presentations for students; get involved in the exciting happenings of ACBS; and win some awesome raffle prizes.
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM: The Future of Learning $5 ($7).  Learn about the accessibility and advocacy requirements of today’s online Learning and Management Systems. Presenters: Brian Charlson, Director of Technology, Carroll Center for the Blind, Newton, MA; Jeff Bishop, Accessibility Analyst, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; Christopher Kchao, Accessibility Specialist, CUNY School of Professional Studies; ACBS Webmaster, New York, NY.  Co-sponsored by ACBS and IAC.
Monday, July 4
1:15 PM – 4:00 PM: Women: Put Your Best Look Forward $15 ($15), Greenway E.  Join ACBS as we learn about current business fashion trends for women & suggestions for hairstyles & makeup.
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: Men: Put Your Best Look Forward $15 ($15), Greenway B.  From the hair on your head to the soles of your shoes; we will help you to look your very best and nail the interview!

Tuesday, July 5
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM: ACBS Business Meeting, Grant.  Are you the next generation of leadership in our fine organization?  You could be the next President, 1st VP, or Treasurer.  Be the next student who changes ACBS for years to come.

2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: A World of Firsts, Greenway GHI.  Speaking About Guide Dogs: Join ACBS and GDUI as a panel of four first time guide dog handlers from four different schools share their experiences of receiving their guides during various points in life.

4:15 PM – 5:30 PM: Mini "APP" Olis $5 ($7) Greenway GHI.  Be a smarter traveler with Smart phone travel apps.  Learn about certain apps that are invaluable as you travel with your guide dog or cane.  Co-sponsored by ACBS & GDUI.
Wednesday, July 6, Lake Minnetonka
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM: Linking into the World $8 ($10).  A career consultant will discuss how LinkedIn can assist you in searching for your next job and advance your career!  Accessibility features will also be discussed.
Thursday, July 7
4:15 PM – 5:30 PM ACBS Business meeting, ACBS Suite

9:15 PM – 11:15 PM: ACBS Comedy Night $12 ($15), Regency Room.  End your week in Minneapolis with lots of laughter.  Enjoy comedian Isaac Witty, cash bar, and our best raffle prizes yet.  A great way to say adieu to the twin cities!

Blind Information Tech Specialists

President: John McCann
Program Chair: Andrea Pitsenbarger
Registration: $20 ($20)
or BITS Package (all BITS events, $63, $63)

Saturday, July 2, BITS Suite
7:30 PM – 9:30 PM: BITS Board Meeting
Sunday, July 3, Lake Harriet
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: What's Fresh in Refreshable Braille Displays.  Representatives of the major companies that produce and sell refreshable Braille devices describe their new products.  This is an opportunity to test-drive the new crop of braille display devices unveiled this year at CSUN!

1:30 PM – 4:00 PM: BITS Vendor Showcase.  An overview of new products our Assistive Technology vendors are highlighting in the exhibit hall.
Monday, July 5, Lake Harriet
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM: Using Echolink on Your iDevice.  Learn how to use Echolink on your iPhone or other iDevice to connect with amateur radio stations around the world! Presenters: John McCann, Tucson, AZ and Steve Dresser, Reading, MA.  Co-sponsored by BITS and ACBRA.

8:30 PM – 11:00 PM: BITS Mixer (in pkg) $15 ($15), BITS Suite.  Meet up with old friends and make some new ones, snacks included.
Tuesday, July 5, Lake Harriet
12:15PM – 2:30 PM: BITS Luncheon (in pkg) $33 ($33).  Dan Roberts, Acting Director, Macular Degeneration Support and Editor-in-Chief, National Prevent Blindness, Grandview, MO will speak about indoor navigation. There will be time to ask questions regarding LowViz Guide. (in BITS pkg).

Blind LGBT Pride International

President: Will Burley
Program Chair: Don Brown
Registration: $12 ($15)
Or BPI Package (all BPI events including one wine tasting): $105 ($122)
Multi-Session Event, BPI Suite:

Monday, July 4, 4:15 PM – 5:30 PM: For the White Wine Lover

Tuesday, July 5, 4:15 PM – 5:30 PM: Reds & Whites; Best of Both Worlds

Wednesday, July 6, 4:15 PM – 5:30 PM.  For the Red Wine Lover

Thursday, July 7, 4:15 PM – 5:30 PM: For the Wine Lover
Let the Wine Tasting Begin $20 ($20), (in BPI Pkg).  Led by a wine consultant, learn about and experience exclusive California artisan wines. Food pairings included. (Limit of 16 each session.)
Saturday, July 2, BPI Suite
5:00 PM: Dinner with BPI’S Board of Directors.  Meet BPI’s Board of Directors and learn about the organization’s plans in an informal social setting.
Sunday, July 3, BPI Suite
3:00 PM – 6:30 PM: BPI's Viking-Size Mixer $20 ($22).  Start convention week with a Viking-sized blast and your first taste of Minneapolis!  Friendly atmosphere, and our unique "Twin-Cities” refreshments. (In BPI pkg).
Monday, July 4, Skyway
2:45 – 4:00 PM: Disability in the Workforce: Kicking and Keeping the Door Open.  Our presenter will review the past research on disability in the work place including current statistics and practical implications.  As part of this research study, we will be able to sign up for a phone interview to discuss job search and socialization experiences.  Presenter: Christian J. Calderon, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN.

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, BPI Suite: Annual Business Meeting and Elections

9:30 PM, BPI Suite: BPI Caucus
Tuesday, July 5, Skyway
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM: Yoga ABC (in BPI Pkg) $10 ($12).  New to yoga?  Learn the fundamentals and get started on your path.  We’ll cover the basics of yoga poses, breath, and insight into the various forms.  An inspiring instructor will give you the ABCs of yoga traditions.  Presenter: Jessica Rosenberg, Certified Yoga Instructor, Yoga Center, Minneapolis, MN.
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: Making Your Affiliate Web Site Accessible and Searchable.  Is your affiliate facing the challenge of creating an accessible website?  We will address these challenges and empower you to make practical changes in your affiliate web site to make it more accessible and searchable.
Wednesday, July 6
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM, Skyway: Breathing for Healing $10 ($12) (in BPI Pkg).  Learn how to heal physical and emotional ailments through breathing.  This workshop will introduce you to a modern twist on ancient breathing practices as a tool to decrease stress and increase energy, focus and health.  Presenter: Sue Arnold, Certified Holistic Therapist, Penny George Institute for Breathing & Healing, Minneapolis, MN.
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM, Skyway: Straight for Equality: How to Be an LGBT Ally.  Open discussion to resolve the barriers to becoming an ally, get specific recommendations for action, and learn how to assist others whether it is friends, family members, co-workers or community members in becoming conduits for change.  Presenters: Al & Donna Ellis, PFLAG Phoenix, Chandler, AZ.
8:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Greenway GHI: BPI Movie “Carol” (Audio Described) $5 ($7), (in BPI pkg).  Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara dramatize the love affair between two women from different backgrounds in 1950s New York.  Conventional norms challenge their love, and their story reveals the resilience of the heart.

Thursday, July 7
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM, Skyway: Nutritional Therapy $10 ($12) (in BPI pkg).  Explore the benefits of a proper diet; learn how healthy nutrition is the natural way to a better life.  Help your body fight disease and illness by supplying the nutrients your body needs.  Presenter: Certified Nutritional Therapist, Tailor Made Nutrition, Minneapolis, MN.
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM, BPI Suite: What’s App-enning.  This fun info-share workshop will give Android and iOS device users an opportunity to demonstrate and exchange ideas about useful and fun apps used in work, learn and play.
9:00 PM: Explore Your 50 Shades, (in BPI pkg) $10 ($12).  BPI opens the floor for adults wanting to enjoy a welcoming environment and a "no-judgment" space. Discover your shades; be entertained and enjoy tasty nibbles, refreshments & crazy door prizes!

Friday, July 8
9:00 PM, BPI Suite: Everything Must Go! (in BPI pkg) $8 ($10).  Join us as we bid a fond adieu to Minneapolis.

Braille Revival League

President: Paul Edwards
Registration: $10 ($12)

Sunday, July 3
1:15 PM – 3:00 PM, Lake Nokomis: BRL Orienteering $6 ($8).  Fun for all, find answers to questions as we wander around the hotel.  You don’t have to be a braille reader to participate.  Have fun and win prizes.

3:30 PM: BRL Pre-Convention Board Meeting
Tuesday, July 5
7:00 AM – 8:15 AM, Greenway A: BRL International Breakfast $25 ($30).  Learn how our brothers and sisters from around the world benefit from using, reading and writing braille.  Presenter, Charles Mossop, WBU North America/Caribbean Region President, Toronto, Canada.
1:15 PM – 4:00 PM, Greenway E: BRL program

1:15 PM: Welcome and introductions: Paul Edwards BRL President, Miami, FL.

1:30 PM: A forum on the implementation of UEB in the United States.  Sandy Ruconich, Salt Lake City, UT. Sandy is ACB'S representative to BANA and will provide her perspective on how implementation is going.  We will also hear from others who can share what is happening in their states.

2:30 PM: Break.

2:45 PM: BRL business meeting; minutes, Treasurer's Report, elections and affiliate reports.

4:15 PM – 5:30 PM: Games with Ralph $6 ($8), Regency.  Use braille to play a number of games, prizes will be awarded to the winners.  See just how good you are at braille and words.
Wednesday, July 6
1:15 PM – 4:00 PM, Greenway E

1:15 PM: Welcome to the LUA/BRL/AABT Joint Session.  Brian Charlson, President, Library Users of America, Watertown, MA; Paul Edwards, President, Braille Revival League, Miami, FL; Kate Crohan, President, American Association of Blind Teachers, Arlington, MA, provide a welcome and give those present a chance to introduce themselves.

1:30 PM: Meet the Talking Book Narrator.  This session will give those present a chance to get up close and personal with Martha Harmon-Pardee, Denver, CO.

2:30 PM: Break

2:45 PM: What is happening with Children's books today?  We will hear from representatives from the National Braille Press and Seedlings to see what is available today and what is planned for tomorrow for blind children and reading.

3:15 PM: Two Books, One ACB. We will explore "Jade Hunter" and "Devil at my Heels", two thrillers written by a blind person and published in the mainstream in Canada.  Presenter: Charles Mossop, Toronto, Canada.

Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

Something for Everyone!
President: Charles Glaser
Program Chair: Jim Jirak
Registration: $20 ($25)
or package all CCLVI events $75 ($95)
Multi-Session Event:

Sunday, July 2 through Wednesday, July 6
5:30 PM - 6:45 PM, CCLVI Suite: Attitude Adjustment Trivia $15 $15 (In CCLVI pkg).  Ticket good for rounds 1 through 4 - only buy a ticket once.  Grab a partner and form a team for nightly trivia contest.  Last team standing at week's end receives a fantastic prize.
Saturday, July 2
8:00 PM – 10:00 PM, CCLVI Suite.  All presidents, or their board designees, are invited to discuss concerns unique to special interest affiliates.

Sunday, July 3
9:00AM – 12:00PM, Lake Superior A: CCLVI Low Vision & Sports.  Whether a spectator or a want-to-be participant, if you have a love and passion for sports, this presentation is for you.  Have you ever wondered how to participate in sports with low vision?  Learn how low vision sports enthusiasts participate in their love of the game.  Presenters include Dan Dillon, Hermitage, TN; Michael Garrett, Missouri City, TX; Robert McDonald, Chicago, IL; and Bill Burgunder, Philadelphia, PA.

1:15 PM – 3:00 PM, Great Lakes B: Audible Darts Training.  Having heard from sports enthusiasts, now it's your turn to join in the fun!  Learn the game of audible darts in preparation for our first audible darts tournament.  Trainer: Shaun Bangsun, Vice-president, Minnesota Blind Dart League, Blaine, MN.

3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, CCLVI Suite: CCLVI Mixer, $15 ($20) (in CCLVI pkg).  Reacquaint with friends and meet the 2016 Fred Scheigert scholarship winners.
Monday, July 4
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM, Lake Superior A: Bioptic Driving Discussion $6 ($8) (in CCLVI pkg).  What is “Bioptic Driving”?  Is it for you?  Learn about driving with bioptics and be prepared to ask questions.  Presenter: Chuck Huss, C.O.M.S., WV Division of Rehabilitation Services, WV Bioptic Driving Program, Driver Rehabilitation Specialist, Charleston, WV.

2:45 PM – 4:00 PM, Lake Superior A: Low Vision Vendor Showcase.  See what is new as exhibitors demonstrate the latest in low vision technological advances.

8:00 PM – 11:00 PM, Greenway A: CCLVI Game Night, $12 ($15), (in CCLVI pkg).  After a busy day of information and networking, unwind and have some fun while playing Trivial Pursuit.  Lots of prizes, snacks and a cash bar.
Tuesday, July 5
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM, Lake Superior A: Voting Independence.  Concerned about your ability to independently cast a private ballot in the upcoming fall elections?  Learn what is new in accessible voting.  Presenter: Pamela Hoopes, Deputy Director/Legal Director Minnesota Disability Law Center, Minneapolis, MN.

2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: CCLVI Annual Membership Meeting, Lake Superior A.  Elections and adoption of proposed constitutional amendments and bylaws.

8:00 PM – 11:00 PM, Great Lakes B: Audible Darts Tournament $10 ($15) (in CCLVI Pkg).  Having been trained on how the game is played, now
have some fun in our first ever audible darts tournament. Lots of prizes, cash bar available.
Wednesday, July 6
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM, Lake Superior A: Parenting with Low Vision $6 ($8) (in CCLVI pkg).  New parent or grandparent? Ever wondered how to keep track of children or grandchildren as someone with low vision? Learn about inexpensive, non-technical solutions and receive a take-home gift.  Presenter: Julie Johnson, Parenting Educator, York, NE.


President: Lynn Hedl
Program Chair: Peter Altschul
Registration: $12 ($15)

Saturday, July 2
7:00 PM, FIA Suite: FIA Board Meeting
Sunday, July 3
2:45 – 4:00 PM: Writers Workshop $8 ($10) Greenway D.  “Embedding Disability into Stories for Children”  Please bring your writers’ tool of choice.  Presenter: Leslye Orr, Author/Actress, Minneapolis, MN.  Co-sponsored by AABT and FIA.

4:30 PM – 6:00 PM: FIA Mixer/Showcase sign-up $18 ($20), FIA suite.  Meet friends and learn how to audition for this year's Showcase.
Monday, July 4
2:45 PM – 5:30 PM: Showcase Audition and Rehearsal, FIA Suite.  Audition your number for the FIA Showcase; no specific time slot needed.  Sponsored by Charter Communictions.

9:00 PM – 11:00 PM: Prose and Poetry Reading, $4 ($5), Lake Calhoun.  Writers are invited to read their original works to a receptive audience.  Moderator: Carla Hayes, McMurray, PA.
Tuesday, July 5
12:15 PM: FIA Luncheon and Business Meeting, $30 ($32), Lake Minnetonka.  Learn about how the Guthrie Theater is using descriptive video.  Speaker: Lauren Keatin, Associate Producer, Guthrie Theater, Minneapolis, MN.

2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: Meet the Artists, $8 ($10), FIA suite
Mingle with artists displaying their work at our booth.  Moderator, Elsie Monthei, Des Moines, IA.

8:00 PM: Performing Arts Showcase, $20 ($25), Nicollet Ballroom.  Talented ACB members will entertain you. Unplug yourself and listen. Cash bar available.
Wednesday, July 6, FIA Suite
4:15PM – 5:30PM: Round & Harmony Sing $4 ($5).  Take a break from a busy convention and learn simple rounds and songs.  Presenters: Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, AL; Nancy Pendegraph, Huntsville, AL; Susan Glass, Saratoga, CA; Karen Karsh, Denver, CO.

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

President: Penny Reeder
Program Chair: Lillian Scaife
Registration: $15 ($15)
Sunday, July 3
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Convention Stress Workshop, Greenway GHI.  Help your dog adjust to the stresses of life at convention.

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: GDUI Hotel Orientation, GDUI Suite, Greenway J.  Work with guide dog school staff to learn your way around the Hyatt. For guide dog users only.

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Greenway GHI: GDUI affiliate roundup.

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Greenway GHI: GDUI board meeting and annual report.
Monday, July 4
6:45 AM – 8:15 AM: GDUI Breakfast Club, meet in lobby.  Join us for a stroll and a bite to eat before a busy day at convention.  All dogs and canes welcome.

7:30 AM – 8:30 AM: GDUI Hotel Orientation, GDUI Suite, Greenway J.  Work with guide dog school staff to learn your way around the Hyatt.  For guide dog users only.

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Open "Paw"-fice Hours, Greenway J.  A seasoned guide dog trainer will be available to answer questions about convention stress or any behavior quirks.

1:15 PM – 5:30 PM: GDUI program, Greenway GHI

1:15 PM: Guide Dog School Updates.  Learn from the guide dog schools about their matching processes, follow-up services and thoughts on positive training methods.

2:45 PM: Your Right to Ride – Lyft, Uber and Your Guide Dog.  How to deal with access challenges when using ride sharing services.  Presenter: Julia Marks, Fellowship Attorney, Disability Rights Advocates, Berkeley, California.

3:30 PM: Inside and Outside of Your Guide Dog.  Learn about the history of dogs; how do their bodies differ from ours, what motivates them and how can we use this knowledge to develop stronger partnerships with our guides?  Presenter: Mike Goehring, Yorktown Heights, NY.

4:15 PM: Canine First Aid and Safety
Learn techniques you can utilize in emergency situations in this hands on workshop. Presenter: Cassidy Anderson, Community Risk Reduction officer, Minneapolis fire department, Minneapolis, MN and representatives from Basic Animal Rescue Training.

7:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Greenway GHI: Staying "On Target.”  How do you find an empty seat in a crowded auditorium, or access your personal mailbox in a row of dozens?  In this hands on workshop handlers who use positive training methods and those who use traditional training methods will learn how it’s done.  Presenter: Patrick Glines, Manager of Guide Dog and O&M Programs, Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc., Smithtown, NY.
Tuesday, July 5
6:45 AM – 8:15 AM: GDUI Breakfast Club, meet in lobby.  Join us for a stroll and a bite to eat before a busy day at convention. All dogs and canes welcome.

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Greenway J: Open "Paw"-fice Hours.  A seasoned guide dog trainer will be available to answer questions about convention
stress or any behavior quirks.

1:15 PM – 5:30 PM: GDUI program, Greenway GHI

1:15 PM: Holistic Dog Care.  Learn the basics of holistic veterinary medicine; how can we promote healthier coats, digestion, ears and gums by giving natural supplements.   Presenter: Dr. Jessica Levy, DVM Holistic Veterinary Care LLC, Ham Lake, MN.

2:45 – 4:00 PM: Speaking About Guide Dogs.  Join ACBS and GDUI as a panel of four first time
guide dog handlers from four different schools share their experiences of receiving their guides during various points in life.

4:15 PM: Mini "APP" Olis $5 ($7).  Be a smarter traveler with Smart phone travel apps.  Learn about certain apps that are invaluable as you travel with your guide dog or cane.   Co-sponsored by ACBS and GDUI.

7:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Canine Massage Techniques $6 ($8) Greenway GHI.  Everyone loves a massage; learn how and why touch matters to your dog in this hands-on workshop.  Presenter: Carla Campbell, Quadrassage, Menlo Park, CA
Wednesday, July 6

6:45 - 8:15 AM: GDUI Breakfast Club, meet in lobby.  Join us for a stroll and a bite to eat before a busy day at convention.  All dogs and canes welcome.

12:15 PM - 1:45 PM: GDUI Luncheon $28 ($30) Greenway GHI.  Meet Bob Bailey, the founder of Mira, USA, the only guide dog school in the country that accepts applicants as young as age eleven.  Learn why children make excellent guide dog handlers and hear inspiring stories of young Mira graduates.  Presenter: Bob Bailey, Mira USA, Pinehurst, NC.

1:45 PM – 2:45 PM: GDUI Business Meeting & Caucus.

7:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Weather Woes!  Greenway A.  How do you brave the ice, snow, or extreme heat with your dog?  Hands-on demonstrations of equipment to protect you and your dog from the elements.  Presenter: Lauren Ross, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Chicago, IL.

Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs

President: Ardis Bazyn
Program Chair: Carla Hayes
Registration: $6 ($8)
Sunday, July 3, RSVA Suite
10:00 PM - 12:00 AM: RSVA / IVIE Mixer (in pkg) $15 ($20).  Join RSVA & IVIE for fun and refreshments; all are welcome.

Monday, July 4, Lake Nokomis
7:00 AM – 8:15 AM: IVIE Breakfast and Business Meeting $24 ($27).   Join us for our annual business meeting. Bring your creative ideas for IVIE!
Wednesday, July 6
12:15 PM: IVIE Luncheon and Program, $29 ($32), St. Croix.

1:00 PM: Welcome and Introductions.  Ardis Bazyn, IVIE President, Burbank, CA.

1:10 PM: “Finding Your Market Niche.”  Learn how to make your business a success by providing products and services that only you can provide.  If you already use niche marketing, come and share your strategies.  Discussion Facilitator, Carla Hayes, CEO, Lengua-Learn Communications, McMurray, PA.

2:45 PM – 5:45 PM: IVIE Business Expo, Minnehaha.  Blind and visually impaired business owners will showcase their products and services and answer your questions.

Library Users of America

President: Brian Charlson
Registration: $10 ($12)
Saturday, July 2, Cedar Lake
4:30 PM: Pre-convention Board Meeting
Monday, July 4
1:15 PM – 4:00 PM: LUA Program, Greenway B

1:15 PM: Welcome and Introductions: Brian Charlson, President, Library Users of America, Watertown, MA

1:25 PM: Initiatives and Issues at NLS.  Karen Keninger, Director, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Washington, DC.

2:30 PM: Break

2:45 PM: What is happening on the Marrakesh Copyright Issue?:  Kim Charlson, Watertown, MA.

3:00 PM: What does literacy mean for the blind?  A debate; panelists TBA.

3:15 PM: Business meeting and elections

5:45 PM – 7:00 PM: Unconventional Ways to Read
$6 ($8), Lake Harriet.  Every year new and exciting ways of reading books come along.  We will look at Alexa and other new ways to access books.  Moderated by Brian Charlson, Watertown MA and Paul Edwards, Miami FL.  Co-sponsored by IAC and LUA.
Wednesday, July 6
1:15 – 4:00 PM, Greenway E

1:15 PM: Welcome to the LUA/BRAILLE/AABT Joint Session.  Brian Charlson, President, Library Users of America, Watertown, MA; Paul Edwards, President, Braille Revival League, Miami, FL; Kate Crohan, President, American Association of Blind Teachers, Arlington, MA, provide a welcome and give those present a chance to introduce themselves.

1:30 PM: Meet the Talking Book Narrator: This session will give those present a chance to get up close and personal with Martha Harmon-Pardee, Denver CO.

2:30 PM: Break

2:45 PM: What is happening with Children's books today?  We will hear from representatives from the National Braille Press and Seedlings to see what is available today and what is planned for tomorrow for blind children and reading.

3:15 PM: Two Books, One ACB. We will explore "Jade Hunter" and "Devil at my Heels", two thrillers written by a blind person and published in the mainstream in Canada. Presenter: Charles Mossop, Toronto, Canada.

4:00 PM: LUA Post-Convention Board Meeting (if necessary).

Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America

President: Dan Sippl
Program Chair: Ardis Bazyn
Registration $20 ($20)
Or RSVA Package (all RSVA events) $120 ($130)
Sunday, July 3
1:30 PM – 5:30 PM: RSVA Program, Lake Superior B

1:30 PM Welcome: Dan Sippl, RSVA President, Eau Claire, WI

1:35 PM Roll Call: Donna Seliger, RSVA Secretary, Des Moines, IA.

1:45 PM “New Business Enterprise Program Facilities in your state including snack bar in MS bingo facility”

2:10 PM "Advocating for your state RS BEP Program" (Update on MN VA issue) Jeff Thom, ACB Visually Impaired Attorneys, Sacramento, CA.

2:30 PM: “Sharing retirement solutions in various states.”  Round table discussion.

3:00 PM: Break

3:15 PM: The latest from RSVA; presenter Deanna Jones, from Rehabilitation Services Administration, Washington, DC.

3:45 PM: Online Marketing for Your Business – What Works Best for You?

4:10 PM: The Latest in Technologies for Your Business.  Round Table Discussion.

4:30 PM: Resolutions/Constitution and Bylaws (first reading) – Ardis Bazyn, Constitution and Resolution Chair, Burbank, CA.

5:00 PM: Nominating Committee – delegates only.

10:00 PM – 12:00 AM: RSVA / IVIE Mixer (in pkg) $15 ($20), RSVA Suite.  Join RSVA & IVIE for fun and refreshments.  All are welcome.
Monday, July 4
12:15 PM – 5:30 PM: RSVA Lunch (in pkg) $35 ($40), Lake Superior B.  Speaker TBA, followed by RSVA annual awards presentations.

2:15 PM: Break

2:30 PM: RSVA Business meeting

4:30 PM: RSVA Caucus

7:30 PM – 8:45 PM: RSVA Comedy Night (in pkg) $15 ($20), Regency Room.  Enjoy some laughs with RSVA.

9:00 PM – 12:00 AM: Musical Game Show $15 ($20), Regency Room.  An interactive evening of trivia questions, game show challenges, & amusing stories from the ‘40’s to the ‘90’s performed by Gary Burnam.
Tuesday, July 5
5:30PM – 11:55PM: RSVA Mystic Lake Casino $30 ($35) (in RSVA pkg).  Enjoy a trip to Mystic Lake Casino.  Have dinner out, enjoy entertainment, play some slots, or try the $1 Black Jack.  A snack will be available on the way.  All are welcome.

Visually Impaired Veterans of America

President: John Fleming
Registration: $10 ($10)
Tuesday, July 5, VIVA table in Nicollet Ballroom
12:15 PM – 2:00 PM: Luncheon and VIVA business meeting.