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Special-Interest Affiliate Meetings

Audio-Visual Services Sponsored in Part by Google

Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss

President: John Huffman
Registration: $10 ($10)

Sunday, July 7, Grant

12:15 PM: AAVL Luncheon $27 ($29)

  • Discussion of programs in Ohio that promote independence and brighter horizons for Ohio's elder blind.  AAVL business meeting to follow.

Monday, July 8, Delaware A

2:45 PM: Is Rehab Working? $5 ($7)

  • Interactive session with Janet LaBreck, Commissioner, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Washington, DC; Dr. Jamie O'Malley, Assistant Professor on Research, National Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS; Dan Sippl, President, Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America, Eau Claire, WI; Ardis Bazyn, Secretary, RSVA, Burbank, CA; Sara Conrad, President, ACB Students and Member, ACB Board of Directors, Stevensville, MI; Paul Edwards, Chair, Board of Publications, Miami, FL.  Sponsored by Rehab Issues Task Force, AAVL, ACBS and RSVA.

Tuesday, July 9

1:15 PM: Ohio Elder Blind Services, Union A

  • April Bagley, Contract Service Specialist, Ohio Elder Blind Services, Columbus, OH; innovative services provided to Ohio’s elder blind.

4:15 PM: Musical Mixer $10 ($12), Suite 2036

  • Music, refreshments, conversation & raffles.

American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys

President: Chris Prentice
Registration: $25 ($27)

Saturday, July 6, Fayette

4:00 PM: AAVIA Board meeting

Sunday, July 7, Morrow

1:15 PM: Welcome; introductions; announcements: Chris Prentice, Esq., Austin, TX

1:25 PM: Sighted Assistants

  • Hiring, training, working with, compensating and firing them.  Pshon Barrett, Esq., Assistant US Attorney, Jackson, MS; Hon. Charles Nabarrete, Judge, California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, West Covina, CA; Jim Kracht, Esq., retired, Miami, FL; Stephen Speicher, Esq., solo private practice, Lincoln, NE

2:40 PM: Break

2:50 PM: The 2012-2013 Supreme Court Term

  • A review, including numerous important and controversial cases, with an update on constitutional law issues.  Ruth Colker, Esq., Distinguished University Professor and Heck Faust Memorial Chair in Constitutional Law, Moritz College of Law, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

4:05 PM: Break

4:15 PM: Let’s Look at the Record(s): A Greek Drama

  • Steven Blow, Esq., Assistant Counsel, New York Department of Public Service, Albany, NY

6:30 PM: Lawyers' night out

  • AAVIA members and friends meet in hotel lobby for dinner at a local restaurant.

Monday, July 8, Taft A 

1:15 PM: Joni and Friends

  • The Joni and Friends Ohio model for working with government agencies and the private sector to better serve people affected by disability; how Joni and Friends equips religious institutions for full inclusion of people with disabilities.  Debra Petermann, Public Relations Manager, Joni and Friends, Xenia, OH

2:30 PM: Break

2:45 PM: Creating PowerPoint Presentations Using Adaptive Technology.  Includes other technology issues and opportunities for lawyers.  Ryan Jones, Trainer, Freedom Scientific, St. Petersburg, FL

4:00 PM: Break

4:15 PM: Ohio's Seclusion and Restraint Policy

  • The impact of the Ohio State Board of Education's seclusion and restraint policy on students with disabilities; representation of families adversely affected by this policy; recently adopted Standards for the Implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention Supports and the Use of Restraint and Seclusion.  Amy J. Borman, Esq., Member, Eastman & Smith, Ltd., Columbus, OH

Tuesday, July 9, Grant

12:15 PM: AAVIA Luncheon $32 ($35).

  • Speaker: Jonathan Hollingsworth, President, Ohio State Bar Association, Dayton, OH

1:25 PM: Break

1:30 PM: Update on Structured Negotiations

  • Lainey Feingold, Esq.

2:30 PM:  Break

2:40 PM: Business Meeting; post-convention Board meeting

ACB Diabetics in Action

President: Dee Clayton
Registration: $12 ($15)

Saturday, July 6, Grant

12:15 PM: Diabetics Luncheon $27 ($29)

1:30 PM: Business meeting

Tuesday, July 9, Union B

1:15 PM: Diabetes in Progress $8 ($10)

  • Great tips on living a healthier life and coping with diabetes.  Presented by ACBDA and BPI.  Brenda Rendelma, Central Ohio Diabetes Association, Columbus, OH; Nan Ellen Criner, Program Manager, Central Ohio Primary Care Physicians, Westerville, OH

ACB Families

President: Deanna Scoggins
Registration: $8 ($10)

Monday, July 8, Fairfield

7:15 PM: Families Bingo Bonanza $5 ($5)

  • From picture frames to postage stamps to progressive cover-alls - fun for everyone from tweens to teens to seniors.  Lots of winners; lots of prizes.

Tuesday, July 9, Grant

7:00 AM: ACB Families Breakfast Meeting $15 ($18)

  • ACB Families on the move; future plans; elections.

ACB Government Employees

President: Sarah Presley
Registration: $10 ($10)

Saturday, July 6, Suite 2007

3:00 PM: ACBGE Mixer $12 ($14)

  • Network with past, present, and future government employees.

Monday, July 8, Union A

1:15 PM: Employment Equality For All

  • Seminar hosted by ACBGE and BPI.  Kathleen Martinez, Assistant Secretary, Office of Disability Employment Policy, US Department of Labor, Washington, DC

Wednesday, July 10, Grant

12:15 PM: ACBGE Lunch & Business Meeting $27 ($27)

  • Government Employment? A World of Opportunity! Work at the state and federal level; international experiences with the State Department and the Peace Corps.  Elizabeth Sammons, Assistant, Vocational Rehabilitation Programs, Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission, Columbus, OH

ACB Human Service Professionals

President: Darian Slayton Fleming
Registration: $10 ($12)

Tuesday, July 9, Marion

4:15 PM: Managed Health Care $5 ($7)

  • Impact of health care reform on managed health care and fee-for-service coverage; health care trends.  Dr. Brad Lucas, Chief Medical Officer, Buckeye Community Health Plan, Columbus, OH; Anthony Evans, Vice President for Integrated HealthCareSource, Columbus, OH.  Presented by ACBHSP and NELDS.

5:45 PM:  Dinner and Meeting $28 ($30), Harding

  1. Interactive presentation on solution-focused affiliate growth; setting goals, membership development, fund-raising. Open to members and prospective members.  Ardis Bazyn, inspirational speaker, author and ACB Membership Chair, Burbank, CA; George Holliday, ACB Membership Committee and member, ACB Board of Directors, Philadelphia, PA
  2. Rebuild or Dissolve?  Possible vote as per bylaws.
  3. Election of Officers; discussion of next steps; action planning

American Council of Blind Lions

President: Kenneth Semien
Registration: $10 ($12)
Proud Pearl sponsor of an ACB scholarship winner attending the 52nd ACB conference and convention

Friday, July 5, Suite 2007

9:00 PM: Milly's Place Pin Swap $12, ($15)

  • Share news from your local club; trade pins; friends, fun and snacks

Saturday, July 6, Harding

9:30 AM: ACBL Board Meeting

Tuesday, July 9, meet in lobby

6:00 PM: ACBL Local Club Visit $25 ($27)

  • Dinner and a great local club visit with the Columbus Northeast Lions Club at the Holiday Inn in Worthington, OH.

Wednesday, July 10, Taft D

12:15 PM: ACBL Luncheon & Meeting $27 ($29)

  • Tribute to Lion Jim Shaw; share your memories.

ACB Radio Amateurs

President: Steve Dresser
Registration: $5 ($7)

Wednesday, July 10, Clark

2:45 PM: ACBRA program and business meeting

  • Using your iPhone or Android device with EchoLink to talk with Hams around the world.

ACB Students

President: Sara Conrad
Program Chair: Caitlin Lynch
Registration: $5 ($7)

Friday, July 5, Suite 2036

8:00 PM: ACB Students Welcome Party $8 ($10)

  • Food, fun, and friendship.  Meet new people and get reacquainted with old friends.

Saturday, July 6, Taft C

10:45 AM: ACBS Business Meeting

  • Meet your ACBS board; hear about our accomplishments this year. Special presentations; awesome raffles.

12:15 PM: ACBS Scholarship Luncheon $26 ($28)

  • Join ACBS and RSVA to celebrate the accomplishments of this year's national scholarship winners, the newest shining stars in the ACB galaxy.

2:45 PM: Exploring Opportunities

  • Join ACBS and BPI at a panel discussion on educational and career resources and opportunities.  Moderator: Mark Hanohano, Program Director, Community Association of the Blind, Garden Grove, CA

Sunday, July 7, Madison

4:15 PM: O&M: College, Careers, & Beyond  $5 ($7)

  • Learn about guide dogs, canes, and how young people are utilizing these mobility aids to conquer obstacles and create positive changes.  Young people explain why they chose their mobility aids and why more youth are choosing to partner with a guide dog.

Monday, July 8, Marion

1:15 PM: ACBS Business Meeting

  • Are you the next generation of leadership in our fine organization?  You could be the next president, second VP, treasurer or secretary.  Be the next student who changes ACBS for years to come.

2:45 PM: Is Rehab Working? $5 ($7)

  • Interactive session with Janet LaBreck, Commissioner, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Washington, DC; Dr. Jamie O'Malley, Assistant Professor on Research, National Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS; Dan Sippl, President, Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America, Eau Claire, WI; Ardis Bazyn, Secretary, RSVA, Burbank, CA; Sara Conrad, President, ACB Students and Member, ACB Board of Directors, Stevensville, MI; Paul Edwards, Chair, Board of Publications, Miami, FL.  Sponsored by Rehab Issues Task Force, AAVL, ACBS and RSVA

Wednesday, July 10, Union B

9:00 PM: ACBS Comedy Night $10 ($12)

  • End your week in Columbus on a high note.  Enjoy a great comedian, cash bar, and our best raffle prizes yet.  A great way to say adios to Columbus and those old/new friends you've just made.

Blind Information Technology Specialists (BITS)

President: Richard Villa
Program Chair: Renee Zelickson
Registration: $15 ($15) or BPI pkg.: $55 ($60)

Friday, July 5, Harding

7:30 PM: BITS Board Meeting

Saturday, July 6, Taft A

10:00 AM: Accessible Tablet Computers

  • A panel of users discuss the pros and cons of the various brands of accessible tablets.

1:30 PM: Braille Displays

  • Representatives from various companies discuss models and features of their products.

Sunday, July 7, Taft A

1:15 PM: BITS Vendor Showcase

  • Technology vendors review products in their booths in the exhibit hall.

Monday, July 8, Taft D

12:15 PM: BITS Luncheon and meeting $25 ($28)

8:30 PM: Bytes with BITS $15 ($16), 2036

  • Relax, mingle and catch up with friends after a long day of meetings.

Blind LGBT Pride International (BPI)

President: Guillermo Robles
Program Chair: Mark Hanohano
Registration: $15 ($18) or BPI pkg: $97 ($97)

Friday, July 5, BPI Suite

4:00 PM: BPI Welcome Party & Mixer $25 ($25)

  • A fun evening of socializing, drinks, and great food.

Saturday, July 6, BPI Suite

1:15 PM: BPI Caucus

  • BPI's general meeting; listen to candidates speak out.  BPI will also be hearing from candidates running for board positions on the BPI board of directors.

2:45 PM: Exploring Opportunities $5 ($7), Taft C

  • Join BPI and ACBS at a panel discussion on educational and career resources and opportunities.  Moderator: Mark Hanohano, Program Director, Community Association of the Blind, Garden Grove, CA

Sunday, July 7, Fairfield

2:45 PM: Les Misérables $8 ($8)

  • Audio-described film set against the backdrop of 19th-century France, Les Misérables tells the story of ex-prisoner Jean Valjean, hunted for decades by the ruthless policeman Javert, after he breaks parole. When Valjean agrees to care for factory worker Fantine's young daughter, Cosette, their lives change forever.

Monday, July 8, Union A

1:15 PM: Employment Equality For All

  • Seminar hosted by ACBGE and BPI.  Kathleen Martinez, Assistant Secretary, Office of Disability Employment Policy, US Department of Labor, Washington. DC

2:45 PM: The State of Equality

  • Seminar on the state of equality for all people in Ohio.  Kim Welter, Executive Director, Equality Ohio, Columbus, OH

5:45 PM: BPI Annual Business Meeting, Marion

  • See what exciting things have been happening with BPI throughout the year and what you can expect to see in the future.

Tuesday, July 9, Union E

12:15: BPI/IVIE Luncheon $27 ($30)

12:55 PM: Welcoming Remarks, Carla Hayes, President, Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs, McMurray, PA

1:00 PM: Taking the Ice out of Cold Calling

  • Making the grind worth your time when approaching new customers.  Michael Jillisky, Business Development Manager, T-Mobile USA, Columbus, OH

1:45 PM: Gaining a Strategic Edge with Social Media

  • Best practices and techniques on building a proper business-to-business social media strategy that meets your goals.  William Burley, Burley-Wilson Associates, Houston, TX

Tuesday, July 9, Union B

1:15 PM: Diabetes in Progress $8 ($10)

  • Great tips on living a healthier life and coping with diabetes.  Presented by BPI and ACBDA.  Brenda Rendelma, Central Ohio Diabetes Association, Columbus, OH; Nan Ellen Criner, Program Manager, Central Ohio Primary Care Physicians, Westerville, OH

Wednesday, July 10, BPI Suite

1:15 PM: What’s ‘Appening Workshop

2:45 PM: Exploring Your Passions $15 ($15)

  • Using all the senses and discovering true intimacy.  William Burley, Burley-Wilson Associates, Houston, TX

6:15 PM: BPI Farewell Party $7 ($7), BPI Suite

  • Join us for our Farewell Party and Recognition of Volunteers.

Braille Revival League

President: Judy Jackson
Program Chair: Ralph Smitherman
Registration: $10 ($12)

Saturday, July 6, Harding

1:15 PM: Orienteering $5 ($7)

  • Compete for prizes by following braille signage to find specified locations throughout the hotel.

3:30 PM: Pre-Convention BRL Board Meeting

Monday, July 8, Union E

7:00 AM: BRL International Breakfast $25 ($30)

  • Guests: Peter Brass, Executive Board Member, German Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted, Berlin, Germany; Judith M. Dixon, Project Manager, World Braille Usage 3rd Edition, Revised, NLS, Washington, DC

1:15 PM: BRL Program, Union C

  • Welcome and introductions: Judy Jackson, President, Braille Revival League, Miami, FL

1:30 PM: The 2013 NLS Braille Summit

  • Report and preliminary summary findings.  Kim Charlson, Director, Perkins Braille and Talking Book Library, Watertown, MA; Judith M. Dixon, Braille Development Officer, National Library Service for the Blind & Physically Handicapped, Washington, DC; and Paul Edwards, President, Library Users of America, Miami, FL

2:00 PM: BRL Business Meeting

2:30 PM: Break

  • 2:45 PM: Unified English Braille workshop and Training: Judy Dixon, Chair, Education and Outreach Committee, Braille Authority of North America; Kim Charlson, ACB Representative to BANA

4:15 PM: Play the game of Farkle $10 ($12), Delaware D

  • Roll the dice, match the numbers, score the most points, and win a prize!

Tuesday, July 9, Taft B

1:15 PM: Welcome to the BRL/LUA/NABT Joint Session: Judy Jackson, President, Braille Revival League, Miami, FL; Paul Edwards, President, Library Users of America, Miami, FL

1:30 PM: Meet Talking Book narrator Gregory Gorton, Potomac Talking Book Services, Inc., Bethesda, MD

2:10 PM: The New Phone App for NLS Books and How it Works with Braille: Judith M. Dixon, Consumer Relations & Braille Officer, NLS, Washington, DC

2:30 PM: Break

2:45 PM: Three Authors, One ACB

  • How three blind authors wrote and published their books.  Sponsored by BRL, FIA, LUA, and NABT.  Co-moderators: Paul Edwards, Miami, FL; Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, AL.  Authors: Stephen Kuusisto, Syracuse, NY; Peter Altschul, Columbia, MO; and Sue Martin, Springdale, AL

Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

President: Jim Jirak
Registration: $10 ($12)

Friday, July 5, Fayette

3:00 PM: CCLVI Board Meeting

Saturday, July 6, Morrow

9:00 AM – 12:00PM: CCLVI Program

9:00 AM: Welcome/Introduction - President Jim Jirak

9:25 AM: Proposed constitutional amendments first reading

9:30 AM: Introduction of 2013 Fred Scheigert winners - Mike Gravitt, Chair

10:30 AM:  CCLVI/BOP Workshop

  • Making websites and publications that are more user-friendly to people with low vision. Bring your laptop to follow along.

4:00 PM: CCLVI Mixer $10 ($12), 2036

  • Mix and mingle; food and fun!

Sunday, July 7, Union A

1:15 PM: ACB Passport $5 ($7)

  • Traveling abroad as a person who is blind or visually impaired.  Sponsored by CCLVI and IRC.

3:15 PM: Vendor Showcase: Low vision friendly products

7:00 PM: Game Night $10 ($12), Union E

  • Play "oral hijinks" - puns with words!

Monday, July 8, Union B

1:15 PM: Business Meeting

Tuesday, July 9, Union C

1:15 PM: CCLVI Movie, $5 ($5)

  • "Going Blind, Going Forward"

2:45 PM: CCLVI/IVIE Toastmasters©, $5 ($5)

  • Learn how to speak in public.  It's lots of fun!

Friends-in-Art of ACB

President: Peter Altschul
Program Chair: Lynn Hedl
Registration: $8 ($10)

Saturday, July 6, FIA Suite

9:30 AM: Board Meeting

4:00 PM: FIA Mixer/Showcase Signup $18 ($20)

  • Light refreshments; mingle with friends; sign up for an audition slot for this year's Showcase.

Sunday, July 7, FIA Suite

1:15 PM: iMusic Madness $4 ($5)

  • iOS apps that aid in practice and performance.  Wayne Pearcy, Student, Berklee College of Music, Allston, MA

2:45 PM: FIA Showcase Auditions, Franklin

  • Audition at pre-assigned times for a spot in the first act of the FIA Showcase.  Sign up at the FIA mixer or at the FIA booth in the exhibit hall.

9:00 PM: Prose and Poetry Reading $4 ($5), Madison

  • Writers read their original works to a receptive audience.  Moderator: Carla Hayes, McMurray, PA

Monday, July 8, Taft C

12:15 PM: FIA Luncheon/Business Meeting $27 ($30)

  • Our Experiences at the Rose Bowl Parade: Dan Kelly, Band Director, Ohio State School for the Blind, Columbus, OH. Business meeting to follow.

2:45 PM: Meet the Artists $4 ($5), FIA Suite

  • Meet the artists whose works are displayed at the FIA exhibit booth.

8:00 PM: FIA Showcase of the Performing Arts $18 ($20), Franklin

  • Performances by familiar ACB musicians and first-time performers.  Featuring Blind Reflexx, an exciting band from Illinois, playing some of your favorites.  The second act will feature unauditioned performers.  Cash bar open throughout the show.

Tuesday, July 9, Taft A

1:15 PM: The Art of Listening $8 ($10)

  • Write impromptu musical poems; explore the art of improvisation.  Stephen Kuusisto, poet, Syracuse NY

2:45 PM: Three Authors, One ACB, Taft B

  • How three blind authors wrote and published their books.  Sponsored by BRL, FIA, LUA, and NABT.  Co-moderators: Paul Edwards, Miami, FL; Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, AL.  Authors: Stephen Kuusisto, Syracuse, NY; Peter Altschul, Columbia, MO; and Sue Martin, Springdale, AL

4:15 PM: Singing Around the Universe $4 ($5), FIA Suite

  • Learn harmony songs and rounds that are fun to sing and share with students or children.  Take home a CD along with print/Braille words.  Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, AL; Susan Glass, Saratoga, CA; Karen Karsh, Denver, CO

Wednesday, July 10, FIA Suite

7:30 AM: FIA Post-Convention Board Meeting

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

President: Laurie Mehta
Program Chair: Mary Beth Randall
Registration: $15 ($15)

The GDUI suite is in Garfield. Suite hours are: Friday, July 5, noon to 5:00 PM; Saturday, Sunday, Monday, July 6 - 8, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM; Tuesday, July 9, 9:00 AM to noon.
The GDUI suite is a great place to meet friends, give your dog a break, purchase products from either GDUI or our vendor boutique, or get your dog's nails trimmed or ears cleaned (vet tech schedule to be announced). Don't forget to bid on the exciting items in GDUI's silent auction!

Saturday, July 6, McKinley

11:00 AM: First-Timers’ Session

  • If this is your first convention or the first in a long time, this is a great place to share tips for a less stressful experience for both you and your dog.  Jane Sheehan, Silver Spring, MD; Sandra Johnson, Greenwood, IN

12:00 PM: Hotel Orientation, Garfield

  • Link up with guide dog instructors for an orientation to the most important places you will need to find around the hotel.

2:00 PM: Affiliate Roundup, McKinley

  • Updates from GDUI's state affiliates.

3:00 PM: First-Timers’ Session, Taft B

  • If this is your first convention or the first in a long time, this is a great place to share tips for a less stressful experience for both you and your dog.  Jane Sheehan, Silver Spring, MD; Sandra Johnson, Greenwood, IN

4:00 PM: GDUI Board Meeting, McKinley

  • The board will conduct business if there is a quorum. Annual report available.

4:00 PM: Hotel Orientation, Garfield

  • Link up with guide dog instructors for an orientation to the most important places you will need to find around the hotel.

Sunday, July 7, Lobby

7:00 AM: GDUI Breakfast Club

  • Meet in lobby for a short walk to Sunny Street Cafe.

1:15 PM: GDUI Opening Session, McKinley

1:15 PM: Introductions, announcements, and welcome: Laurie Mehta, President, Guide Dog Users, Inc., Cincinnati, OH

2:00 PM: Guide Dog School Updates

  • What's going on at the guide dog schools?  What are they planning for the future?  What are the qualifications that prospective students must have to be accepted into class?

3:00 PM: Break

3:15 PM: Guide to Success

  • How to advocate for yourself on the local, national, and international level.  Charlie Crawford, GDUI Vice President, Silver Spring, MD; Michael May, President, Sendero Group, Davis, CA

7:00 PM: Nature Walk $5 ($7), Lobby

  • Take a walk on a mile-long nature trail located about two blocks from the hotel.  Trail features informative tactile art pieces and places to sit and relax. Don't forget your mosquito repellent!

Monday, July 8, Lobby

7:00 AM: GDUI Breakfast Club

  • Meet in lobby for a short walk to Sunny Street Cafe.

1:15 PM:  Announcements: McKinley

1:30 PM: Veterinary ophthalmology.  Dr. Anne J. Gemensky Metzler, DVM, Ohio College of Veterinary Medicine, Columbus, OH

2:15 PM: Break

2:30 PM: Keeping a Retired Guide

  • Experienced guide dog handlers discuss the joys, pain, and health and aging issues of living with a retired guide.  Mary Beth Randall, Fresno, CA; Laurie Mehta, Cincinnati, OH

3:15 PM: Wheelchair Guides

  • How these partnerships work and how wheelchair guides are trained.  Paula Barton, Fresno, CA; Chuck Farrugia, Field Representative, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Kalamazoo, MI

7:00 PM: "Simon Says" Guide Dog Style, $5 ($7)

  • Test your dog's obedience skills by playing a fun game of "Simon Says."  Prizes; lots of fun for everyone.

Tuesday, July 9, Lobby

7:00 AM GDUI Breakfast Club

  • Meet in lobby for a short walk to Sunny Street Cafe.

12:15 PM: GDUI Lunch $28 ($30), Taft C

  • From Sterling to Steel.  The inspiring story of how Sue Martin, Springdale, AL, overcame severe depression to become a successful, energetic woman and guide dog user.  A journey from silver medals, through tribulations, by force of steely determination, to today's success.

2:45 PM: GDUI Caucus

  • Meet the candidates for ACB office.

7:30 PM: Dog Stories and More $5 ($7), Garfield

  • Share humorous or moving stories about your partnership with your guide dog(s).

Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs

President: Carla Hayes
Theme: "Building Competence and Confidence"
Registration: $6 ($8)

Saturday, July 6, RSVA suite

10:00 PM: RSVA/IVIE Mixer $15 ($20)

Sunday, July 7, Grant

7:00 AM: IVIE Breakfast & Meeting $22 ($25)

Tuesday, July 9, Union E

12:15 PM: IVIE/BPI Luncheon $27 ($30)

12:55: Welcoming Remarks, Carla Hayes, President, Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs, McMurray, PA

1:00 PM: Taking the Ice out of Cold Calling

  • Making the grind worth your time when approaching new customers.  Michael Jillisky, Business Development Manager, T-Mobile USA, Columbus, OH

1:45 PM: Gaining a Strategic Edge with Social Media

  • Best practices and techniques for building a proper business-to-business social media strategy that meets your goals.  William Burley, Burley-Wilson Associates, Houston, TX

2:45 PM: IVIE/CCLVI Toastmasters, $5 ($5), Union C

  • Learn how to speak in public.  It's lots of fun!

Wednesday, July 10, Taft A

12:30 PM: IVIE Business Expo

  • Blind and visually impaired business owners showcase their products and services and answer your questions.

Library Users of America

President: Paul Edwards
Registration: $10 ($12)

Friday, July 5, Champaign

5:30 PM: Pre-convention Board Meeting

Sunday, July 7, Union C

1:15 PM: Welcome and Introductions: Paul Edwards, President, Library Users of America, Miami, FL

1:25 PM: Initiatives and Issues at NLS

  • Karen Keninger, Director, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Washington, DC

2:30 PM: Break

2:45 PM: The International Copyright Provision and the Sharing of Books Across Borders

  • Justin Hughes, head of the US delegation to WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and Senior Advisor to the Undersecretary of Commerce, US Patent and Trademark Office, Department of Commerce, Washington, DC

3:05 PM: A Look at a Winning Library

  • Ohio, the NLS Talking Book Library of the Year, was selected for its innovative efforts to make services effective in spite of a shrinking economy.  Will Reid, Manager, Ohio Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled, Cleveland OH

3:30 PM: Business meeting and elections

5:45 PM: Let Me Count the Ways $5 ($7), Taft C

  • LUA and IAC demonstrate how to read a book in the information age.

Monday July 8, Fairfield

5:45 PM: Book Mark-it $5 ($7)

  • Check out our books for purchase or trade; snacks provided.

Tuesday, July 9, Taft B

1:15 PM: Welcome to the LUA/BRL/NABT Joint Session: Judy Jackson, President, Braille Revival League, Miami, FL; Paul Edwards, President, Library Users of America, Miami, FL

1:30 PM: Meet Talking Book narrator Gregory Gorton, Potomac Talking Book Services Inc., Bethesda, MD

2:10 PM: The New Phone App for NLS Books and How it Works with Braille: Judith M. Dixon, Consumer Relations & Braille Officer, NLS, Washington, DC

2:30 PM: Break

2:45 PM: Three Authors, One ACB

  • How three blind authors wrote and published their books.  Sponsored by BRL, FIA, LUA, and NABT.  Co-moderators: Paul Edwards, Miami, FL; Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, AL.  Authors: Stephen Cuusisto, Syracuse NY; Peter Altschul, Columbia, MO; and Sue Martin, Springdale, AL

4:00 PM: LUA Post-convention Board Meeting

National Association of Blind Teachers

President: Carla Hayes
Theme: "Touching the Universe"
Registration: $10 ($12)

Saturday, July 6, Grant

8:00 - 11:00 AM: NABT Breakfast & Program $25 ($27)

8:45 AM: Old And New Ways of Touching the Universe

  • Discussion of old and new methods of teaching science to blind and visually impaird students.

9:30 AM:  Break

9:45 AM:  Business Meeting and Elections

Monday, July 8, Union D

1:15 PM: NABT STEM Day $4 ($5)

1:15 PM: Touch Technology for STEM

  • Using computer haptics to make math and science lessons accessible.  Dr. Marjorie Darrah, CEO, eTouch Sciences, Grafton, WV

1:45 PM:  APH Presents STEM Products

  • Demonstration of the Talking Graphic Calculator and other STEM products.  Plenty of time for hands-on examination of the products.

Tuesday, July 9, Taft B

1:15 PM: Welcome to the LUA/BRL/NABT Joint Session: Judy Jackson, President, Braille Revival League, Miami, FL; Paul Edwards, President, Library Users of America, Miami, FL

1:30 PM: Meet Talking Book narrator Gregory Gorton, Potomac Talking Book Services Inc., Bethesda, MD

2:10 PM: The New Phone App for NLS Books and How it Works with Braille: Judith M. Dixon, Consumer Relations & Braille Officer, NLS, Washington, DC

2:30 PM: Break

2:45 PM: Three Authors, One ACB

  • How three blind authors wrote and published their books.  Sponsored by BRL, FIA, LUA, and NABT.  Co-moderators: Paul Edwards, Miami, FL; Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, AL.  Authors: Stephen Cuusisto, Syracuse NY; Peter Altschul, Columbia, MO; and Sue Martin, Springdale, AL

4:15 PM: FIA/NABT Singing Around the Universe $4 ($5), FIA Suite

  • Learn harmony songs and rounds that are fun to sing and share with students or children.  Take home a CD along with print/Braille words.  Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, AL; Susan Glass, Saratoga, CA; Karen Karsh, Denver, CO

Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America

President: Dan Sippl
Program Chair; Ardis Bazyn
Registration: $20 ($20)
RSVA Package: $95 ($100)
Proud Coral sponsor of the Scholarship Winners' Dinner and Luncheon

Saturday, July 6, Fayette

10:00 AM: RSVA Board of Directors Meeting

1:15 PM: "Moving Forward with Confidence," Morrow

1:30 PM: Welcome: Dan Sippl, RSVA President, Eau Claire, WI

1:35 PM  The Ohio Business Enterprise Program: Tonia Koo, Business Enterprise Program, Cincinnati, OH

2:05 PM:  Highlights from Ohio vendors:  Richard Bird, Vendor, Cleveland, OH

2:35 PM: Latest in SSA and Medicare

3:10 PM: Break

  • 3:25 PM: The Importance of Advocacy: Ron Eller, RSVA Legislative Chair, Troutman, NC; Ken Jessup, RSVA Ways and Means Chair, Virginia Beach, VA

3:55 PM: Marketing Your Business: Ron Milliman, retired professor, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY

4:30 PM: Resolutions/Constitution and Bylaws (first reading): Ardis Bazyn, Secretary, Burbank, CA

5:00 PM: Nominating Committee - delegates only

10:00 PM: RSVA/IVIE Mixer $15 ($20), RSVA Suite

Sunday, July 7, Taft D

12:15 PM: RSVA Annual Awards Luncheon $35 ($40)

1:00 PM: Speaker: Janet LaBreck, newly appointed Commissioner, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Washington, DC (invited)

1:30 PM: Presentation of RSVA awards: Eddie Turner, RSVA Awards Chair

2:00 PM: Break

2:15 PM: Business meeting

5:00 PM: Caucus for ACB prospective officers – Taft D

7:00 PM: RSVA Annual Auction, Franklin A

  • Auction Preview: 6:30 PM

9:00 PM Karaoke Night $10 ($15), Franklin

Monday, July 8, RSVA Suite

12:15 PM: RSVA Board and Presidents' Lunch, RSVA Suite

2:45 PM: Is Rehab Working? $5 ($7), Delaware A

  • Interactive session with Janet LaBreck, Commissioner, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Washington, DC; Dr. Jamie O'Malley, Assistant Professor on Research, National Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS; Dan Sippl, President, Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America, Eau Claire, WI; Ardis Bazyn, Secretary, RSVA, Burbank, CA; Sara Conrad, President, ACB Students and Member, ACB Board of Directors, Stevensville, MI; Paul Edwards, Chair, Board of Publications, Miami, FL.  Sponsored by Rehab Issues Task Force, AAVL, ACBS and RSVA.

8:00 PM: RSVA Casino Night $20 ($25), Taft A

  • Your favorite casino games; cash prizes!  Cash bar available.

Visually Impaired Veterans of America

President: John Fleming
Registration: $10 ($10)

Tuesday, July 9, Harding

2:45 PM: VIVA business meeting and election

  • Where do we go from here?  Group discussion.