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Special-Interest Affiliate Meetings

American Association of Blind Teachers

President: Marcia Dresser
Program Chair: Carla Hayes
Registration: $10 ($12)

Sunday, July 5, City View 7

8:00-11:00 AM: AABT Breakfast/Program/Meeting $25 ($27)
8:00 AM — 8:45 AM: Breakfast
8:45 AM: "Eggs In Your Stomach And Egg On Your Face"
Share your amusing stories about life's little embarrassing moments that only a visual impairment can bring.
9:30 AM: Break
9:45 AM: AABT business meeting and elections.

Monday, July 6, City View 6

1:15 PM — 4:00 PM AABT Program
1:15 PM: "Accessible Distance Learning."
Learn about the latest accessibility features in Blackboard Learning and MyMathLab®.
2:30 PM: Break.
2:45 PM: "Teachers' Round Table On Classroom Technology: Pros, Cons and Questions." A discussion about the use of classroom technology by students and educators; the advantages and challenges this technology brings to the education process.  Panelists: Kate Crohan, Teacher of the Visually Impaired, Perkins School For The Blind, Watertown, MA; Sue Mangis, Retired Teacher of the Visually Impaired, Carmichael, CA;  Carla Hayes, Foreign Language Teacher, Central Christian Academy, Houston, PA and Lengua-Learn Communications, McMurray, PA.

Wednesday, July 8, FIA Suite

1:15 PM — 2:30 PM: Writers' Workshop $8 ($10)
"From Family Lore To Life Story." Join us as we share activities that will help us transform our families' oral stories into written memoirs.  Presenter: Susan Glass, Author, Saratoga, CA.

American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys

President: Charles Nabarrete
Registration: $30 ($32)

Saturday, July 4, City View 4

5:30 PM — 7:00 PM: AAVIA Board Meeting

Sunday, July 5, City View 1

1:15 PM — 5:30 PM: AAVIA Program
1:15 PM: First general meeting
1:30 PM: Technology update
Brian Charlson, Director of Technology, Carroll Center, Newton, MA; Bobby Druesedow, Program Specialist, Texas Department of Assistive & Rehabilitative Services, Division for Blind Services, Fort Worth, TX
2:30 PM: Break
2:45 PM: "Legal Developments Affecting the Lives of People with Disabilities."  Presenter: Steven Mendelsohn, Esq., attorney, consultant, author, San Leandro, CA
3:45 PM: Break
4:00 PM: Legal Careers for Visually Impaired Attorneys.  Presenters: Chris D. Prentice, Esq., Assistant General Counsel, Texas Department of Assistive & Rehabilitative Services, and AAVIA immediate past president, Austin, TX;  George Abbott, Esq., Attorney, Waiver Determination Official, U.S. Department of Education, Springfield, VA.

Monday, July 6, City View 1

1:15 PM — 5:30 PM: AAVIA Program
1:15 PM: Call to Order
1:30 PM: "Working with a U.S. District Court as a visually impaired attorney."  Sandhya Rao, Esq., Pro Se Law Clerk, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, Houston, TX.
2:30 PM: Break
2:45 PM: "Recent Decisions of the U.S. Supreme  Court." Robert William "Bill" Piatt, Professor of Law, St. Mary's School of Law, San Antonio, TX.
3:45 PM: Break
4:00 PM: "Technology for the Office"
Bobby Druesedow, Program Specialist, Texas Department of Assistive & Rehabilitative Services, Division for Blind Services, Fort Worth, TX.

Tuesday, July 7, Live Oak

12:15 PM — 5:30 PM: AAVIA Luncheon & Program
$27 ($29)
12:15 PM "The wide range of interests of a law professor."  Presenter: Robert William "Bill" Piatt, Professor of Law, St. Mary's School of Law, San Antonio, TX, Former Law School Dean and current President, Catholic Lawyers' Guild of San Antonio, TX.
2:00 PM: "An update on the Americans with Disabilities Act." Presenter: Diego DeMayo, Executive Director, Southwest ADA Center, Houston, TX.
3:00 PM: AAVIA Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, July 8, Austin Ballroom 1

2:45 PM — 4:00 PM: Social Security Seminar $6 ($8)
Does the Social Security system make you feel like you are rowing upstream without any oars?  Learn what need to know about your rights / responsibilities under Social Security's programs.  Presenters: Roberta Roque, Advocate Supervisor, Disability Rights Texas, Austin, TX; Tony Stevens, Public Policy Advocacy Manager, National Industries for the Blind, Alexandria, VA; Michael Byington, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist and former Social Security Advocate, Topeka, KS.

Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss

President: John Huffman
Registration: $10 ($10)

Monday, July 6, City View 7

12:15 PM — 4:00 PM: AAVL Lunch and Business Meeting $25 ($28)
12:15 PM: Introductions and luncheon
1:00 PM: An interactive program on emergency preparedness designed to address special concerns of people who are blind or visually impaired.  Presenter: Landa Phelan, Certified Emergency Preparedness Host Trainer, Honolulu, HI.
2:30 PM: Business Meeting

Wednesday, July 8, State Room 4

2:45 PM — 4:00 PM: Being SASI in Social Situations? $8 ($10)
Large group discussion about being Sight and Sound Impaired (SASI) and coping in social situations.  Facilitator: Lori Scharff, Licensed Master Social Worker and SASI member, Malverne, NY.  Co-sponsors AAVL and SASI.
4:15 PM — 5:45 PM: AAVL Musical Mixer $10 ($12) Executive Director's Suite
Music, refreshments, conversation and raffles for all!

ACB Diabetics in Action

President: Dee Clayton
Registration: $12 ($15)

Sunday, July 5, State Room 4

1:15 PM — 4:00 PM: ACBDA Seminar $8 ($10)
1:15 PM: "What do the Numbers Mean?"
Everyone knows a diabetic needs to check their blood sugar, but do you know why?  Learn what it means if your blood sugar is too high, hyperglycemia, or too low, hypoglycemia, and what to do when you get the "number" from the meter.  Presenters: Sabrina Ross, BSN, RN, Diabetes Educator, Dallas, TX.
2:15 PM: "How diabetes affects your O&M Skills"
Developing efficient & effective travel skills can be a challenge for people with visual impairments.  Adding diabetes to the mix can make things even more problematic.  Learn about the effect of blood sugar on your mobility.  Presenter: Lori Ann Graham, M. Ed., BSN, RNEACOMS, Tyler, TX.
3:00 PM: "What's New in Diabetes Management?"
There has been much innovation in diabetes management in recent years.  Learn about the newest diabetes technology; there are more tools, medications and techniques available to people with diabetes than ever before.  Presenter: Lisa Golden, Diabetes Specialist, Division for Blind Services, Fort Worth, TX.

Wednesday, July 8, City View 7

12:15 PM — 2:30 PM: ACBDA Lunch and Meeting $28 ($30)

Thursday, July 9, Executive Director's Suite

9:00 PM — 11:00 PM: ACBDA Mixer $15 ($17)
Meet and mingle with other diabetics.  Light refreshments included.

American Council of Blind Families

President: Ron Brooks
Registration: $8 ($8)

Monday, July 6 Austin Ballroom 2

7:15 PM — 9:00 PM: ACB Families Bingo $5 ($8)
Fun for all ages!  See how many different ways there are to win at Bingo!  Lots of winners; lots of prizes!

Wednesday, July 8, City View 8

7:00 AM — 8:15AM: Families Breakfast & Meeting $15 ($15).  The House that Tech Built.  Turn your house into an accessible home filled with talking appliances, thermostats, home security and more.  Presenter: Neva Fairchild, National Independent Living Specialist, American Foundation for the Blind, Dallas, TX.

Thursday, July 9, Pearl 4

4:15 PM – 5:30 PM AFB Discussion Group
Join AFB's Pris Rogers for a discussion of a new app AFB has developed to help people find resources and services they need.  Provide input on how best to market this app to health care professionals.  Also you will be asked to provide ideas on how to improve AFB's web site VisionAware to increase its usefulness to people new to vision loss.  Space is limited.  To RSVP, email Pris at [email protected].

ACB Government Employees

President: Renee Zelickson
Registration: $10 ($10)

Sunday, July 5, President's Suite

3:00 PM — 5:00 PM: ACBGE Mixer $12 ($14)
Past, present & future government employees network and socialize.

Thursday, July 9, City View 7

12:15 PM — 2:30 PM: ACBGE Luncheon and Business Meeting $30 ($32)
12:15 PM: Introductions and luncheon
1:15 PM: Discussion of issues pertinent to government employees; get the latest information from Melanie Brunson, ACB Executive Director, Arlington, VA, and a local union representative (invited).
2:15 PM: Business meeting

American Council of Blind Lions

President: Kenneth Semien Sr.
Registration: $10 ($12)

Saturday, July 4, President's Suite

9:00 PM — 11:00 PM: ACB Lions Milly's Place, $12 ($15).  Share news from your local club; trade pins; fun and snacks.

Sunday, July 5, City View 5

9:30 AM — 11:00 AM: ACB Lions Board Meeting

Wednesday, July 8

12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Lions Local Club Visit $25 ($28)
Enjoy lunch and a local meeting with the Oak Cliff Lions Club, one of the oldest and most active clubs in the Dallas area.

Thursday, July 9, City View 8

12:15 PM — 2:30 PM: Lions Luncheon $32 ($35)

ACB Radio Amateurs

President: John Glass
Registration: $5 ($7)

Tuesday, July 7, City View 8

1:15 PM — 4:00 PM: Digital Mobile Radio for the Blind Amateur.  DMR is coming to amateur radio!  Will blind amateurs be able to participate in this newest frontier?  Learn what two blind hams with experience in this new environment have to say!  Presenters: Betsey Doane (K1EIC), Shelton, CT and Barbara Lombardi (K1EIR), Shelton, CT.  Co-sponsored by BITS and ACBRA.

Thursday, July 9, State Room 3

1:15 PM — 2:30 PM: ACB Radio Amateurs Annual Program and Business Meeting

American Council of Blind Students

President: Jim Debus
Program Chair: Leslie Weilbacher
Registration: $5 ($7)

Saturday, July 4, Executive Director's Suite

8:00 PM: ACB Students Welcome Party $8 ($10)
Food, fun and friendship!  Meet new people and get reacquainted with old friends.

Sunday, July 5, Houston Ballroom A

12:15 PM — 1:45 PM: ACBS Scholarship Winners' Luncheon $28 ($30)
Celebrate the accomplishments of this year's national scholarship winners, the newest shining stars in ACB.
Sponsored by ACBS and RSVA.
1:45 PM — 2:45 PM: ACBS Business Meeting

Monday, July 6, State Room 3

1:15 PM — 2:30 PM: ACB Passport $6 ($8)
Explore the benefits and opportunities of studying or traveling abroad.  Co-sponsored by ACBS and IRC.
2:45 PM — 4:00 PM: Your College Tool Kit $6 ($8)
Surviving in school, using your resources and navigating Disability Support Services.

Thursday, July 9, Houston Ballroom A

9:00 PM — 11:00 PM: ACBS Comedy Night $10 ($12)
End your week in Dallas on a high note.  Enjoy a great comedian, cash bar and raffle prizes.

Blind Information Tech Specialists

President: John McCann
Program Chair: Andrea Pitsenbarger
Registration: $15 ($17)
or BITS Package (all BITS events, $56, $58)

Saturday, July 4, BITS Suite

7:30 PM — 9:30 PM: BITS Board Meeting

Sunday, July 5, City View 6

10:00 AM — 12:00 PM: Windows, is it the perfect ten?
1:30 PM — 4:00 PM: BITS Vendor Showcase
An overview of new products our Assistive Technology vendors are highlighting in the exhibit hall.

Monday, July 6

1:15 PM — 2:30 PM: Social Media on iOS devices $8 ($10), State Room 1
Learn how social media spreads information about affiliate activities and how members can stay in the loop all year.  Presenters: Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, AL; Wayne Pearcy, Boston, MA; Andrea Pitsenbarger, Orange, CA.  Sponsored by BITS and FIA.
8:30 PM — 11:00 PM: Bytes with BITS (in pkg) $15 ($15), BITS Suite
Meet up with old friends and make some new ones, snacks included.

Tuesday, July 7, City View 8

12:15PM — 1:15PM: BITS Luncheon (in pkg) $28 ($30)
Speaker, Paul W. Schroeder, Vice President, Programs and Policy, American Foundation for the Blind; followed by business meeting
1:15PM — 4:00PM: Digital Mobile Radio for the Blind Amateur.  DMR is coming to amateur radio!  Will blind amateurs be able to participate in this newest frontier?  Learn what two blind hams with experience in this new environment have to say!  Presenters: Betsey Doane (K1EIC), Shelton, CT and
Barbara Lombardi (K1EIR), Shelton, CT.  Co-sponsored by BITS and ACBRA.

Blind LGBT Pride international

President: Will Burley
Program Chair: Don Brown
Registration: $20 ($20)
Or BPI Package (all BPI events including one wine tasting): $110 ($115)

Multi-Session Event:

Monday, July 6, 2:45 PM — 4:00 PM, BPI Suite

Tuesday, July 7, 4:15 PM — 5:30 PM, BPI Suite

Wednesday, July 8, 4:15 PM — 5:30 PM, BPI Suite

Let the Wine Tasting Begin $20 ($20), (in BPI pkg)
Led by a wine consultant, learn about and experience exclusive California artisan wines.  Food pairings included.  (Limit of 16 each session.)

Sunday, July 5, BPI Suite

3:00 PM — 5:00 PM: BPI's Texas sized mixer (in BPI pkg) $25 ($27)
Everything is bigger in Texas, including BPI's mixer.  Start convention week with a Texas-sized blast!  Don't be surprised to meet up with some of your exes.  Head on over for a boot stomping good time!

Monday, July 6, State Room 2

1:15 PM — 2:30 PM: Intro to Laughter Yoga (in BPI pkg) $10 ($12)
Get healthy while laughing your butt off!  This BPI workshop combines traditional deep centering yoga breathing with interactive laughter exercises and calming movements. A hysterical, exhausting & fun cardio workout!  Presenter: Mandie Crowley Navarro, Owner, Universal Laughter Yoga, Certified Laughter Yoga Leader & Teacher, Dallas, TX.

Tuesday, July 7

1:15 PM — 2:30 PM: Memory Fitness Workout,
(in BPI pkg) $10 ($12), City View 6
Fun interactive group exercises.  Techniques to sharpen your memory, and cognitive and concentration skills.  Practiced regularly, these techniques can potentially prevent and reverse age-related brain decline.  Presenter: Marcie Hunter, LCSW, Richardson, TX.
2:45 PM — 4:00 PM: How To Be An LGBT Ally, BPI Suite
This supportive workshop is an invitation and opportunity for people who want to stand up for LGBT equality but are not sure how.  The LGBT community cannot achieve equality without support from compassionate and dedicated straight allies.  Break down barriers that may keep people from getting involved.  Presenter: Sharon Olson, PFLAG Dallas, Dallas, TX.
10:30 PM — 12:00 AM: BPI's 15th Year Celebration (in BPI pkg) $10 ($12),BPI Suite
Celebrate BPI's 15 years of providing support, service, and advocacy.  Crystal is symbolic for the 15th year and it also symbolizes a bright future for BPI.

Wednesday, July 8

2:45 PM — 4:00 PM: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (in BPI pkg) $10 ($12), State Room 2
Meditation techniques to cope with a stressed-out digital world.  Learn ways to handle difficult life situations while remaining present and fully engaged.
Presenter: Sue Yeo, Certified BreathWorks Trainer,
San Antonio, TX.
8:00 PM — 10:00 PM BPI Movie: The Imitation Game (Audio Described) $5 ($7), (in BPI pkg), San Antonio Ballroom A
In 1952, British authorities arrested war hero, mathematician, cryptanalyst Alan Turing.  Little did they know, they were actually incriminating the pioneer of modern-day computing.

Thursday, July 9, BPI Suite

1:15 PM: Dallas Resource Center, Leading the Way
Learn about the array of services and activities offered by the Resource Center, one of the largest LGBT centers of its kind in the country.  Presenter: Rafael McDonnell, Director of Communication and Advocacy, Resource Center, Dallas, TX.
10:00PM: This Ain't Your Parents’ Party (in BPI pkg) $10 ($12).  Y'all come on over for an evening of "adult" entertainment, refreshments and crazy door prizes.

Friday, July 10, BPI Suite

10:00 PM: BPI Last Call (in BPI pkg) $10 ($12)
Bid a fond adieu to Dallas and look toward Minneapolis.

Braille Revival League

President: Paul Edwards
Registration: $10 ($12)

Sunday, July 5, Live Oak

1:00 PM — 3:00 PM: BRL Orienteering $5 ($7)
Fun for all, find clues as we wander around the hotel. When we think of yesteryear, we give a cheer because a scavenger hunt is here!
3:30 PM: BRL Pre-convention Board Meeting

Tuesday, July 7, Houston Ballroom A

7:00 AM — 8:15 AM: BRL International Breakfast $25 ($30)
Learn how braille is incorporated into the lives of people who are blind worldwide.  Co-sponsored by BRL and IRC.
1:15 PM — 4:00 PM: BRL program, State Room 1
1:15 PM: Welcome and introductions: Paul Edwards, BRL President, Miami, FL.
1:30: Braille for School the Texas Way: This session describes how braille is produced for Texas school children.  Presenter: Melissa Klepper, Executive Director for Visual Aid Volunteers, Dallas, TX.
2:30: Break
2:45: UEB Games: Play games to become familiar with UEB!  Facilitator:  Judy Jackson, Miami FL
3:15: BRL Business Meeting
4:15: Games with Ralph $6 ($8), State Room 1
Use braille to play a number of games; prizes will be awarded to the winners. Come and see just how good you are at braille and words.

Wednesday, July 8, State Room 3

1:15 PM — 4:00 PM: LUA/BRL Joint Program
1:15 Welcome and Introductions: Brian Charlson, President, Library Users of America, Watertown, MA; Paul Edwards, President, Braille Revival League, Miami, FL.
1:30 PM: Meet the Talking Book Narrator: Joe Wilson, Denver, CO.  Get up close and personal with the narrator who presented during the morning’s ACB general session.  LUA offers a great opportunity to ask all the questions there is never enough time for in the morning.
2:30 PM: Break
2:45 PM: For the Birds: The Adventures of a Library Bird Song Collector; Susan Glass, Saratoga, CA.  Susan is camping to train as a recorder of bird sounds for library collections in the Tahoe forest of California this June and she will tell us just how a totally blind person and her dog learn to be a collection developer.
3:05 PM: Wishing and Hoping: A Braille Display from NLS?  NLS will consider providing a braille display to allow patrons to read books stored digitally.  What would such a device be like?  This panel will explore the important components such a device should have.  Panel: Sandy Ruconich, ACB's representative to the Braille Authority of North America, Salt Lake City, UT; Dr. Judith M. Dixon, author and braille activist, Arlington, VA; and Paul Edwards, President, Braille Revival League, Miami, FL.

Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

Come See What We're Up To!
President:  Charles Glaser
Program Chair: Jim Jirak
Registration: $20 ($22)
Saturday, July 4, City View 4
3:00 PM — 6:00 PM: Pre-Convention Board Meeting & Nominating Committee Meeting

Sunday, July 5, State Room 1

9:00 AM — 12:00 PM: CCLVI Business Meeting and Vendor Showcase
9:00 AM: Introductions, first reading of proposed constitutional amendments and bylaws; committee reports
10:30 AM: Break
10:45 AM: Low Vision Showcase
See the latest in low vision technology as several vendors display their products.
4:00 PM — 6:00 PM: CCLVI Mixer, $15 ($18), Executive Director's Suite
Mix & mingle; food and fun!

Monday, July 6, Austin Ballroom 1

1:15 PM — 2:30 PM: Structured Discovery:  Why Not?
What is "Structured Discovery"?  How is it different from conventional rehab?  Who thrives under which system and how to advocate for services.  Presenters: Michael Byington, Certified O & M Instructor,  Wichita, KS and Mark Bulger, Executive Director, ACB of Nebraska, Omaha, NE.  Co-sponsors: CCLVI & Rehab Issues Task Force.
2:45 PM — 4:00 PM: O ‘Appy Days:
Fun and low vision friendly apps for your iDevice. 
Presenters: Katie Frederick, co-founder of ACB Next Generation, Worthington, OH, and Dan Smith, 1st Vice-President CCLVI, San Lorenzo, CA.  Co-sponsors: CCLVI and ACB Next Generation.
8:00 PM — 11:00 PM: CCLVI Game Night, $25 ($30), Houston Ballroom B
Unwind and have some fun while reliving the game shows of the past as Michael Byington resurrects Peter Marshall and Gene Rayburn and play Hollywood Squares and Match Game.  The price of admission includes two beverages from the available cash bar.

Tuesday, July 7, State Room 3

1:15 PM — 4:00 PM: Annual Membership Meeting Elections and adoption of proposed constitutional amendments and bylaws.

Wednesday, July 8, State Room 1

1:15 PM — 2:30 PM Television Independence:
Thomas J. Wlodkowski, Vice President of Accessibility Comcast Cable, Philadelphia, PA will discuss low vision friendly accessibility features contained within the X1 Platform.
2:45 PM — 4:00 PM Effectively Using Uber: Leandre Jo, General Manager Uber Dallas, Dallas, TX, discusses how Uber can help visually impaired non-drivers.


President: Lynn Hedl
Program Chair: Dwayne Estes
Registration: $12 ($15)

Saturday, July 4, FIA Suite

7:00 PM: FIA Board Meeting

Sunday, July 5, FIA Suite

4:00 PM — 5:30 PM: FIA Mixer/Showcase sign-up $18 ($20).  Meet friends, and learn how to audition for this year's Showcase.

Monday, July 6

1:15 PM — 2:30 PM: Social Media on iOS devices $8 ($10), State Room 1
Learn how social media spreads information about affiliate activities and how members can stay in the loop all year.  Presenters: Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, AL; Wayne Pearcy, Boston, MA; Andrea Pitsenbarger, Orange, CA.  Sponsored by BITS and FIA.
2:45 PM — 5:30 PM: Showcase Audition and Rehearsal, FIA Suite
No specific time slot needed.  Visit the FIA Suite during the audition time to rehearse your number for the FIA Showcase.
9:00 PM: Prose & Poetry Reading, $4 ($5), City View 7
Writers are invited to read their original works to a receptive audience.  Moderator: Carla Hayes, McMurray, PA.

Tuesday, July 7

12:15 PM: FIA Luncheon and Business Meeting, $28 ($30), City View 7
Dr. Harvey Miller, music professor and author of "Recuiel de Morceaux d'Orgue" discusses a braille book of organ music donated to the APH Museum.
8:00 PM: Performing Arts Showcase, $20 ($25), Austin Ballroom 1.  Talented ACB members entertain you playing their own instruments, or accompanied by top notch professional musicians.  Cash bar available.  Sponsored by Adobe.

Wednesday, July 8, FIA Suite

1:15 PM — 2:30 PM: Writers Workshop, $8 ($10)
"From Family Lore to Life Story" — Transform our families' oral stories into written memoirs.  Co-sponsored by FIA & AABT
2:45 PM — 4:00PM Songwriters Workshop, $8 ($10)
Want to write your own songs? Join the fun and learn about creating melody and rhyme. It's easier than you think!  Presenter: Karen Karsh, Denver, CO.
4:15 PM — 5:30 PM: Round and Harmony Sing, $4 ($5)
Take a break from a busy convention and learn simple rounds and songs.  Presenters: Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, AL; Nancy Pendegraph, Huntsville, AL; Susan Glass, Saratoga, CA; Karen Karsh, Denver, CO.  Co-sponsored by FIA & AABT.

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

“GDUI Deep in the Hearts of Guide Dogs 2015”
President: Penny Reeder
Program Chair: Lillian Scaife
Registration: $15 ($15)

Sunday, July 5

8:00 AM — 9:00 AM: GDUI Hotel Orientation, meet in GDUI Suite
Learn your way around the hotel, zip through convention crowds and arrive at your destination relaxed and on time!  Orientation provided by seasoned guide dog trainers and volunteers.
11:00 AM — 12:00 PM: Life in the Fast Lane, GDUI Suite
The convention environment is a challenge for us and our dogs.  The chaos can be overwhelming for our dogs!  Make convention week easier for both you and your dog!  Presenter: Becky Barnes Davidson, Manager of Consumer Outreach and Graduate Support, Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Yorktown Heights, NY.
2:00 PM — 4:00 PM: Affiliate Round-up, City View 4
Affiliate representatives should introduce themselves to Debbie Grubb, GDUI's Affiliates' Liaison, to assure that each affiliate’s votes count during the GDUI Caucus and business meeting.
4:00 PM — 5:00 PM: GDUI Board Meeting, City View 4
Board meeting and presentation of annual report: Penny Reeder, GDUI President

Monday, July 6

6:45 AM — 8:15 AM: GDUI Breakfast Club (Meet in lobby).  The Mad Hatter Café: Treat your dog to a short two-block walk, treat yourself to Southern breakfast fare, visit with GDUI friends and their dog guides.
7:30 AM — 8:30 AM: GDUI Hotel Orientation, Meet in GDUI Suite
Learn your way around the hotel, zip through convention crowds and arrive at your destination relaxed and on time!  Orientation provided by seasoned guide dog trainers and volunteers.
1:15 PM — 5:30 PM: GDUI Opening Session, San Antonio Ballroom A
1:15 PM: Introductions, and preview of the convention program
2:45 PM: Self-familiarization to new environments: you and your guide dog can become oriented quickly and safely to a new location or unusual situation.  Learn the basics from a seasoned trainer!  Presenter: David Locklin, Class Coordinator - Leader Dogs for the Blind, Rochester Heights, MI.
4:15 PM: Guide Dog School Updates
What's going on at the guide dog schools?  Recent changes, plans for the future, coming innovations, student qualifications.  Always a highlight at the GDUI convention, the round-up lets us hear from the people who know the most about our schools.
7:15 PM — 10:00 PM: Guide Dog Schools Appreciation Reception, $15 ($17), Houston Ballroom C
We all know our schools' investments in personnel, breeding, dog acquisition and training are to create excellent matches for each of us.  We want to recognize and thank all of the guide dog schools for the time, energy and dollars they pour into our partnerships.  The 2015 GDUI Program Committee is pleased to host our Deep in the Hearts of Guide Dogs, Guide Dog Schools Appreciation Reception.  Come and express your gratitude to the professionals who make it possible for us to achieve greater independence through our partnerships with our guide dogs.  Cash bar and snacks.

Tuesday, July 7

6:45 AM — 8:15 AM: GDUI Breakfast Club (meet in lobby).  The Mad Hatter Café: Treat your dog to a short two-block walk, treat yourself to Southern breakfast fare, visit with GDUI friends and their dog guides.
1:15 PM — 5:30 PM: GDUI Program, San Antonio Ballroom A
1:15 PM: Past, Present & Future of Guide Dog Harnesses.  The first guide dog users didn't even have a handle to hold onto.  Learn how harnesses have evolved over time, and what we might expect from the "space-age materials" of the future.  Presenter: Lukas Franck, Senior Consultant, Special Projects, The Seeing Eye, Morristown, NJ.
2:45 PM: Dual Purpose Service Dogs.  Sometimes blindness is not the most challenging of our disabilities.  Learn about guide dogs who are trained to meet the needs of people with additional disabilities.  Presenters: Robert Wendler, Director of Canine Operations, Guide Dogs of the Desert, Palm Springs, CA; Nicole Meadowcroft, President, Custom Canines Service Dog Academy, Madison, WI.
4:15 PM: Emergency Preparedness
Prepare yourself and your guide dog for an emergency.  Do you have an emergency preparedness kit?  Where you and your dog can find shelter in an emergency.  Presenter: Landa Phelan, Certified Emergency Preparedness Instructor, Hawaii Association of the Blind, Honolulu, HI.
7:15 PM — 8:30 PM: Guided Massage for the Working Guide: A Hands-On Workshop $6 ($8), State Room 2
Learn simple massage techniques designed to help reduce the long-term impact guide work may have on your dog's physical & mental well-being.  Also a brief discussion on guide dog "wear and tear" and how to mitigate those effects.  Presenter: Carla Campbell, Professional Canine Massage Therapist, Quadrussage, Menlo Park, CA.  (Limited to 20.)

Wednesday, July 8

6:45 AM — 8:15 AM: GDUI Breakfast Club (Meet in lobby).  The Mad Hatter Café: Treat your dog to a short two-block walk, treat yourself to Southern breakfast fare, visit with GDUI friends and their dog guides.
12:15 PM — 2:30 PM: GDUI Luncheon & Presentation, $28 ($30), San Antonio Ballroom A
How dogs communicate and interact with each other.  We will discuss visual, auditory, olfactory and other ways that dogs communicate with one another, how service dogs may be more limited in these options while working, and how this could impact other dogs’ responses to them.  Presenter: Dr. Amanda Florsheim DVM, Dallas, TX.  Drawing for Dallas and raffle.
2:45 PM: GDUI Business Meeting & Caucus
4:15 PM — 5:30 PM: Guided Massage for the Working Guide: A Hands-On Workshop, $6 ($8), State Room 2
Learn simple massage techniques designed to help reduce the long-term impact guide work may have on your dog's physical & mental well-being.  Also a brief discussion on guide dog "wear and tear" and how to mitigate those effects.  Presenter: Carla Campbell, Professional Canine Massage Therapist, Quadrussage, Menlo Park, CA.  (Limited to 20.)

Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs

President and Program Chair: Carla Hayes
Registration: $6 ($8)

Sunday, July 5, RSVA Suite

10:00 PM -12:00 AM: RSVA / IVIE Mixer (in pkg) $15 ($20)
Join RSVA & IVIE for fun and refreshments; all are welcome.

Monday, July 6, City View 7

7:00 AM — 8:15 AM: IVIE Breakfast and Business Meeting $24 ($26).  Breakfast will be followed by the annual IVIE business meeting and election of officers.

Wednesday, July 8, City View 8

12:15 PM: IVIE Luncheon and Program, $27 ($30)
12:55 PM: Welcome and Introductions, Carla Hayes, IVIE President and CEO, Lengua-Learn Communications, McMurray, PA
1:00 PM: "Pitching Your Products and Selling Your Services."  What goes into an effective sales pitch?  Come and learn about sales strategies that work.  Presented by the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), Dallas, TX.

Thursday, July 9, State Room 1

12:30 PM — 2:30 PM: IVIE Business Expo
Blind and visually impaired business owners will showcase their products and services and answer your questions.

Library Users of America

President: Brian Charlson
Registration: $10 ($12)

Saturday, July 4, City View 5

5:00 PM: Pre-convention Board Meeting

Monday, July 6

1:15 PM — 4:00 PM: LUA Program, City View 5
1:15 PM: Welcome and Introductions: Brian Charlson, President, Library Users of America, Watertown, MA.
1:25 PM: Initiatives and Issues at NLS: Karen Keninger, Director, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Washington, DC.
2:30 PM: Break
2:45 PM: New Initiatives from our regional library in Texas: Heather Bailey, Outreach Director, Austin, TX.
3:15 PM: Business Meeting and Elections
5:45 PM: Scanning in New Ways with New Devices, $6 ($8), State Room 3
LUA, IAC & special guests explore the KNFB Reader and the two new scanning products from HIMS Inc. to see if truly portable scanning is ready for prime time.

Wednesday, July 8, State Room 3

1:15 PM — 4:00 PM: LUA/BRL joint program
1:15 PM: Welcome and Introductions: Brian Charlson, President, Library Users of America, Watertown, MA; Paul Edwards, President, Braille Revival League, Miami, FL.
1:30 PM: Meet the Talking Book Narrator: Joe Wilson, Denver, CO.  Get up close and personal with the narrator who presented during the morning’s ACB general session.  LUA offers a great opportunity to ask all the questions there is never enough time for in the morning.
2:30 PM: Break
2:45 PM: For the Birds: The Adventures of a Library Bird Song Collector; Susan Glass, Saratoga, CA. Susan is camping to train as a recorder of bird sounds for library collections in the Tahoe forest of California this June and she will tell us just how a totally blind person and her dog learn to be a collection developer.
3:05 PM: Wishing and Hoping: A Braille Display from NLS?  NLS indicated that they would consider providing a braille display to allow patrons to read books stored digitally.  What would such a device be like?  This panel will explore the important components such a device should have.  Panel: Sandy Ruconich, ACB's representative to the Braille Authority of North America, Salt Lake City, UT; Dr. Judith M. Dixon, author and braille activist, Arlington, VA; and Paul Edwards, President, Braille Revival League, Miami, FL.
4:00 PM: LUA Post-convention Board Meeting (if necessary).

Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America

President: Dan Sippl
Program Chair: Ardis Bazyn
Registration $20 ($20)
Or RSVA Package (all RSVA events) $110 ($110)

Sunday, July 5

10:00 AM — 12:00 PM:  RSVA Board Meeting, Pearl 5
1:30 PM — 5:30 PM: RSVA Program, State Room 1
1:30 PM: Welcome: Dan Sippl, RSVA President, Eau Claire, WI
1:35 PM: Roll call: Donna Seliger, RSVA Secretary, West Des Moines, IA
1:40 PM: "What's happening in the Texas Business Enterprise Program?" Texas BEP Staff.
2:10 PM: Highlights from Texas vendors
2:40 PM: Resolutions/Constitution and Bylaws (first reading): Ardis Bazyn, Constitution and Resolution Chair, Burbank, CA
3:00 PM: Break
3:15 PM: "Merchandising Your Healthy Products" Roundtable discussion.
3:45 PM: "Advocating for your state RS BEP Program." Presenters: Jeff Thom, American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys, Sacramento, CA; Rocky Marchiano, RSVA Legislative Chair, New Orleans, LA.
4:30 PM: "Online and credit card payment options for RS locations." Presenter: Lanny Davidson, Independent Agent, Ignite Payments Today.
5:00 PM: Nominating Committee — delegates only
10:00 PM — 12:00 AM: RSVA / IVIE Mixer (in pkg) $15 ($20), RSVA Suite
Join RSVA & IVIE for fun and refreshments. All are welcome.

Monday, July 6, Houston Ballroom A

12:15 PM — 5:30 PM: RSVA Lunch (in pkg) $35 ($40)
"The Importance of a Positive Attitude."  Speaker: Robert Acosta, GDUI Public Relations Chair, Chatsworth, CA.  RSVA Annual Awards presentations.
2:15 PM: Break
2:30 PM: RSVA Business meeting
4:30 PM: RSVA Caucus
7:30 PM — 9:00 PM: RSVA Comedy Night (in pkg) $15 ($20).  Enjoy some laughs with comedian Tony Stone!
9:00 PM — 12:00 AM RSVA Karaoke (in pkg) $15 ($20)
Show your talent with RSVA.

Tuesday, July 7, RSVA Suite

12:15 PM – 4:00 PM:  Tour of food service facilities. Join RSVA in a walking tour of food service facilities in downtown Dallas.  To reserve a space, contact Ardis Bazyn at [email protected].
6:00 PM — 12:00 AM: RSVA Casino Trip (in RSVA pkg), $30 ($35).  Enjoy a trivia contest and snacks on the way to Winstar Casino.  Windstar has several restaurants and three sites for entertainment.

Visually Impaired Veterans of America

President: John Fleming
Registration: $10 ($10)
Tuesday, July 7, City View 4
1:15 PM — 2:30 PM: VIVA Business Meeting