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September 1, 2008, Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Publications

Meeting Minutes
September 1, 2008

The ACB Board of Publications met via teleconference on September 1, 2008 at approximately 9:05pm (EDT). Members present were: Paul Edwards, Jenine Stanley, Ken Stewart, Marcia Dresser and Judy Jackson. Ex Oficio members present were: Ron Milliman and Barry Levine. ACB staff member Sharon Lovering was also present.

PR Committee Report:

Ron Milliman reported that the PR Committee’s mentoring program is moving forward with its first conference call scheduled for September 4.

Approval of Agenda:

Judy Jackson moved that the agenda as presented by Paul Edwards prior to the meeting and amended at the meeting be approved. The motion was seconded and approved.

Approval of Minutes:

Ken Stewart moved that the August minutes be approved as submitted. The motion was seconded and approved.

Political Platforms on Web Site:

The BOP discussed the possibility of either linking to or creating “accessible” formats for the political platforms of the 2008 presidential candidates on the ACB web site. It was decided not to pursue this idea as there were many resources for obtaining this information and interested parties could post such links to the ACB lists.

Review of Publications:

Ken noted that any internal and external publications should be brought before the BOP for at least review if not approval prior to publication. Paul asked Sharon that in future she make the BOP aware of any publications being produced besides the Braille Forum so that the group might make decisions regarding their review.

Posting of Ned E. Freeman Award Winners:

A suggestion was made to place all of the Ned E. Freeman Excellence in Writing Award winners on the Acb web site. Ken moved that the names of the last ten Freeman Award winners be placed on the web site along with either a link to their articles or the articles themselves, whichever is most feasible. The motion was seconded and approved.

Web Site Task Force:

Paul asked Jenine Stanley to set up a meeting of the task force with its initial report to be made at the October Open BOP meeting.

Bid Letter:

Sharon sent the group a copy of the last bid letter for large print production of the Braille forum as a basis for the braille and cassette bids due this year. Production of the CD and email versions is done in house. The group discussed the future availability of cassette tapes as a format. This issue will be discussed at the October Open Meeting to solicit opinions from the membership. Jenine moved that Sharon use the same language as in the sample bid letter for the 2009 braille and cassette bid letters specifying 12 issues and the same page counts per issue as in 2008. Bids will be due October 31, 2008 to be discussed at the November meeting. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Editor’s Report:

Sharon asked that the BOP again assist with the convention wrap-up issue. Assignments are as follows: Sunday, Sharon; Monday, Jenine; Tuesday, Judy; Wednesday, Paul; Thursday, Marcia; and Friday, Ken. Articles are due October 8.

Transit Committee Recording:

The ACB Transportation Task Force held a meeting during the 2008 convention at which they distributed a CD of information compiled by Project ACTION. When a member asked for this information in an audio format, the national office staff was charged with recording this significant amount of information. The BOP entered into a lengthy discussion about responsibility for providing material in alternative formats and what to do in cases where large amounts of material must be transcribed or translated, Jenine moved that the BOP develop a policy as part of the revision of the Policy Manual for provision of accessible formats for any material exchanged either internally or externally within ACB. The motion was seconded and approved. The policy will be discussed at the November meeting with other revisions to the Policy Manual. Ken moved that the BOP assemble a panel to discuss the Transportation Committee case including several different points of view. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.


Given the fact that the Acb Minneapolis office has recently relocated, Ken asked if office staff was aware of the motion passed in August regarding any changes to mailing materials. Paul said that he would convey this concern to Melanie Brunson and she would check with that office about compliance with the motion.

Internet Oversight Committee:

Barry Levine reported that there will be a meeting in September to discuss politically oriented postings to ACB lists.

Hybrid Car Information:

Ken reported that he was able to receive, through the assistance of a volunteer attendee, a transcript of a hearing on quiet cars held in June. He asked about making this information available on the Acb web site. Paul noted that until the BOP develops a policy regarding provision of material in various accessible formats, this issue cannot be fully addressed.

ACB Radio and Satellite Radio Merger:

Marcia asked for an update on consideration of Acb Radio in the XM/Sirius Radio merger discussion. Paul reported that he had spoken with Melanie and they are currently exploring an appropriate contact with both parties in the discussion. Paul also spoke with Mark Richart of AFB and Scot Marshall of FCC and will check back with both regarding further developments.

New Business:

Jenine will send out a version of the Forum Article about the October BOP open meeting to the various ACB lists.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting of the BOP will take place on Monday, October 6 at 9:00pm EDT and will feature an open discussion with the membership.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:35pm EDT.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jenine Stanley,
Recording Secretary