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Resource Development Committee

Dan Dillon, TN, Co-Chair
(615) 874-1223
[email protected]

Leslie Spoone, FL, Co-Chair
(407) 678-4163
[email protected]

Jo Lynn Bailey-Page, CA
Margarine Beaman, TX
Nancy Becker, MN
Donna Brown, WV, (Walk Subcommittee Chair)
George Holliday, PA, (MMS Sub-Committee Co-Chair)
Jean Mann, NY, (MMS Sub-Committee Co-Chair)
Carla Ruschival, KY (Mini Mall Chair) 
Melvin Smith, MO
Dan Spoone, FL

Officer Liaison: David Trott, AL
Staff Liaison: Tony Stephens, MD

The Resource Development Committee oversees the fundraising activities of the American Council of the Blind. It searches for potential fundraising opportunities, and comes up with a plan as to how to pursue and coordinate these funding sources. It then presents these fundraising proposals to the ACB Board of Directors for their consideration and approval.

This web page was last updated December 9, 2021.