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Post Convention Meeting of the American Council of the Blind Board of Directors

John Ascuaga Nugget Hotel and Resort, Sparks, NV
July 16, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. All Board members were present. These were: Mitch Pomerantz, Kim Charlson, Brenda Dillon, Marlaina Lieberg, Carla Ruschival, Chris Gray, Ray Campbell, Berl Colley, Janet Dickelman, Marsha Farrow, Michael Garrett, George Holliday, Billie Jean Keith, Alan Peterson, Jeff Thom, David Trott, and Judy Jackson. Staff present were Melanie Brunson and Lane Waters.
A motion to accept the agenda as reviewed by Pomerantz and amended, made and seconded by many, carried. 

Convention Committee: Carla Ruschival. 

The amount of income from this year's sponsorship program was higher than ever before. Therefore, expenses such as staff time and other costs will be fully reimbursed. After discussion about charges assessed for reproduction of print/braille materials at convention on behalf of committees, it was clarified that committees should account for these costs as they develop their convention budgets and programs. Lieberg moved and Campbell seconded acceptance of the report, and that motion carried. 

Resolutions Prioritization, Jeff Thom 

Thom explained the prioritization scheme. A number 1 prioritization means action must be taken within about three months; 2 means the work is expected to be ongoing, and 3 means the issues involved are not time-sensitive. 

(Secretary's note: below you will see the resolution number, a short summary of the subject matter within that resolution, and the priority assigned.) 

01 copyright Priority 1 

02 ACB Radio Referred 

03 Data gathering on Pedestrian Safety 2 

04 braille codes issue, 1 

05 braille labeling on product packaging, 3 

06 detectable warning specifications, 1 

07 vehicle donation processing, 2 

08 defeated 

09 TSA and guide dog relief areas, 2 

10 health information accessibility, 2 

11 software development, 3 

12 prescription drug labeling, 2 

13 75th anniversary of randolph sheppard, 3 

14 education policy guidelines, 2 

15 low vision device exclusion for medicare, 2 

16installation of detectable warnings, 1 

17 net-flicks, 1 

18 voting system criteria, 3 

19 apple apps, 1 

20 full funding for rehabilitation services, 2 

21 incandescent light bulbs, 2 

22 referred 

remaining 4 thank you resolutions priority 1. 

Gray moved and Campbell seconded adoption of the report, and the motion carried. 

Presentation by McDaniel Ambassador Award Winner,Becky Forsel of Florida . 

Ms. Forsel gave a brief talk, emphasizing the importance of relationship building, partnership building and empowerment. She expressed her gratitude and humility as this year's McDaniel Ambassador Award Winner. 

ACBES Report, Michael Garrett. 

Garrett shared that the economy necessitated the closure of one store in Detroit. However, other stores are showing improvement. The Milwaukee store has the most sales, but the Texas stores bring in the most profit. Tom moved and Campbell seconded acceptance of this report, and the motion carried. Pomerantz requested that provisions be made for the Board to visit the Louisville store when we meet at the Galthouse in October. 

Raffle, Walk-a-thon and Auction, Dan Dillon and Marsha Farrow. 

Dillon thanked the Board for participating in the fundraising events surrounding this convention. The walk raised more money than ever before as did the auction, and the braille forum raffle tickets. Farrow expressed the need for a method to increase volunteers at the auction. Security for items needs to be improved. Campbell moved and Gray seconded acceptance, and that motion carried. 

BOP Policy Manual, Paul Edwards. 

Edwards sent the completed manual to Pomerantz, who will distribute the manual to the Board. Edwards asked the Board to pay particular attention to Item 17, dealing with accessible formats. He urged Board members to feel free to discuss this with the BOP representative on the ACB Board when the Board meets in October. Lieberg moved to accept this report, Campbell seconded and the motion carried. 

Appropriation of funds from the Patrick estate, Mitch Pomerantz. 

As per current Board directive, any amount exceeding $75,000 is placed in Board Reserves. At the pre convention board meeting, there was discussion that perhaps a re-in-statement of Board stipends at least for the Fall meeting could be considered. Other Board members discussed increasing funding to Committees, along with assisting in funding the Midwest Leadership Training Conference in August. Charlson moved that $100,000 be placed into the general fund, and the remaining $650,000 be placed into Board designated reserves; Peterson seconded. and the motion carried. In discussion regarding the Mid West Leadership Training Conference, Campbell projected a cost of $12,000. Six states will be involved in this conference. They are requesting financial support from ACB of upto $4,000 to assist with conference costs. Therefore, Campbell moved and Ruschival seconded that ACB provide not more than $4,000 to assist as necessary with conference costs.
After some discussion regarding committees whose ongoing work might require additional funding, Brunson suggested that the Budget Committee make recommendations With respect to the infusion of additional funds to various committees.
During a discussion of re-instating a stipend for Board members to attend future Board meetings, there was discussion regarding current actuals for production costs of the Braille Forum and other projected costs to the end of 2011. Because of recent subscription changes, it was felt that the best we have right now is a snapshot of projected costs for the Forum. Ruschival felt, therefore, that we should not consider adding additional expenses at this time. Farrow moved that the line item for Board stipends for the Fall board meeting be increased by an amount not to exceed $3,400. Keith seconded the motion. A record vote was required, and Board members voted as follows: Charlson, yes; Dillon, yes; Lieberg, no; Ruschival, no; Gray, yes; Campbell, no; Colley, yes; Dickelman, yes; Farrow, yes; Garrett, no; Holliday, yes; Keith, yes; Peterson, no; Thom, yes; Trott, yes. This gave a total of ten votes yes, five no. A 2/3 vote is required to amend the budget; this was achieved, thus the motion carried. 

Garrett moved that this board put $10,000 as seed money for a national youth legislative leadership conference or seminar; the motion was seconded by Holliday. After discussion however, Garrett withdrew this motion and will present more information at the Fall board meeting. 

Elections, Mitch Pomerantz 

•2012 Budget Committee. Ruschival, Colley and Garrett were elected by unanimous ballot. 

•Board representative to the 2012 Credentials Committee: Farrow was elected by acclamation 

•Board representative to the 2012 Public Relations Committee: Peterson, Holliday and Campbell were nominated; Holliday carried this election.was elected. 

ACB Radio Report, Larry Turnbull. 

Streaming went well and listeners sent positive comments. Turnbull shared that Mainstream will be hosting at least two new programs by the end of the year. Lieberg moved acceptance of this report, Campbell seconded, and the motion carried. 

At 2:05 PM, Campbell moved that the Board move to Executive Session; lieberg seconded and the motion carried. 

At 2:18 PM, the Board moved out of Executive Session and into General Session. Pomerantz reported that two items were addressed in executive session one which has been resolved to the satisfaction of the Board, the second having to do with an ongoing matter from an affiliate which was brought to the Board's attention earlier. No official action was taken, but the Board has requested that legal and financial obligations of affiliates such as bonding matters, be addressed at the President's meeting in February. 

The meeting Adjourned at 2:25 PM. 

Marlaina Lieberg

Submitted: September 14, 2011 

Approved: October 1, 2011