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Other Meetings and Programs

Career Development:

Sunday, July 7, Fayette

7:15 PM: Piano Technology: $5 ($7)

  • Independent, lucrative career opportunity.

Tuesday, July 9, Taft C

7:00 AM: NIB Breakfast $10 ($15)

  • Join National Industries for the Blind for a discussion about employment and the AbilityOne program.

Guide Dogs:

Monday, July 8, Taft C

7:00 AM: Guide Dogs for the Blind Alumni Breakfast

  • GDB grads connect with friends and staff; those considering the guide dog lifestyle welcome.

Advocacy Issues:

Sunday, July 7, Franklin A

7:00 AM: AFB Breakfast $10 ($10)

  • Staff will discuss AFB current initiatives; your feedback welcome.

Tuesday, July 9, Marion

4:15 PM: Managed Health Care $5 ($7)

  • Impact of health care reform on managed health care and fee-for-service coverage; health care trends.  Dr. Brad Lucas, Chief Medical Officer, Buckeye Community Health Plan, Columbus, OH; Anthony Evans, Vice President for Integrated HealthCareSource, Columbus, OH.  Presented by ACBHSP and NELDS.

4:15 PM: ACB Legislative Seminar, $5 ($7), Fairfield

  • The latest information regarding pending and recently implemented legislative issues.  Eric Bridges, ACB Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, Arlington, VA


Saturday, July 6, GW Micro Suite

9:00 AM: Browsing the Web with Window-Eyes $10 ($12)

  • Hands-on training on how to perform Google searches, navigate webpages, fill out forms, download files, and other common tasks with the Window-Eyes screen reader.  Strategies on how to operate Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox from the keyboard.  How to customize web browsers for optimal use with a screen reader.  Computers provided; bring headphones; limit: 10 people.

11:00 AM: GWConnect $5 ($7)

  • Hands-on training on the services available via Skype™; how to use GWConnect to make voice calls with friends, family and co-workers.  How to use instant messaging and other features made available in GWConnect, including finding and adding new Skype™ contacts.  Computers provided; bring headphones; limit: 10 people.

11:30 AM Kurzweil 1000 Users Group Lunch, Taft C

  • Near term releases; plans for Kurzweil 1000; your questions answered.  We'll give away a Free HoverCam.  Contact Lauren Schuler to register at [email protected] or 781-276-0629.  Hosted by Stephen Baum, Vice President of Engineering, Kurzweil Educational Systems.

4:00 PM: HIMS: Technology innovations for the deaf-blind, Union B

Saturday, July 6 through Thursday, July 11, Knox and Champaign

Map Reading Study (by invitation only)

  • Seeking individuals who are blind or who have low vision and use JAWS or equivalent screen readers to participate in a 45-minute to 1 hour testing session on map reading and spatial thinking skills. Funded by the National Science Foundation.

Sunday, July 7, Union B

5:45 PM: HIMS iPads

  • Braille Sense iPads in the classroom.

5:45 PM: HumanWare: Braille Displays and iOS, Grant

  • How HumanWare braille devices keep you productive while on the go; free Apex updates; how to connect your HumanWare braille display to iPhones and iPads.

Monday, July 8, Morrow

5:45 PM: The New Victor Stream

  • See the new slim and sleek HumanWare Stream that features a louder speaker, superior speech, improved recording, and wireless connectivity for easy updates and future content access features.

7:15 PM: Bookshare Member Gathering, Union E

  • Bookshare members join a member of the Bookshare team for snacks, conversation and the latest product updates.

Tuesday, July 9, Fayette

1:15 PM: VDRDC Focus Group

  • By invitation only.  Focus group for sighted individuals interested in describing video content.  Presented under the auspices of the Smith-Kettlewell Video Description Research and Development Center (VDRDC).

4:15 PM: VDRDC Focus Group

  • By invitation only.  Focus group for blind people who are audio description consumers.  Bring your own laptop computer with screen reader or screen magnification software.  Presented under the auspices of the Smith-Kettlewell Video Description Research and Development Center (VDRDC).

7:15 PM: Travel Technology from APH, Delaware B

  • Meet Nearby Explorer, an innovative GPS system for Android phones and the Braille Plus 18.  Discover Talking PC Maps.  Then tell APH about the kinds of products you would like APH to create.