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Other Meetings and Programs

Career Development

Wednesday, July 8, Houston Ballroom A

7:00 AM: NIB Breakfast $10 ($15)
Join National Industries for the Blind for a discussion about employment and the AbilityOne program.

Guide Dogs

Tuesday, July 7, Houston Ballroom A

7:00 AM: Guide Dogs for the Blind Alumni Breakfast
GDB grads connect with friends and staff; those considering the guide dog lifestyle welcome.

Advocacy Issues

Monday, July 6, Houston Ballroom A

7:00 AM — 8:15 AM: AFB Breakfast $10 ($12)
The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) cordially invites you to attend its annual breakfast meeting, hosted by Carl Augusto, AFB President.  Learn what's new at AFB; questions answered by AFB staff.

Wednesday, July 8

2:45 PM — 4:00 PM: Social Security Seminar, $6 ($8), Austin Ballroom 1
Does the Social Security system make you feel like you are rowing upstream without any oars?  Learn what need to know about your rights / responsibilities under Social Security's programs.  Presenters: Roberta Roque, Advocate Supervisor, Disability Rights Texas, Austin, TX; Tony Stevens, Public Policy Advocacy Manager, National Industries for the Blind, Alexandria, VA; Michael Byington, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist and former Social Security Advocate, Topeka, KS.  Co-sponsored by NELDS, Advocacy Committee and AAVIA.
4:15 PM: ACB Legislative Seminar, $5 ($7), Austin Ballroom 1.  The latest information regarding pending and recently implemented legislative issues.  Eric Bridges, Director of External Affairs and Policy, American Council of the Blind, Arlington, VA.


Multiple Sessions on Monday, July 6 and Tuesday, July 7: JPMorgan Chase & Co. is committed to meeting the banking and financial services needs of all our customers.  Members of our Digital team will be on site to show you how we make digital products accessible and usable by all.
Stop by our booth and register to participate in small research style interviews on either the afternoon of July 6 or 7.  Tell us what you think and receive a thank you gift for your time.  You can also visit us at our booth on July 5-7 to try out the products and give us your feedback.

Saturday, July 4

10:00 AM – 11:15 AM: iOS for the iPhone/iPad, $12 ($15), Pearl 4
Hands-on training from assistive technology firm Fedora Outlier, LLC, providing "Better Than Excellent" teaching, consulting & support for all of Apple's accessible products.
1:00 PM – 2:15 PM: Get Closer to Your Mac, $12 ($15), Pearl 4
Hands-on training from assistive technology firm Fedora Outlier, LLC, providing "Better Than Excellent" teaching, consulting & support for all of Apple's accessible products.

Sunday, July 5

9:00 AM – 10:15 AM: Window-Eyes, City View 2
Window-Eyes Offer for MS Office users and paid for version of Window-Eyes.  Presented by Ai Squared.
10:00 AM Braille is "Trending" HIMS, Pearl 4
Session by Andy Leach.  U2 with Macro Manager, Password protection, Bookshare download, Nemeth and UEB support. HIMS Braille products, the personal Smart Beetle, allows you to connect up to 6 devices simultaneously. Smart Beetle will also let your write in contracted Braille in platforms that don’t support it. The Braille EDGE, 40-cell Braille display with notepad, appointment calendar, alarm, count down timer and so much more!
1:30 PM – 2:45 PM: ZoomText, City View 2
ZoomText Mac, ImageReader and CamReader.  Presented by AI Squared.
2:00 PM: E-bot: Tablets and Video Magnifiers and CANDY 5 HD II Wins Red Dot Design Award, Pearl 4.
Session by Rick Sellers / James McCarthy, the only iPad compatible new and distance video magnifier with OCR.  E-bot can be connected to virtually any Mac, PC, or tablet device.  This lets you choose your own screen.  CANDY 5 HD II is the only handheld video magnifier with a self-viewing mode – great for a person’s self-grooming.

Monday, July 6

5:45 PM – 7:00 PM: Why I love my Victor Reader Stream!, City View 3.  Join HumanWare to share your reading and listening experiences with the Stream’s wifi features, including Internet radio, online podcasts and direct browsing and download from NLS BARD.  Talk with our experts and learn how to get the most from the Victor Reader Stream.
5:45 PM - 7:00 PM: Get Closer to Your Mac, $12 ($15), Pearl 4.  Hands-on training from assistive technology firm Fedora Outlier, LLC, providing "Better Than Excellent" teaching, consulting & support for all of Apple's accessible products.
5:45 PM - 7:45 PM: Vanda Pharmaceuticals Reception, City View 7.  Learn about a treatment option for Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder.  Have your questions answered by a medical expert, and one living with Non-24.
5:45 PM – 7:30 PM: Bookshare Office Hours, City View 8
Bookshare Members: Take advantage of Bookshare's "Office Hours" at ACB!  Stop by to say hello, pick-up a special members-only gift, and get answers to your Bookshare-related questions.
7:15 PM – 8:30 PM: iOS for the iPhone/iPad, $12 ($15), Pearl 4.  Hands-on training from assistive technology firm Fedora Outlier, LLC, providing "Better Than Excellent" teaching, consulting & support for all of Apple's accessible products.

Tuesday, July 7

5:45 PM – 7:00 PM: HumanWare Breeze+ Talking GPS System, City View 3.  Learn all about the new Breeze+ talking GPS system and hear how the updated GPS technology makes it a Breeze traveling around Dallas.  Join us for a short walk around town and explore all that’s around!

Wednesday, July 8

4:15 PM – 5:30 PM: All About Android Lollipop, Remington
The Android Operating System, demonstrating built-in accessibility features and highlighting the newest release, Android Lollipop.  Presented by Google.
5:45 PM – 7:00 PM: Docs & Drive for Power Users, Remington.  Google Docs is a powerful tool for sharing content and engaging teams to produce information.  Make use of this tool to disseminate information and collaboratively create content.  Google has been working to improve the Docs accessibility experience for individuals with disabilities, including vision loss.  This session will help those who want to go beyond the basics.  Presented by Google.

Thursday, July 9

1:15 PM – 2:30 PM: Google Chrome & Chrome OS, Remington.  Learn about Google Chrome's built-in accessibility features like ChromeVox, High Contrast and Magnifier.  How to make your Chrome browser or Chromebook screen easier to see, have web pages read out loud, and make your keyboard easier to use.
2:45 PM – 4:45 PM: Google Open House, Remington
Demos of latest Google's hardware and software.  Get  your Google Apps and hardware questions answered.


Monday, July 6, and Tuesday, July 7, City View 5

5:45 PM – 7:45 PM
8:30 PM – 10:30 PM
1Touch Self Defense. $12 ($15)
1Touch is a self-defense course designed specifically for the blind and addresses real life situations with practical applications.  Hands-on workshop is open to all.  (Limit 20.)