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Other ACB Meetings

Audio Description Project
Joel Snyder, President, Audio Description Associates
Sunday, July 3 through Tuesday, July 5, Lakeshore Ballroom A
1:00 PM – 6:00 PM: Audio Description Conference $149 ($149).  Audio description enthusiasts hear presentations on the latest developments in the field.  Includes a gala awards luncheon on Day 3 with a guest speaker.

Wednesday, July 6 through Friday, July 8, Lakeshore Ballroom A
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM: Audio Description Institute $495 ($495).  Interactive sessions to build skills for the audio describer; use of audio description for consumers.  Experienced users of description will provide perspective on audio description in a range of formats. Includes lunch on day 3.
Saturday, July 2
5:30 PM: ACB Exhibitors Reception (by invitation only), President's Suite

Sunday, July 3, Mirage
11:00 AM: ACB Committee Chairs Meeting
An important meeting with ACB President Kim Charlson. Every committee should be represented, either by its chair or a designated committee member.

Thursday, July 7, Greenway GHI
4:15 PM: Affiliate Presidents' Meeting