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New Electronic Magazine Needs a Name

In a previous article in this issue, you read about the plan of the board of publications to produce a second magazine in electronic format that will appear in the months that "The ACB Braille Forum" does not.  (See "When Less Can Become More," February 2013.)  This second magazine is temporarily being called "The ACB E-Forum."
Here is where you, the ACB membership, come in.  The board of publications is holding a contest to come up with a permanent name for this new and exciting publication.  Below are the details for the contest.
To submit your ideas for a name, send an e-mail message to [email protected] or call 1-877-651-9560 and leave a message.  Please do NOT call the national office with your votes!  The contest will run through April 30, 2013.  A $50 gift certificate to the ACB Store will be awarded to the individual whose electronic magazine name is selected by members of the board of publications as best encompassing what ACB and this new publication are all about.
So let's all get into the creative spirit and start those names coming.  You could be the big winner!