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More Convention Entertainment

You will be ready for a break and a little fun after all those workshops, seminars and business meetings. Below are some activities and events that take place at the hotel. For more fun ideas, see 2012 Convention Tours, the Recreation Zone, and the agendas of the many affiliates and groups for more mixers, luncheons and parties.

Saturday, July 7

8:00 PM  All Hands on Deck Welcome Party - $12 ($15) – Grand Ballroom C
Sponsored by the Kentucky Host Committee

8:00 PM  ACBS Welcome Party - $8 ($10) - Executive Director's Suite

Sunday, July 8

12:15 PM  Sports Fanatics Luncheon - $15 ($17) - Breathitt
Bat Facts: history of the Louisville Slugger; getting blind youth and adults involved in exercise and sports; Anne Jewell, Executive Director, Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory, and Kenneth Jones, Athletic Director, Kentucky School for the Blind, Louisville, KY

3:30 PM  Newsreelers' Get-together - $10 ($12) - Willson

Monday, July 9

5:45 PM  APH Reception  $8 ($10) – Carroll/Ford

APH President, Tuck Tinsley III, Ed.D., will welcome the group and introduce a short program about the joy of reading and new technology that will make books easier to access.  APH narrators will talk about some of the high points in their careers at APH and how their personal lives have affected their work. Larry Skutchan, Technology Project Leader, will give us a preview of some of the latest products about to launch, including the new desktop-style Digital Talking Book player/recorder from APH, the Bookport DT ™.

Thursday, July 14 - Laffoon

7:15 PM  ACB/ADP Movie Night - $5 ($5), Audio described screening of "Hugo."  Join Hugo on a thrilling journey of discovery.  Unlock a mystery that will transform those around him.