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May 23, 2007, Board Meeting Minutes

American Council of the Blind
Conference Call Board Meeting
May 23, 2007

President Chris Gray convened the meeting at 8:07pm Central Daylight Time. 

Roll was taken by Donna Seliger, secretary. All board members were present except Mr. Campbell who joined the call later. 

Motion 1: Mr. Edwards moved to accept the agenda with one additional item. The motion carried on a voice vote. 

Ms. Dillon asked about which functions the board members should attend. It was determined that board members should attend all receptions if at all possible. Ms. Ruschival agreed to send a list of receptions and their times to the Board List. 

Motion 2: Mr. Edwards moved to approve the mid-year board meeting minutes. On a voice vote, the motion carried. 

Item 5: Vehicle Donation Project. Mr. Trott reported to the Board that he believes we are now in compliance with VDPC. 

Motion 3: Mr. Edwards moved that the American Council of the Blind Vehicle Donation Processing Center website be re-connected to the internet and that the approach be adopted by the Vehicle Donation Processing Center with the exception of that adopted by our Resource Development Committee be accepted by this board. The Vehicle Donation Processing Center arrangement with ACB will be re-evaluated during the budget cycle to determine the number of transactions that have occurred. On a voice vote, the motion carried. 

Mr. Trott announced the Resource Development Committee is working on a set of guidelines. 

Motion 4: Mr. Godino moved to accept the Resource Development Committee Report. The motion carried on a voice vote. 

Item 6: Report from Ms. Brunson, Executive Director. A new support staff member has been hired to work in DC office. Ms. Natasha Janifer will begin her employment on Tuesday, May 29, 2007. 

A replacement person for Ms. Al-Mohamed’s position is close to being hired and hopefully will be working before convention. 

Motion 5: Mr. Campbell Moved to accept the report from Ms. Brunson. The motion carried on a voice vote. 

Item 7: Report from Mr. Waters, Comptroller, who sent via e-mail the first quarter budget report to the Board. Thus far the revenue stream is above budget level and expenses are below the anticipated amount for the first three months. 

Motion 6: Mr. Edwards moved to accept the financial report from Mr. Waters. On a voice vote, the motion carried. 

Item 8: ACB standing rules changes presented by President Gray. 

“5. A person nominated more than one time shall be limited to two minutes.” 

Motion 7: Dr. Bradley moved to accept the new wording in standing rule five. Mr. Edwards added an amendment and additional sentence. “…limited to one minute. It has been customary at ACB for individuals not to speak after their first nomination.” The motion carried on a voice vote. 

As to standing rule two, proposed wording was read by President Gray. 

“2. Convention program changes may be made as deemed necessary by the Chair or the Chair’s appointee unless objected to by a member. (An objection by twenty-five (25) or more members would require debate and a majority vote to change the convention program.) 

Motion 8: Mr. Edwards moved that the standing rules be written by President Gray according to discussion during this meeting. The motion carried on a voice vote. 

Ms. Ruschival discussed the possibility of having a one-day pass during convention to go to the exhibits. She suggested a person could pick up a one-day pass at registration for $5 and if they wished a copy of the program, the cost would be $10. 

Motion 9: Mr. Edwards moved the one-day pass idea and the Convention Committee and report back to the Board after the convention how successful the program had been. On a voice vote, the motion carried. 

Motion 10: Mr. Campbell moved to convene an executive session to discuss litigation matters. On a voice vote, the motion carried. 

Following the executive session, President Gray announced a motion was made and passed requesting the President and Executive Director to keep the Board fully informed about litigation discussed during the executive session. 

Ms. Brunson stated the Resource Development Committee will conduct another Braille Forum Raffle. The first prize will be $5,000. The cost of each ticket will be $50. The drawing will be held during the ACB 2007 banquet. 

Motion 11: Dr. Bradley moved to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting ended at 10:10pm Central Daylight Time. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Donna Seliger, Secretary