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Kentucky Gems- 2012 Corporate Sponsors

Many many thanks to the 2012 corporate sponsors, our Kentucky Gems.  Your continued generous support of the American Council of the Blind and our conference and convention is much appreciated.
Look for the 2012 corporate sponsors in the conference and convention program and newspaper, on ACB Radio, on the convention T-shirt, and throughout the week.  Be sure to thank them personally for their generous support.

Emerald Sponsor

Google - Audio/Visual Services

Ruby Sponsors

HumanWare - ACB Radio Mainstream
Verizon - Conference Volunteer Services
Vanda Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - ACB Registration

Onyx Sponsors

Adobe Systems Inc - ACB Radio Interactive
AT&T - Paddlewheel Gazette
Deque - Exhibit Hall
Freedom Scientific - MarketPlace
National Industries for the Blind - One General Session, Employment Committee Workshop and Scholarship Winners Reception
Regal Entertainment - Youth Activities

Topaz Sponsors

Buell Fund – Sports Activities
Louisville Downtown Lions Club - Information Desk
Sprint - ACB Café
Vehicle Donation Processing Center – Life Members Reception

Coral Sponsors

Louisville Visitor and Convention Bureau – Business and Restaurant Information
Randolph Sheppard Vendors of America - Scholarship Winners Dinner and Luncheon

Pearl Sponsors

ACB Lions - Scholarship winner at convention
AJWF, "Sight Through Helping Hands" - Environmental Access Seminar
AT&T - Scholarship Winners Dinner
En-Vision America – Health & Wellness Workshop
HIMS Inc - ACB Affiliate Presidents’ Meeting
Goldstein, Demchak, Baller, Borgen and Dardarian/Lainey Feingold - Information Access Seminar
Maxi-Aids – Maxi-Aids Monday, ACB Café
Tracfone - Scholarship winner at convention
Washington Council of the Blind- Leadership Conf.