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July 11, 2010, Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Publications

Meeting Minutes
July 11, 2010

The ACB Board of Publications met in person at 10:35am (PDT), July 11 at the Downtown Sheraton hotel, Phoenix, Arizona. Members present were: Paul Edwards, Marcia Dresser, Judy Jackson, Jenine Stanley, Ken Stewart. Ex Oficio members present were: Berl Colley; Absent: Michael Malver, Ronald Milliman and Larry Turnbull. ACB Staff/contractors present were: Melanie Brunson, Sharon Lovering and earlene Hughes 


Judy moved to approve the June minutes as corrected. The motion was seconded and approved. 

CCLVI Large Print Discussion: 

Paul proposed that the discussion of large print fonts be postponed until the August meeting to give CCLVI time to meet and come up with recommendations regarding font style and size for the Braille forum prior to the contract bid process which will begin in September. Paul noted that the BOP has taken into account concerns voiced by CCLVI and others and will negotiate a cover for the print edition of the Braille forum that is not glossy on either side. The primary goal when investigating and recommending fonts for large print is to keep the size of the magazine the same in terms of page count. 

Editor’s Report: 

Sharon provided the BOP with copies of her Editor’s Report. She also reported that things were going well regarding the convention publications and that the new advertising pricing structure was received very well. Marcia moved to accept the Editor’s Report as presented. The motion was seconded and approved. 

Social Networking Group: 

Jenine reported that there was one applicant, Natalie byers, for the position of Twitter Administrator. She was accepted by the group and will begin work after the convention. There were no applicants for the position of Facebook Administrator. This will be discussed at the workshop on Thursday during convention and the Social networking Group will meet after convention as well. 

Web Site Task Force and Drupal Working group: 

Jenine turned this report over to Earlene Hughes who stated that as of the meeting, the ACB web site was up to date regarding affiliate contacts and other pages cited in earlier meetings. The BOP 2009 Policy Manual should be uploaded by the end of the week. She reported one minor issue with the DAISY edition of the convention program and the Braille Plus. The unzip utility for the Braille Plus did not work with the way she had zipped the program. 

Earlene also reported that she will be able to place the Braille Forum podcasts onto I-Tunes. Jenine moved that the BOP authorize Earlene to place all future issues of the Braille forum on I-Tunes as podcasts for free download. The motion was seconded and approved. 

Earlene has been meeting with Paul and Melanie regarding her goals and all feel that this has helped to significantly further processes regarding the web site. She is currently on track with all of the goals and has submitted an accessibility assessment of the Drupal software. 

Earlene and Pratik Patel who is also part of the Drupal Team, explained how the content management software works. Earlene has set up test pages and is preparing content to populate those pages when all aspects of the chosen themes are complete. Pratik noted that he is working to define “work flows” for each of the various sections and pages of the site to facilitate putting up content. Paul noted that this process of updating and utilizing Drupal also involves ACB Radio and its web site. Larry Turnbull is part of the Drupal group and is also working on test pages. 

Regarding issues of affiliate updates and who should handle these contacts, Paul, Melanie and Sharon will discuss this at their next meeting to formulate a more uniform process for contact information to flow to Earlene for updating the web site. 

Public Relations Committee: 

Paul and Mitch Pomerantz discussed the various activities of the PR Committee taking place during convention. Mitch also asked about having the PSA and segment from American Airlines put on the web site. 

DAISY Committee: 

Berl reported that the DAISY Committee has been authorized to purchase two copies of the Eclipse Writer software from IRTI but has not yet done so. When purchased, one copy will go to Ann Parsons who is producing DAISY versions of past Braille forum issues. The other will go to Berl who will be producing ACB Board minutes in DAISY format. He also reported that they hope to schedule the software workshop in August. 

Internet Oversight Committee: 

Paul noted that the IOC has developed a set of rules that are now in place. He also stated that as chair of the BOP he feels that the BOP should be involved and have some oversight of committees that govern communication via the internet as part of ACB’s image. It is not the intent of the BOP to micromanage any committee it oversees or advises. 

Pedestrian Handbook: 

Paul reported that work on the Pedestrian Handbook will be forwarded to the BOP for review but with the illness of Debbie Grubb’s husband, this work may not take place right away. 

ACB Radio: 

Berl noted that Larry reported regarding ACB Radio that Mainstream has been boosted to a 128 bit stream and he has received many positive comments. There were two live events in June, coverage from enchanted Hills Camp and the graduation of the Washington State School for the Blind, both of which had good audience numbers. Eight new broadcasters joined ACB-RI and seven new programs were added to Mainstream. Larry has also been working with Drupal to establish solid backups and has installed PRS on the system so that they can simulcast with other radio stations. 

Old Business: 

Jenine moved that as a direction to the Braille forum Editor, if someone submits an article mentioning web site or email addresses for more than one business, all businesses have their individual web sites or email addresses mentioned as a point of fairness. The motion was seconded and approved. 

Next Meeting: 

The next meeting of the BOP will take place via teleconference on August 2 at 9:00pm (EDT). 


Jenine moved to adjourn the meeting at approximately 12:30pm (PDT). The motion was seconded and approved. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Jenine Stanley,
Recording Secretary