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July 10, 2011, Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Publications

Meeting Minutes
July 10, 2011

The ACB Board of Publications met in person at the John Ascuaga Nugget Hotel in Sparks, Nevada, July 10, 2011 at approximately 10:35am PDT. Present were: Paul Edwards, Chair, Marcia Dresser, Judy Jackson, Ken Stewart and Jenine Stanley; Ex Oficio Members present: Berl Colley; ACB Staff/Contractors: Sharon Lovering, Melanie Brunson, Earlene Hughes, Steve Obremski. Absent: Bob Hachey, Ron Milliman, Larry Turnbull 


Judy moved to accept the June minutes as submitted. The motion was seconded and adopted. 

Web Site Privacy Policy: 

Steve Obremski, ACB’s Director of Development, spoke about the need to establish and publicize a privacy policy to be featured on the ACB web site. He also noted that he is drafting several brochures to publicize ACB. Paul asked that Steve be added to the BOP email list so that he can present these brochures to us for more efficient approval. 

Steve noted several other items that must be part of our web site to garner favorable ratings from charity watchdog organizations. In order to expedite these items, Paul asked that Steve be part of the Web Site Task Force. 

Earlene will check into making the “lock” symbol for SSL (secure socket layer) portions of our web site accessible via a text label for the graphic. 

Jenine moved approval and immediate placement of the privacy policy submitted by Steve prior to the meeting on the ACB web site. The motion was seconded and adopted. 

Oral History Project CD: 

Berl reported that the first volume of the Oral History Project is now available on CD. The BOP thanks Irwin Hott of Newsreel for assistance in copying the initial run of CDs. The final CD includes 12 interviews. 

Social Networking: 

Jenine reported that as of the meeting there were over 190 followers to the ACB National Twitter account. Natalie Byers will be tweeting from the general sessions for the account. 

Web Site:
Paul noted that the redesigned web site went live at the beginning of June and comments thus far have been very positive. Earlene reported that she is following a workflow plan established by Paul and Jenine. She noted that posting a donations link on the home page involves getting an account from, something on which she and Lane Waters are currently working. The other donation link that Steve reported as not working is maintained by DeQue systems on their portion of the web site. 

Earlene reported that she continues to work on the MMS form. The convention program was particularly challenging this year in that the DAISY formatting had to be done by hand as there were some codes in the MS Word file that were not compatible with the DAISY software. 

Candidates Page: 

After a discussion of the Candidates Page during which Paul noted that one person had asked about its absence at the board meeting, the BOP decided to continue to discuss having a page in 2012. 

BOP Policy Manual: 

Paul thanked Marcia for doing the final edits on the Policy Manual. Once adopted it will go to the ACB Board during the post-convention board meeting. 

Ken moved to adopt the edited version of the Policy Manual. The motion was seconded and adopted. 

Editor’s Report: 

Sharon reported that 331 people have changed their subscriptions to email since January 1, 2011. 

ACB Board Representative: 

Ken moved that, pending election of the ACB President and appointment of the BOP members, the BOP elect Judy Jackson as representative to the ACB Board of Directors for the coming year. The motion was seconded and adopted. 

Next Meeting: 

The BOP will meet next on August 1 at 9:00pm EDT via teleconference. 


Paul moved to adjourn the meeting at approximately 12:15pm PDT. The motion was seconded and adopted. 

Submitted by Jenine Stanley
August 1, 2011