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January 30, 2008, Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Publications

Meeting Minutes
January 30, 2008

Paul Edwards called the teleconference meeting to order at approximately 9:08pm (EST). Members present were: Ken Stewart, Jenine Stanley, DeAnna Noriega, Cindy Van Winkle; ex oficio members: Janelle Edwards, Ron Milliman; ACB Staff: Sharon Lovering; 

Approval of Minutes
Ken Stewart moved to approve the December minutes. The motion was seconded and adopted. 

The BOP decided as a group to postpone discussion of the Vernon Henley and Ned E. freeman Awards but did review the procedure for submitting nominations. 

There was considerable discussion regarding how to judge the Hollis Liggett Award. Jenine Stanley moved that a weighted scale be applied to the five criteria listed for judging the Hollis Liggett Award as follows: Criteria 1 – 10 point maximum; Criterian 2, 3, 5 – 20 point maximum each; Criteria 4 – 30 point maximum. Each of the two submitted issues of a nomination would have a maximum score of 100 points. Voting members of the BOP will submit scores for each issue. With an average score being figured for each submission to determine the winner. Voting members will submit score sheets no later than February 25 to sharon who will then redistribute them to all voting members and the two ex oficio members for discussion at the March 3 meeting. The motion was seconded and adopted with one obstention. 

President’s Meeting
Paul informed the BOP that due to work commitments he will be unable to attend the ACB Mid-year Presidents’ Meeting. Ken agreed to speak in the scheduled time slot about the BOP. Paul will check on availability of audio from the meeting. The BOP recommends that such audio be provided for archival on the ACB web site. 

Budget Issues
Paul reported that the January issue of The Braille Forum will count toward the 2008 requirements for 48-page issues and that the BOP’s budget recommendation for The Braille forum appears to be on schedule for approval. 

Cassette Labels
Sharon Lovering reported that she has no new information about changing the layout of braille/print labels for the cassette issue of The Braille forum. 

Other Editor Issues
The BOP discussed articles that are of an advertising nature. Members recommended that sharon identify authors’ positions if with the company they are writing about. Ken asked about changes to the language in the “Here and There” section. Paul asked him to review the language and report at the next meeting. 

Jenine asked if the obituary format she had submitted at the December meeting was appropriate for adoption into the Forum format. Sharon said that yes it was and she would be utilizing it in future issues. 

Paul reported that he had not spoken with Melanie Brunson about copyright questions posed by the BOP and that he hoped to do so before the March meeting. 

Resolution 2005-15
After some discussion of how to obtain more statistical information about internet use, Paul requested that Ron Milliman put together a summary of his survey findings and that he and Ken work on a related article for The Braille Forum. Both agreed. Ron will also send his summary to the BOP. 

Candidates Page
Ken reminded the BOP that criteria for the Candidates Page is due for the april issue of The Braille Forum. As the presidential appointees, Paul and Jenine will meet to discuss criteria and submit an article for the March 7 deadline. 

Open Conference Call
Paul apologized for not having spoken with Mitch Pomerantz prior to the meeting about the possibility of holding an open conference call involving the BOP. DeAnna suggested asking Mitch if he might share one of the “Office Hours” conference calls with the BOP. Paul will discuss this option with Mitch prior to the next BOP meeting. 

Internet Oversight Committee
Janelle Edwards reported that members of the ACB email lists sometimes have issues with their internet service providers (ISPs)blocking the list address. One member has asked ACB to help with this situation in his particular case after repeated blockages. The Internet Oversight Committee passed a motion to ask the BOP to write a letter to ISPs regarding this situation. After discussion, Paul recommended that Janelle and Ken talk with Chris Gray about the issue of spam blocking and list serves and strategies to approach the problem of blockages from both the corporate and consumer ends, and report back at the next meeting. 

The next meeting is scheduled for 9:00pm (EST) March 3. 

The meeting was adjourned. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Jenine Stanley,
Recording Secretary