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January 3, 2013 Teleconference Meeting of the ACB Board of Directors

The meeting was called to order at 5:45 PM by President Mitch Pomerantz.  Board members present were:  Mitch Pomerantz, Kim Charlson, Brenda Dillon, Marlaina Lieberg, Carla Ruschival, Chris Gray, Ray Campbell, Berl Colley, Sarah Conrad, Janet Dickelman, George Holiday, John McCann, Allan Peterson, Dan Spoone, Jeff Thom and Paul Edwards.  Staff present was Melanie Brunson. 
Gray moved and Spoone seconded that the meeting be conducted in open session. That motion did not pass.
Dickelman moved and Lieberg seconded that the Board recess to Executive Session to discuss affiliate matters; that motion passed with Gray voting no.
Thom moved we leave executive session and with many seconds, at 8:10, the Board returned to open session. 
Pomerantz reported that the Board engaged in a discussion with Laurie Mehta, GDUI President.  As a result of that discussion, two actions were taken by the Board:   

  1. A motion by Gray seconded by Holliday to extend a line of credit of up to $3,000 to GDUI to enable GDUI to cover necessary expenses outside of those incurred by their affiliation with  the American Council of the Blind.  This line of credit will be good for up to 4 months, with such funds to be repaid immediately upon the release of GDUI funds.
  2. Edwards moved and Lieberg seconded to recommend to the Credentials Committee that the deadline for GDUI to submit its dues covering its membership for 2013 be extended.  Both motions passed unanimously.

At 8:15 PM, a motion to adjourn was made and seconded by many. 
Marlaina Lieberg, Secretary 
Submitted:  01/11/2013 
Approved:  02-22-2013