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The Importance of Grassroots

by Kathy Brockman

By the time you read this, we will all probably be thinking of spring around the corner. That means green grass and other lovely plants. They all need a good root system to grow – which brings me to grassroots. ACB has many great affiliates – and chapters – at the “grassroots level.”
The MMS Committee usually meets monthly, and one thing that came up is the lack of knowledge among members – and even chapter presidents. This includes information on ACB, its programs and the MMS (Monthly Monetary Support) program. The technology age has certainly made it much easier to share information, but there is still a surprising number of people who don’t know about everything ACB offers. It is so important to share information received on the leadership list, from “The ACB Braille Forum” and other great sources with our members. It’s even more of a challenge for those without access to computers or other technology.
Briefly, MMS is one way to contribute to ACB. This kind of support is needed to operate many great programs. Money can automatically be deducted from a checking account or contributed through a credit card.  To become part of MMS, you must contribute a minimum of $10 per month. Forms can be obtained online, by calling the ACB office, or visiting the committee’s table if you are coming to Dallas.
It’s hard to believe the next ACB conference and convention is only months away. The MMS Committee will staff a table next to the ACB Mini Mall, which is a great location. We would appreciate any volunteers who could spare a few hours to work. It means giving information about the MMS program and completing sign-up forms. There is always someone who has enough vision to help with the paperwork if necessary. It’s a great way to meet other convention attendees while providing service.
So come and say “hello” to us in Dallas. Become part of the grassroots to help ACB continue to grow. Thanks so much if you already contribute to the program.
– Kathy Brockman