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Hotel Information

The Hyatt Regency is on the northeast corner of N. High Street and Nationwide Boulevard.

The level below the lobby is labeled “P” on the elevator, and houses the pool and fitness center.

The first floor of the Hyatt features the food court.

On the second floor you will find: The Hyatt restaurants, Market Stand Café, Big Bar On Two, Perks Coffee and More and Einstein Bagels.

On the third floor you will find the Regency Ballroom and the Battelle South Ballroom.  Marketplace and the ACB Café will also be located on the third floor.

First floor meeting rooms:
Nationwide, Taft (A through D), McKinley, Hayes, Garfield, Grant, Harding and Harrison

Second floor meeting rooms:
Delaware (A through D), Clark, Champaign, Knox, Marion, Morrow, Fayette, Madison, Fairfield, Union (A through E), Franklin (A through D)