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Fun for the Funds: A Golden Opportunity for ACB

Let's all celebrate ACB's golden anniversary and take this opportunity to provide much-needed support for ACB! This is one of the most enjoyable fund-raisers and everyone can participate in some way. The ACB auction provides many options for individuals and affiliates to contribute. 

The ACB auction committee encourages all state and special-interest affiliates to consider contributing useful and interesting merchandise. Verbal descriptions of large items or expensive technology will be offered during the auction. Larger items will be shipped directly to the buyer's home address after the auction. This will help relieve the burden of the bidder having to purchase the larger items and also pay for shipping costs. If you are donating such an item, you may wish to include a money order to cover the cost of shipping as part of the total package. 

Auction committee records indicate that unique handcrafted art and jewelry bring top dollar. Assistive technology is always popular and often can be purchased at bargain prices. Homemade cookies and candies often start a bidding war. Be creative and ask yourself, "What would I really like to bring back home from this very special 50th anniversary auction in Reno?" Then buy two and donate one to the 2011 auction! 

- Marsha Farrow