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Convention Standing Rules

Adopted by the ACB Board of Directors, May 2009

  1. Each debatable issue before the convention shall be limited to approximately twenty (20) minutes with a three-minute time limit per speaker, alternating between affirmative and opposing speakers, unless a majority of the members agree to extend debate for an additional period of time.


    1. Motions to close debate will not be recognized by the chair during the first debate period.  After the first debate period, properly moved motions such as "I call for the question" or "I move the previous question" will be handled by the chair and voted on by the assembly.
    2. The chair may close debate when no one seeks the floor.
    3. Each member is respectfully urged to speak directly to the issue before the assembly and avoid unnecessary and time-consuming dialogue.
    4. No member will be recognized a second time to debate until all who wish to debate have been recognized.
    5. The parliamentarian will act as timekeeper.
  1. Recognition to speak will be given to those members who properly address the chair using the microphones and giving their names and affiliation.  Motions that may interrupt a speaker may be called from your seat, responded to by the chair, and explained by the mover at a microphone if requested by the chair.  Examples:  Point of Order, Point of Information, Parliamentary Inquiry, Question of Privilege, Call for Orders of the Day, etc.
  1. Registration badges are required to be worn at all convention meetings and only those members with the appropriate colored dot may vote during business meetings.
  1. Changes to the published convention program may be proposed to the membership as deemed necessary by the presiding officer or his/her appointee.  The presiding officer will explain the reason for such change and inform the assembly of their right to question the recommended modification. After this explanation, if twenty-five (25) or more members object to the proposed change by coming to the microphone and stating their name as placed in objection, the change requires debate and a majority vote to modify the convention program.
  1. Nominating and seconding speeches shall be limited to five minutes per candidate with the speaking time allocated according to the candidate's wishes.  A person nominated for an office more than once shall be limited to one minute.
  1. When no candidate for office receives a majority vote, the election shall be among the top two candidates.  Affiliate votes will be reported in whole or half numbers.
  1. Any person meeting the requirements of a "voting member" as defined in ACB's Constitution, Article III-A-1, and complying with all other applicable membership requirements, becomes an ACB member and is entitled to register, receive a registration badge with the appropriate colored voting dot, and vote at ACB's annual convention provided:


    1. Their name is on the March 15th membership information or has been added to that membership information, or
    2. Their voting membership status is verified by a member of the Board of Directors or an  officer of their affiliate organization, or
    3. They establish voting membership status during the annual convention.