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Conference and Convention Calendar

Adobe Accessibility

50 years ago in Kansas City, 29 dedicated individuals launched the premier event sponsored by the nation's leading membership organization of blind and visually impaired people. Adobe Systems is proud to be a Sapphire Sponsor of this Golden Anniversary ACB Annual Conference and Convention. We salute your Golden Past and offer best wishes for your Diamond Future.

Adobe's Pete De Vasto, an ACB member, will demonstrate Adobe Acrobat (R) and Flash (R) accessibility at the BITS Convention on Sunday, July 10 at 11:30. Learn how we can work together to make more of the web more usable for everyone.



Do you need help learning to use an assistive device or installing assistive technology software?

"It's the best way to teach an old dog a new trick! He showed me how to download and unzip files, and then he wrote the instructions in a file he made up for me. I feel as though I know how to do it as much as if he had been here sitting next to me. And everything happens more quickly and easily because there is no travel time."
Robert, legally blind, age 70

The highly experienced and endlessly patient staff at Perkins Products can now work with you in your home or office, using software which allows them to remotely access your computer.

Call: 1.617.972.7308
Email: [email protected]


Perkins Products
Perkins School for the Blind


Thursday, July 7

6:00pm - 9:00pm Pre-registration pick-up; Pavillion B

Friday, July 8

8:00am - 7:00pm Registration; Pavillion B

8:00am Fallon Naval Air Station Tour

12:00pm MS Dixie II Emerald Bay Cruise

7:00pm Louis' Basque Corner Restaurant

Saturday, July 9

8:00am - 7:00pm Registration; Pavillion B

8:00am Virginia City Tour

9:00am ACB Convention Café; Pavillion A

9:00am ACB Pre-convention Board Meeting; Bonanza B

9:00am GW Micro Window-Eyes Training; Alpine

12:00pm Gaming Lessons; Casino

1:00pm Reno City Tour

1:00pm - 5:00pm Exhibits; Pavillion C-E

1:00pm RSVA subcommittees; 2932

1:30pm GW Micro Window-Eyes Training; Alpine

2:00pm 411 from the IAC; Bonanza A

3:00pm CCLVI Board Meeting; Washoe

3:00pm RSVA Board Meeting; Bonanza C

4:00pm ACB Constitution and Bylaws Committee; Fremont

4:00pm Grant Writing for Nonprofits; So Pac E

4:30pm BITS Board Meeting; Carson

5:00pm Keys to the Convention Seminar; Cen Pac

5:30pm AAVIA Board Meeting; Donner

5:30pm LUA Board Meeting; Tahoe

5:30pm Geordi's Visor from Star Trek; Alpine

6:00pm Exhibitors' reception (by invitation); 2951

6:00pm CCLVI Nominating Committee Meeting; Washoe

6:30pm ACB Scholarship Winners' Dinner (by invitation; So Pac A

7:00pm FIA Board Meeting; 1866

8:00pm Welcome to Reno Party; Ponderosa

8:00pm NABS Welcome Party; 2950

8:30pm Jewish Havdalah; Carson

9:00pm ACB Resolutions Committee; Fremont

9:00pm ACBL Milly's Place Pin Swap; 2951

Sunday, July 10

6:30am ACB Walk/Run

8:00am - 7:00pm Registration; Pavillion B

8:00am NABT Breakfast; So Pac B

8:30am ACB Convention Café; Pavillion A

9:00am Roman Catholic Mass; Cen Pac

9:00am LDS Sacrament Meeting; Washoe

9:00am Gaming Lessons; Casino

9:00am - 5:00pm Exhibits; Pavillion C-E

9:00am CCLVI Program; Bonanza C

9:30am ACBL Board Meeting; Carson

9:45am NABT Business Meeting; So Pac B

9:45am RSVA Program; Bonanza A

10:00am Reno City Tour

10:00am BITS Program; So Pac E-F

10:30am Interdenominational Church Service; Cen Pac

10:30am BOP Meeting; Fremont

10:30am NABS Board Meeting; Alpine

11:00am ACB Committee Chairs Meeting; Tahoe

11:00am GDUI First-timers Meeting; Bonanza B

12:00pm GDUI Hotel Orientation; Bonanza B

12:15pm Sports Fanatics Lunch; So Pac D

12:15pm ACBDA Lunch; So Pac A

12:15pm NABS Scholarship Luncheon; So Pac B

12:30pm Reno City Tour

1:00pm ACB Credentials Committee; Fremont

1:15pm AAVIA Program; Alpine

1:30pm ACBDA Diabetes Seminar; So Pac A

1:30pm BITS Technology Vendors' Showcase; So Pac E-F

1:30pm FIA Let Your Garden Grow; Donner

1:30pm Seeing Eye Ice Cream Social; Ponderosa A

2:00pm PR Workshop - Guerrilla Marketing; Bonanza C

2:00pm Keys to the Convention Seminar; Washoe

2:45pm Transportation Workshop - Getting Around Town, Part 1; Cen Pac

3:00pm GDUI First-timers Meeting; Bonanza B

3:00pm Gaming Lessons; Casino

3:00pm ACBGE Mixer; 2951

3:30pm BRL Board Meeting; Carson

3:30pm Newsreelers' Get-together; So Pac C

3:30pm BPI Mardi Gras Mixer; 2752

4:00pm CCLVI Mixer; 2950

4:00pm FIA Mixer/Showcase Sign-up; 1866

4:30pm GDUI Board Meeting; Bonanza B

5:00pm GDUI Convention Area Orientation; Bonanza B

5:30pm FIA Octet Rehearsal; 1866

6:30pm Entertainment; Rose Ballroom

7:00pm ACB General Session; Rose Ballroom

10:00pm RSVA Mixer; 2932

11:00pm (after general session) ACB Resolutions Committee; Fremont

Monday, July 11

7:00am IVIE Breakfast and Meeting; So Pac A

7:00am AFB Breakfast; So Pac C-D

7:45am Sunrise Exercise; Bonanza B

8:00am ACB Café; Pavillion A

8:00am - 4:00pm Registration; Pavillion B

8:00am Entertainment; Rose Ballroom

8:15am - 5:00pm Youth Activity Center; Washoe

8:30am ACB General Session; Rose Ballroom

11:00am - 5:00pm Exhibits; Pavillion C-E

12:15pm AAVL Luncheon; So Pac A

12:15pm MCAC Luncheon; So Pac B

12:15pm RSVA Luncheon; So Pac C-D

12:30pm National Automobile Museum Tour

1:15pm Rocksport Gym Tour

1:15pm AAVIA program; Alpine

1:15pm BITS program; So Pac E

1:15pm CCLVI program; Tahoe

1:15pm FIA MIDI Workshop; Night Club

1:15pm GDUI program; Bonanza B

1:15pm LUA program; Donner

1:15pm NABT Safety Workshop; Carson

2:45pm NABT Safety Workshop; Carson

2:45pm Rehab Task Force Seminar; Bonanza C

3:30pm FIA Showcase Audition; Night Club

4:00pm ACB Constitution and Bylaws Committee; Fremont

4:15pm Rehabilitation Around the World; Bonanza C

4:15pm WCC Self Defense; Bonanza B

5:45pm ACB Nominating Committee; Bonanza A

5:45pm HumanWare Breeze; Donner

5:45pm Smartpen Audio-tactile Maps; Alpine

5:45pm Piano Technology Workshop; Carson

6:30pm RSVA Auction; Ponderosa A

7:00pm Gospel Sing; So Pac C-D

7:00pm CCLVI: Take Me Out to the Ball Game; So Pac A-B

7:15pm Blind Pride Business Meeting; 2752

7:15pm Bookshare Users' Group; Donner

7:15pm Freedom Scientific Tech Session; Alpine

7:15pm Kurzweil User's Group; Tahoe

7:30pm GDUI Street Crossings; Bonanza B

8:00pm Get Social with SASI; 2950

8:00pm ACB Resolutions Committee; Fremont

8:30pm Hospitality Bytes with BITS; 2951

9:00pm CFVI/Recreation Zone Audible Dart Game; Cen Pac

9:00pm FIA Prose and Poetry Reading; Alpine

9:00pm RSVA Karaoke; Ponderosa A

Tuesday, July 12

7:00am BRL International Breakfast; So Pac B

7:00am Guide Dogs for the Blind Breakfast; So Pac C-D

8:00am - 3:00pm Registration; Pavillion B

8:00am ACB Café; Pavillion A

8:00am Entertainment; Rose Ballroom

8:15am - 5:00 p.m. Youth Activity Center; Washoe

8:30am ACB General Session; Rose Ballroom

11:00am - 5:00 p.m. Exhibits; Pavillion C-E

12:15pm Lake Tahoe Adventures Tour

12:15pm AAVIA Luncheon; So Pac B

12:15pm BITS Luncheon and Program; So Pac C

12:15pm FIA Luncheon and Meeting; So Pac D

12:15pm VIVA Luncheon and meeting; So Pac A

12:30pm RSVA Presidents' Meeting; 2932

1:15pm BPI: Bullied - Life Experience; Alpine

1:15pm BRL program and meeting; Bonanza C

1:15pm CCLVI program; Tahoe

1:15pm GDUI Program; Bonanza B

1:15pm NABS Business Meeting; Fremont

1:15pm NABT Program; Carson

2:00pm Blackjack Tournament; Casino

4:15pm IRC - Madrid Awaits; So Pac E

4:15pm Residential Schools - Challenges and Opportunities; Bonanza C

4:15pm WCC Self-Defense; Bonanza B

4:15pm NABS Bite out of Apple; Donner

4:15pm Vanda Pharmaceuticals Reception; Ponderosa A

5:00pm ACB Constitution and Bylaws Committee; Fremont

5:45pm California Caucus; Bonanza A

5:45pm Rec. Zone: Golf; Cen Pac

5:45pm Voices From Around the World International Reception; So Pac D

5:45pm LUA Book Market; Alpine

5:45pm HumanWare: Braille on the Go; Carson

5:45pm Self-Defense Training; Bonanza B

6:30pm ACB Scholarship Winners' Reception; 2951

7:00pm Texas Hold'em Tournament; Casino

7:15pm AFB: Give Back Through Mentoring; Carson

7:15pm APH Talking Maps; Donner

7:15pm HIMS Sense Products; Tahoe

7:30pm GDUI Animal First Aid; Bonanza B

8:00pm ACB Resolutions Committee; Fremont

8:00pm RSVA/IVIE mixer(Members only); 2932

8:30pm FIA Showcase of the Performing Arts; Night Club

9:00pm BPI Discussion Group; 2752

10:30pm FIA Cabaret; Night Club

Wednesday, July 13

7:00am CFVI Families Breakfast; So Pac B

7:00am NIB Breakfast; So Pac C-D

7:45am Sunrise Exercise; Bonanza B

8:00am ACB Café; Pavillion A

8:00am - 3:00pm Registration; Pavillion B

8:00am Entertainment; Rose Ballroom

8:15am - 5:00pm Youth Activity Center; Washoe

8:30am ACB General Session; Rose Ballroom

11:00am - 5:00pm Exhibits; Pavillion C-E

12:15pm Chocolate Nugget Tour

12:15pm Davidson Tea Company Tour

12:15pm Ultimate Sling Shot Tour

12:15pm ACBL Luncheon; So Pac B

12:15pm GDUI Luncheon; So Pac C-D

12:15pm IVIE Luncheon and Program; So Pac A

1:15pm AAVL Program; Bonanza C

1:15pm ACBDA Business Meeting, Tahoe

1:15pm CCLVI movie: Going Blind; Bonanza B

1:15pm FIA MIDI Workshop; 1866

1:15pm LUA/BRL Program; Bonanza A

1:45pm Chocolate Nugget Tour

2:00pm Davidson Tea Company Tour

2:00pm Ultimate Sling Shot Tour; So Pac E

2:45pm ACB/Blind Pride/NABS Employment Seminar; So Pac E

2:45pm SASI Deaf-Blind Workshop; Cen Pac

2:45pm ACBHSP: How to Work a Room; Carson

2:45pm FIA Writers' Workshop; Donner

2:45pm GDUI Business Meeting; So Pac C-D

3:30pm GDUI ACB Caucus; So Pac C-D

4:00pm AAVL Musical Mixer; 2950

4:15pm Mid-South Caucus; So Pac A-B

4:15pm ACB Legislative Seminar; Bonanza C

4:15pm WCC Women's Circle; Alpine

4:15pm NELDS ADA Seminar; Tahoe

5:00pm MCAC Midweek Social; 2951

5:45pm Midwest Caucus; Carson

5:45pm Rec. Zone Audio Darts; Cen Pac

5:45pm ACBHSP Networking; 2932

5:45pm BPI Flashback 1961 Party; 2752

5:45pm FIA Round and Harmony Sing; 1866

5:45pm HumanWare Victor Stream; Donner

5:45pm Self Defense Training; Bonanza B

6:00pm ACB Auction Preview; Ponderosa

7:00pm ACB Auction; Ponderosa

7:30pm GDUI Poker Run; Bonanza B

8:00pm ACB Resolutions Committee; Fremont

Thursday, July 14

7:00am New York Breakfast Caucus (open); So Pac A

7:00am Washington State Breakfast Caucus (WCB members only); So Pac B

7:00am WCC Sister Power Breakfast; So Pac D

7:30am FIA Board Meeting; 1866

8:00am - 3:00pm Registration; Pavillion B

8:00am ACB Café; Pavillion A

8:00am Entertainment; Rose Ballroom

8:15am Youth Activity Center; Washoe

8:30am ACB General Session; Rose Ballroom

8:30am ADP Institute; Alpine

9:00am - 1:00pm Exhibits; Pavillion C-E

12:00pm ACBL Local Club Visit (meet in lobby)

12:15pm ACBGE Luncheon; So Pac B

12:30pm Nevada State Museum Tour

12:30pm Nevada Museum of Art Tour

12:30pm IVIE Small Business Expo; Genoa

1:15pm Transportation Workshop - Getting Around Town, Part 2; Cen Pac

1:15pm ACB Radio Amateurs Meeting; Carson

1:15pm BRL Program; Bonanza C

1:15pm CCLVI Program; Tahoe

1:15pm GDUI Animal First Aid; Bonanza B

2:45pm ACB Membership Seminar; Bonanza A

2:45pm BOP: A Forum on the Forum; So Pac E

3:30pm Blackjack Tournament; Casino

4:15pm ACB Affiliate Presidents' Meeting; Ponderosa A

5:00pm DKM First-timers' Reception; 2951

5:45pm Missouri Caucus; So Pac D

5:45pm New England, Florida and Maryland Caucus; So Pac E

5:45pm Rec. Zone: Golf; Cen Pac

5:45pm Rec. Zone, Pilates; Bonanza B

5:45pm Self-Defense Training; Genoa

6:00pm ACB Resolutions Committee; Fremont

7:00pm ACB Candidates' Forum; Rose Ballroom

7:15pm BPI Movie: The Kids are All Right; 2752

7:30pm ACB/ADP Movie: The Social Network; Alpine

9:00pm NABS Comedy Night; Ponderosa A

9:30pm ACB Resolutions Committee; Fremont

Friday, July 15

8:00am ACB Café; Pavillion A

8:00am - 2:00pm Registration; Pavillion B

8:00am Entertainment; Rose Ballroom

8:15am Youth Activity Center; Washoe

8:30am ACB General Session; Rose Ballroom

8:30am ADP Institute; Alpine

5:30pm ACB Life Members Reception; Pavillion C

6:30pm Youth Activity Center Party; Washoe

6:30pm Pre-banquet Entertainment; Pavillion D-E

7:00pm ACB Golden Anniversary Banquet; Pavillion D-E

Saturday, July 16

8:30am Tahoe Ridge Winery Tour

9:00am ADP Institute; Alpine

10:00am ACB Post-convention Board Meeting; So Pac B-E

5:00pm Woodwind II Sunset Sail

6:30pm Dinner and Comedy; Trader Dick's/Night Club