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Conference and Convention Calendar

AFBLC 2014

Your Bridge to the Future
AFB Leadership Conference

American Foundation for the Blind
Expanding possibilities for people with vision loss
February 27 - March 1, 2014
Brooklyn Bridge Marriott
New York, New York
For exhibit, advertising, or sponsorship information, contact:
Amanda Kolling at [email protected]

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Conference and Convention Calendar

Wednesday, July 3

5:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Registration, Nationwide

Thursday, July 4

8:00 AM - 7:00 PM: Registration, Nationwide
8:15 AM: Tour; Reds Game
8:15 AM: Tour; Cincinnati Museum Center
4:45 PM: Tour; Tecumseh Outdoor Drama
8:00 PM: NELDS Board Meeting, President's Suite

Friday, July 5

8:00 AM: City Bus Tour 1
8:00 AM - 7:00PM: Registration, Nationwide
9:00 AM: ACB Café
9:00 AM - ACB Pre-convention Board Meeting; Union A
10:30 AM - Tour; Wyandotte Winery
12:00 PM - Tour; Ohio Village and Museum
1:15 PM - 411 from the IAC; Delaware A
3:00 PM - CCLVI Board Meeting; Fayette
4:00 PM - Constitution and Bylaws; Harding
4:00 PM - BPI Welcome Party; BPI Suite
4:45 PM - Tour; Schmidt German Restaurant
5:00 PM - Keys to the Convention; Union C
5:30 PM - LUA Board Meeting; Champaign
6:30 PM - Scholarship Winners’ Dinner (by invitation only); Taft C
7:30 PM - BITS Board Meeting; Harding
8:00 PM - ACB Students Welcome Party; Executive Director's Suite
8:00 PM - Discover More Welcome Party; Franklin
9:00 PM – ACB Lions Milly's Place; President's Suite 2007
9:00 PM – Resolutions; Harding

Saturday, July 6

6:30 AM - ACB 2013 Walk
8:00 AM - ACB Café
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM - Registration; Nationwide
8:00 AM - NABT Breakfast and Program; Grant
9:00 AM - CCLVI Program; Morrow
9:00 AM - HIMS: Browsing the Web with Window Eyes; GW Micro Suite
9:15 AM - Tour; Ice Cream and the Works
9:30 AM - FIA Board Meeting; FIA Suite
9:30 AM - ACB Lions Board Meeting; Harding
10:00 AM - City Bus Tour 2
10:00 AM - Streaming with ACB Radio; Regency Ballroom
10:00 AM - BITS Program, Tablet Computers; Taft A
10:00 AM - RSVA Board Meeting; Fayette
10:30 AM - BOP/CCLVI Workshop; Morrow
10:45 AM - ACBS Business Meeting; Taft C
11:00 AM - ACB Committee Chairs Meeting; Union A
11:00 AM - GDUI First-Timers Session; McKinley
11:00 AM - GW Micro: GW Connect; GW Micro Suite
11:30 AM - Kurzweil 1000 Users Group Lunch, Taft C
12:00 PM - GDUI Hotel Orientation; Garfield
12:15 PM - ACBDA Luncheon and Meeting; Grant
12:15 PM - ACBS Scholarship Luncheon; Taft C
12:15 PM - Sports Fanatics’ Luncheon; Union E
1:00 PM – ACB Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM - City Bus Tour 3
1:00 PM - Credentials Committee; Marion
1:15 PM - BITS Program, Braille Displays; Taft A
1:15 PM - BRL Orienteering; Harding
1:15 PM - BPI Caucus; BPI Suite
1:15 PM - RSVA Program; Morrow
1:30 PM – ACBDA Business Meeting
2:00 PM - Teen Blast Launch; Hayes
2:00 PM - Keys to the Convention; Union C
2:00 PM - GDUI Affiliate Roundup; McKinley
2:45 PM - ACBS/BPI Exploring Opportunities; Taft C
3:00 PM - ACBGE Mixer; President's Suite 2007
3:00 PM - GDUI First-Timer Session; Taft B
3:30PM - BRL Board Meeting; Harding
3:30 PM - Tour; Newsreelers
4:00 PM - AAVIA Board Meeting; Fayette
4:00 PM - CCLVI Mixer; Executive Director's Suite
4:00 PM - IAC iOS App Swap; Grant
4:00 PM - FIA Mixer; FIA Suite
4:00 PM - GDUI Board Meeting; McKinley
4:00 PM - GDUI Hotel Orientation; Garfield
4:00 PM - HIMS Tech Session; Union B
5:00 PM - Roman Catholic Mass; Delaware C
5:00 PM - Interdenominational Church Service; Delaware D
5:00 PM - How Tweet It Is; Grant
5:30 PM - Exhibitors Reception (by invitation only); President's Suite
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM - ACB Marketplace
6:30 PM - Entertainment; Regency Ballroom
7:00 PM - Opening Keynote General Session; Regency Ballroom
10:00 PM – RSVA/IVIE Mixer; RSVA Suite
11:00 PM - Resolutions Committee; Harding

Sunday, July 7

7:00 AM - BPI Meet & Greet Breakfast; (offsite) meet in BPI Suite
7:00 AM - Jewish Service; Fayette
7:00 AM - AFB Breakfast; Franklin A
7:00 AM - IVIE Breakfast/Meeting; Grant
7:00 AM - GDUI Breakfast Club (offsite); meet in lobby
7:30 AM - ACB Marketplace
7:30 AM - ACB Café
8:00 AM - Morning Entertainment; Regency Ballroom
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM - Registration; Nationwide
8:15 AM - Kids Explorers Club; Hayes
8:30 AM - ACB General Session; Regency Ballroom
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM - ACB Exhibit Hall; Battelle South Ballroom
12:15 PM - AAVL Luncheon; Grant
12:15 PM - MCAC Luncheon and Program; Taft C
12:15 PM - RSVA Awards Lunch; Taft D
12:30 PM - Tour; Fort Ancient
12:30 PM - Tour; Hocking Hills Zip Line
1:15 PM - AAVIA Program; Morrow
1:15 PM – IRC/CCLVI Passport; Union A
1:15 PM - BITS Vendor Showcase; Taft A
1:15 PM - FIA MIDI Workshop; FIA Suite
1:15 PM - GDUI Program; McKinley
1:15 PM - LUA Program; Union C
2:00 PM – Latter-day Saints Sacrament Meeting; Fayette
2:45 PM - BPI Les Misérables; Fairfield
2:45 PM - FIA Showcase Rehearsals/Auditions; Franklin
2:45 PM - The View from the Driver's Seat; Delaware A
4:15 PM - ACBS Orientation & Mobility; Madison
4:15 PM - Constitutions and Bylaws; Harding
5:00 PM – RSVA Caucus – Taft D
5:45 PM - ACB Nominating Committee; Taft A
5:45 PM - LUA: Let Me Count the Ways; Taft C
5:45 PM - HIMS Tech Session; Union B
5:45 PM - HumanWare Braille Displays and iOS; Grant
6:30 PM - RSVA Auction; Franklin
7:00 PM - Gospel Sing; McKinley
7:00 PM - CCLVI Game Night; Union E
7:00 PM - An Evening Walk Out and About; meet in lobby
7:15 PM - Piano Technology Career Clinic; Fayette
8:00 PM - Get Social with SASI; President's Suite
8:00 PM - Resolutions Committee; Harding
9:00 PM - FIA Prose and Poetry Reading; Madison
9:00 PM - RSVA Karaoke Night; Franklin

Monday, July 8

7:00 AM - BPI Meet and Greet Breakfast; meet in BPI Suite
7:00 AM - BRL International Breakfast; Union E
7:00 AM - GDUI Breakfast Club (offsite); meet in lobby
7:00 AM - Guide Dogs for the Blind Alumni Breakfast; Taft C
7:30 AM - ACB Marketplace
7:30 AM - ACB Café
8:00 AM - Morning Entertainment; Regency Ballroom
8:00 AM - Registration; Nationwide
8:15 AM - Kids Explorers Club; Hayes
8:30 AM - ACB General Session; Regency Ballroom
11:00 AM - Teen Blast; Hayes
11:00 AM - ACB Exhibit Hall; Battelle South Ballroom
12:15 PM - BITS Luncheon; Taft D
12:15 PM - FIA Luncheon; Taft C
12:15 PM - RSVA Presidents’ Luncheon; RSVA Suite
12:30 PM - Tour; Ohio State House
12:30 PM - Tour; Santa Maria
1:15 PM - AAVIA Program; Taft A
1:15 PM - ACBS Business Meeting & Election; Marion
1:15 PM - BPI/ACBGE: Employment Equality for All; Union A
1:15 PM - BRL Program and Business Meeting; Union C
1:15 PM - CCLVI Program; Union B
1:15 PM - GDUI Program; McKinley
1:15 PM - NABT Touch Technology for STEM; Union D
1:30 PM - Tour; Thurber House
2:45 PM – BPI: The State of Equality; Union A
2:45 PM - FIA Meet the Artists; FIA Suite
2:45 PM - Is Rehab Working?; Delaware A
2:45 PM - Get Connected Through NDBEDP; Madison
4:15 PM - Partnerships in Education; Madison
4:15 PM - The Farkle Game; Delaware D
5:45 PM - BPI Annual Business Meeting; Marion
5:45 PM - Constitution and Bylaws; Harding
5:45 PM - California Caucus; McKinley
5:45 PM - LUA Book Mark-it; Fairfield
5:45 PM - Pilates with Leslie Spoone; Delaware C
5:45 PM - Water Aerobics with Gerry Koors; hotel pool
5:45 PM - The New HumanWare Victor Stream; Morrow
5:45 PM - Role-playing New Worlds Ateraan; Union A
6:30 PM - Scholarship Winners' Reception; President's Suite
7:00 PM - GDUI "Simon Says" Doggie Style; McKinley
7:15 PM - Families Bingo Bonanza; Fairfield
7:15 PM - Bookshare Gathering (members only); Union E
7:15 PM - Role-playing New Worlds Ateraan; Union A
8:00 PM - FIA Performing Arts Showcase; Franklin
8:00 PM - RSVA Casino Night; Taft A
8:00 PM - Resolutions Committee; Harding
8:30 PM - Bytes with BITS; Executive Director's Suite

Tuesday, July 9

7:00 AM - BPI meet and greet breakfast (offsite); meet in BPI Suite
7:00 AM - GDUI Breakfast Club (offsite); meet in lobby
7:00 AM - ACBF Breakfast and Program; Grant
7:00 AM - NIB Annual Breakfast; Taft C
7:30 AM - ACB Marketplace
7:30 AM - ACB Café
8:00 AM - Morning Entertainment; Regency Ballroom
8:00 AM - Registration; Nationwide
8:15 AM - Kids Explorers Club; Hayes
8:30 AM - ACB General Session; Regency Ballroom
11:00 AM – ACB Exhibit Hall; Battelle South Ballroom
12:15 PM - AAVIA Luncheon; Grant
12:15 PM - BPI & IVIE Luncheon; Union E
12:15 PM - GDUI Lunch, Sterling to Steel; Taft C
12:15 PM - Tour; Anthony-Thomas Candy 1
12:15 PM - Tour; Slate Run Farm
1:00 PM - Tour; Anthony Thomas Candy 2
1:15 PM - Ohio Services for Elder Blind; Union A
1:15 PM – ACBDA/BPI Diabetes in Progress; Union B
1:15 PM - Going Blind, Going Forward; Union C
1:15 PM - FIA: The Art of Listening; Taft A
1:15 PM - LUA/BRL/NABT Program; Taft B
2:45 PM - Two People in an Elevator; Madison
2:45 PM - Toastmasters Meeting; Union C
2:45 PM - GDUI Caucus; Taft C
2:45 PM - LUA/BRL/FIA/NABT Program; Taft B
2:45 PM - VIVA Business Meeting; Harding
4:15 PM - Legislative Seminar; Fairfield
4:15 PM – Storytelling During Interviews; Madison
4:15 PM - AAVL Musical Mixer; Executive Director's Suite
4:15 PM - Singing Around the Universe; FIA Suite
4:15 PM - LUA Post-convention Board Meeting; Taft B
4:15 PM - Managed Health Care; Marion
5:00 PM - MCAC Mid-week Social; President's Suite
5:45 PM - Voices From Around the World; Delaware A
5:45 PM - ACBHSP Dinner and Meeting; Delaware A
5:45 PM - Mid-South Caucus; Taft B
5:45 PM - Midwest Caucus; McKinley
5:45 PM - Maryland/New England/Florida Caucus; Taft A
5:45 PM - Travel Technology from APH; Delaware B
5:45 PM - Role-playing New Worlds Ateraan; Union A
6:00 PM - ACB Auction Preview; Franklin
6:00 PM - ACBL Local Club Visit; meet in lobby
7:00 PM - Exploration Party and ACB Auction; Franklin
7:15 PM - Role-playing New Worlds Ateraan; Union A
7:30 PM - Dog Stories and More; Garfield
8:00 PM - Resolutions Committee; Harding

Wednesday, July 10

7:00 AM - PCB/ACBNY Breakfast Caucus (members only); Taft D
7:00 AM - Washington State Breakfast Caucus (members only); Taft C
7:30 AM - ACB Marketplace
7:30 AM - ACB Café
7:30 AM - FIA Meeting; FIA Suite
8:00 AM - Morning Entertainment; Regency Ballroom
8:00 AM - Registration; Nationwide
8:15 AM - Kids Explorers Club; Hayes
8:30 AM - ACB General Session; Regency Ballroom
8:30 AM - ADP Institute; Fayette
11:00 AM - ACB Exhibit Hall
11:00 AM - Teen Blast Baseball; Hayes
12:15 PM - ACBGE Lunch & Business Meeting; Grant
12:15 PM - ACBL Luncheon & Meeting; Taft D
12:15 PM - Tour; American Whistle Factory 1
12:15 PM - Tour; Topiary Garden
12:30 PM - IVIE Business Expo; Taft A
1:15 PM - BOP Editors' Workshop; Delaware A
1:15 PM - What's 'Appening Workshop; BPI Suite
2:00 PM - Tour; American Whistle Factory 2
2:45 PM - ACB Radio Amateurs Program; Clark
2:45 PM - ACB Membership Seminar; Delaware A
2:45 PM - BPI Exploring Your Passions; BPI Suite
4:15 PM - WCC Achieving is Overrated; Delaware D
4:15 PM - ACB Affiliate Presidents' Meeting; Delaware B
5:00 PM - DKM First-Timers Reception; President's Suite
5:45 PM - Yoga with Leslie Spoone; Delaware C
5:45 PM - Water Aerobics with Gerry Koors; Hotel Pool
5:45 PM - Missouri Caucus; McKinley
6:00 PM - Resolutions Committee; Harding
6:15 PM - BPI Farewell Party; BPI Suite
7:00 PM - BOP Candidates' Forum; Regency Ballroom
7:30 PM - ACB Film Night, Argo described!; McKinley
9:00 PM - ACBS Comedy Night; Union B
9:30 PM - Resolutions Committee; Harding

Thursday, July 11

7:00 AM - Sister Power Breakfast; Taft C
7:30 AM - ACB Marketplace
7:30 AM - ACB Café
8:00 AM - Morning Entertainment; Regency Ballroom
8:00 AM - Registration; Nationwide
8:15 AM - Kids Explorers Club and Teen Blast; Hayes
8:30 AM - ACB General Session; Regency Ballroom
8:30 AM - ADP Institute; Fayette
5:30 PM - ACB Life Member Reception; Taft C
6:30 PM - Pre-banquet Entertainment; Franklin
7:00 PM - ACB Banquet; Franklin

Friday, July 12

6:30 AM - Tour; Blind Services
9:00 AM - ADP Institute; Fayette
10:00 AM - ACB Post-Convention Board Meeting; Union A 
4:45 PM - Tour; Dinner and a Movie