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Board of Publications Gives You the Chance to Let Your Voice Be Heard

The Board of Publications (BOP) is seeking the assistance of all ACB members and “ACB Braille Forum” subscribers.  Those of us on the BOP know and believe that the best way to garner support for any and all ACB publications is to ensure that those publications address the needs, interests and concerns of as many ACB members and subscribers as possible. Both in a previous “ACB E-Forum” article, and at the affiliate presidents’ meeting this past February, we told you about our plans to conduct a comprehensive membership survey to get the feedback of our readers on a range of topics connected with our two primary national publications, “The ACB Braille Forum” and “The ACB E-Forum.”
We are pleased to let you know that the survey is now available and we are inviting ACB members and friends to share their opinions.  Our goals are to learn how our readers access these publications, which sections they like most, where readers think we can improve and any ideas readers have for making improvements to the quality and/or quantity of the information we publish.
In order to ensure that our survey reaches the widest possible audience and that return rates are as high as possible and reflective of our entire membership base — including people who do not have access to computers or the Internet — the survey is being included in this issue of “The ACB E-Forum,” available online at, via e-mail, and a hard copy can be mailed to you in your chosen format upon request by contacting Sharon Lovering at the ACB national office by calling 1-800-424-8666.  We will also provide copies to each state and special-interest affiliate president as well as to each member of the board and national staff. All of these members will be asked to assist any member to complete the survey if asked.  BOP members will also be available to help anyone needing assistance, both before and throughout convention week.  If you would like to request assistance in completing the survey, you may call 1-877-651-9560.  Leave your name, phone number and the best time to call, and someone will get back to you as quickly as possible. E-mail responses can be sent to [email protected].  The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete, and we don’t want anyone to be left out.
Finally, the BOP is very excited to be conducting two town hall meetings during the 2014 ACB conference and convention regarding this project, to be held on Sunday afternoon, July 13 and Thursday afternoon, July 17.  The purpose of the town hall meetings will be to talk candidly about all aspects of Forum production, answer any of your questions, and receive feedback from any and all who attend.  Everyone attending the convention is invited; we want to hear from you.

ACB Board of Publications 2014 Membership Survey Questionnaire

The following questions pertain to the ACB Braille Forum. This is the bimonthly magazine which is published in hard copy formats, including braille, large print, on cassette tape, on CD-ROM and in several other electronic formats.
1A.  Do you receive the ACB Braille Forum? Choose only one.

a. Yes
b. No

2A.  In what format do you receive the ACB Braille Forum? Choose all that apply.

a. I read it on the ACB Web site
b. Large print I receive in the mail
c. Large print I download from the ACB Web site
d. Braille I receive in the mail
e. Braille I download from the ACB Web site
f. Text on CD-ROM
g. Text I download from the ACB Web site
h. Audio cassette tape
i. Email
j. Phone via ACB Radio/Audio Now
k. Phone via NFB-Newsline®
3A.  How often do you read the ACB Braille Forum? Choose only one.
a. Every time it comes out (all six issues)
b. Usually but not always (four or five issues per year)
c. Sometimes (about 3 issues per year)
d. Occasionally but not often (one or two issues per year)
e. Rarely if ever
4A.  When you read the ACB Braille Forum, how do you read it? Choose only one.
a. I read it cover to cover.
b. I read it in bits and pieces over several days or weeks.
c. I read only those parts of the magazine that interest me.
d. I rarely read it.
5A.  Which three ACB Braille Forum features do you like most? Choose your top three.
a. President’s Message
b. Convention information and updates
c. ACB Business, Committee Reports, etc.
d. Articles from ACB members and other individuals
e. Affiliate Updates
f. High Tech Swap Shop
g. Here and There
h. Poetry and other features
i. Other – Please describe:
6A.  When you are finished reading the ACB Braille Forum, what do you usually do with the magazine? Choose the answer that best describes what you do.

a. I keep the magazine so that I can refer back to it in the future.
b. I share the magazine with another individual or organization so it can be passed along to someone else.
c. I discard the magazine.
d.Other – Please describe:
The following questions pertain to the new ACB E-Forum. This electronic magazine was launched in 2013 and is published bimonthly during the months when the ACB Braille Forum is not published.
7A.  Do you receive the ACB E-Forum?
a. Yes
b. No
8A.  If you do not receive the ACB E-Forum, which of the following statements best describes why you do not receive it? Choose only one.
a. I do not have access to email.
b. I do not like reading magazines in an electronic format.
c. I do not like listening to magazines in an audio format.
d. I have never heard of the ACB E-Forum.
e. Other – Please describe:
9A.  If you are an E-Forum recipient, how often do you read the E-Forum? Choose only one.
a. Every time it comes out
b. Usually but not always (four or five issues per year)
c. Sometimes (about 3 issues per year)
d. Occasionally but not often (one or two issues per year)
e. Rarely if ever
10A.  When you read the ACB E-Forum, how do you read it? Choose only one.
a. I read it cover to cover.
b. I read it in bits and pieces over several days or weeks.
c. I read only those parts of the magazine that interest me.
d. I rarely read it.
The following questions pertain to both of ACB’s primary publications: the ACB Braille Forum and the ACB E-Forum.
11A.  Which document formats are accessible to you for ACB publications? Choose all that apply.
a. Text displayed on the ACB Web site
b. Large print available by mail
c. Large print which can be downloaded from the ACB Web site
d. Braille available by mail
e. Braille which can be downloaded from the ACB Web site
f. Text on CD-ROM
g. Text which can be downloaded from the ACB Web site
h. Audio cassette tape
i. Email
j. Phone via ACB Radio/Audio Now
k.Phone via NFB-Newsline®
12A.  If you could receive the ACB Braille Forum in any format, which would you choose? Choose only one.
a. Text displayed on the ACB Web site
b. Large print available by mail
c. Large print which can be downloaded from the ACB Web site
d. Braille available by mail
e. Braille which can be downloaded from the ACB Web site
f. Text on CD-ROM
g. Text which can be downloaded from the ACB Web site
h. Audio cassette tape
i. Audio on CD-ROM
j. Email
k. Phone via ACB Radio/Audio Now
l. Phone via NFB-Newsline®
m. Audio via podcast
n. Other – Please describe:
13A.  Although the ACB collects a total of $5 per member per year, it costs the ACB about $40 to produce and provide the ACB Braille Forum and the ACB E-Forum to one member for one year. Given this fact, would you be willing to:
a. Pay higher dues
b. Pay an additional subscription fee
c. Make a voluntary donation
d. Some combination of A, B and/or C
e. I would not be willing to pay more to receive the ACB Braille Forum and ACB E-Forum.
14A.  If you would be willing to pay more to cover the cost of the ACB Braille Forum and/or the ACB E-Forum, what amount would you be able/willing to pay over and above the current ACB annual dues of $5?
a. $10
b. $20
c. $30
d. $40
e. Other – Please describe:
15A.  How do you think ACB should raise money to cover the rising cost of producing and distributing ACB publications? Check all that apply.
a. Higher annual dues
b. A voluntary donation to cover subscription costs
c. A combination of A and B
d. Other – Please describe:
The following questions pertain to your feelings about ACB’s use of Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets.
16A.  Do you use Twitter? – Check only one.
a. Yes
b. No
17A.  If you use Twitter, do you follow ACB or any ACB affiliates or chapters?
a. Yes
b. No
18A.  Do you use Facebook? – Check only one.
a. Yes
b. No
19A.  If you use Facebook, have you liked ACB’s Web page?
a. Yes
b. No
20A.  Please share any other comments you have that would assist the ACB Board of Publications to improve the quality and/or accessibility of ACB publications.

Demographic Information

The following questions are optional—you do not have to answer them. Any information you provide will not be shared or correlated with your specific answers to the survey. Our intent is to ensure that our survey is reaching the broadest possible cross-section of ACB members and friends. It will also assist us in evaluating any potential correlations between specific responses and groups of respondents, e.g., men, women, people over 75, people in the East, people with limited incomes, etc.
1B.  Your zip code:
2B.  Gender – Choose only one:
a. Male
b. Female
c. Prefer not to specify
3B.  Age – Choose only one:
a. Under 18
b. 18-24
c. 25-39
d. 40-49
e. 50-59
f. 60-74
g. 75+
h. Prefer not to disclose
4B.  Annual income - Choose only one:
a. $24,999 or less
b. Between $25,000 and $49,999
c. Between $50,000 and $74,999
d. Between $75,000 and $99,999
e. $100,000 or more
f. Prefer not to disclose
5B.  How many ACB national conventions have you attended within the past ten years? Choose only one.
a. 8 or more
b. 5 to 7
c. 3 to 5
d. 1 or 2
e. I have never attended an ACB national convention.
6B.  Are you involved with an ACB state affiliate and/or an ACB special-interest affiliate?
a. Yes
b. No
7B.  Are you involved with a local chapter of an ACB state or special-interest affiliate?   Choose only one.
a. Yes
b. No

Optional Contact Information

If you would like to disclose your contact information and/or if you would like to be contacted by a member of the board of publications to discuss your thoughts and ideas about how ACB can improve the quality and availability of our publications, please feel free to provide the following information:
1C. First Name
2C. Last Name
3C. Email address
4C. Daytime phone number
5C. Evening/weekend phone number