As a follow-up to my article in the December edition, I can report that the elk steak did, in fact, taste really good.
On the afternoon of Nov. 15, with the help of my companion hunter and the NiteSite device, I harvested a very nice cow elk. We estimated that she weighed about 400 pounds.
After pulling the trigger, things got pretty hectic in the hunting blind. Since I wasn’t able to see what was going on, it all seemed sort of surreal until my companion hunter took me outside to where the downed elk lay. We had made only one shot, so it was a clean kill. The whole experience was very exciting.
We’re looking forward to many elk steaks, burgers, and chili in our house this winter.
If you ever want to experience an assisted hunt such as this, don’t let your vision loss hold you back. I guarantee you won’t regret it.
— Tom Lealos