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April 5, 2010, Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Publications

Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2010

The ACB Board of Publications met via teleconference at approximately 9:05pm (EDT), Monday, April 5, 2010. Members present were: Paul Edwards, Marcia Dresser, Judy Jackson, Jenine Stanley, Ken Stewart; Ex Oficio Members: Berl Colley, Michael Malver, Larry Turnbull; Absent: Ron Milliman; ACB Staff: Sharon Lovering; Guest: Mitch Pomerantz. 

Marcia moved to adopt the agenda as amended. The motion was seconded and approved. 

Ken moved to accept the March minutes. The motion was seconded and approved. 

BOP Policy Manual:
Jenine will send the 2009 edition of the Policy Manual to Earlene Hughes for placement on the ACB web site. 

Internet Oversight Committee:
Michael reported that the IOC had determined a suspension policy for violation of list rules as follows: 

First offense = 7 day suspension 

Second offense = 30 day suspension 

Third offense = 1 year suspension 

After 2 years the first offense drops off a person’s record. 

The IOC changed the wording of the last paragraph in its rules to read: 

“These rules have been designed and approved for the above list by the Internet Oversight Committee and the Board of Publications has adopted them as a frame of reference for all ACB lists. Affiliates may use these rules as a model for their lists. Moderators of other ACB lists can also use these rules so long as the rules are properly attributed.” 

Ken moved to have the sentence in dispute read: “These rules have been designed and approved for the above list by the Internet Oversight Committee and the Board of Publications has adopted them.” The motion was seconded but defeated. 

Marcia moved to have the statement read: “These rules have been designed and approved for the above list by the Internet Oversight Committee and the Board of Publications has adopted them and will use them as a frame of reference for other lists.” The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. 

Paul wished the minutes to reflect the following to the IOC: 

“Michael, I hope you will convey to your committee the deep appreciation of the Board of Publications for the hard work that was done working on these rules. We value your efforts, your autonomy and have no intention to overturn decisions you are likely to make. We absolutely reaffirm your rights as a committee to make rules for the list. I know I speak for the whole Board of Publications when I tell you that we are very glad your committee exists and believe it performs a valuable and necessary function for ACB.” 

DAISY Committee:
Berl reported that the committee discussed the BOP’s request for a plan of action for converting ACB Office documents into DAISY format. They divided the task into first all documents in electronic formats, then all hard copy documents. He estimated it would be at least a year before hard copy documents were addressed. Priorities for electronic documents are: resolutions, ACB board meeting minutes, constitution and bylaws, Braille Forum issues and Board of Publications minutes. IRTI is assisting the group with more training on a time-available basis. Berl noted that the constitution and bylaws and some of the resolutions are already in DAISY format. 

Marcia moved to accept the report. The motion was seconded and approved. 

Oral History Project:
Berl reported that the group has done one more interview and are still gathering names for potential participants. 

Information Technology Resource Management Committee:
ACB President Mitch Pomerantz reported that he has asked Lane Waters to get backup bids for servers and to compare them to the existing bids. He will compile all bids and make the decision, with Mitch’s input, as to whether they need a third set of bids. 

ACB Radio:
Larry reported he is working on the Drupal Project with a test page for ACB Radio. He will install the Genesis theme, used for the main ACB pages. The only difference will be more modules for things like streaming and RSS feeds. 

He is also cleaning up the SQL database for many of the streams. ACB Radio Interactive will be moving to PRS for more flexibility in cooperative broadcasting with Ride Radio for team simulcasts. Larry will also be meeting with Marlaina Leiberg and Carla Ruschival regarding convention advertising and sponsorships. 

Jenine moved to accept the report. The motion was seconded and approved. 

Drupal Group:
Jenine reported that the Drupal Group has met and that work is commencing on setting up test pages based on the BOP Website Task Force’s design recommendations. The site will use Drupal’s Genesis theme, which is fully accessible. They hope to have test pages up by early May for review. Jenine asked the BOP to contact her about names of potential people to review the site and was provided with ample suggestions. 

Jenine then asked the BOP how it wanted to handle control over the web site process. Paul noted that he felt comfortable allowing the Drupal Group to make decisions and come to the BOP for approval when needed. It would be his and Jenine’s role on the group to determine these times. The rest of the BOP agreed with this position. 

Jenine then addressed the issue of a multi-user license for Drupal. Though Pratik Patel advised the group that they could use a single user license for a time, they would eventually need a multi-user license so that affiliates could have space on the site that they could control independently. Mitch asked that the BOP consider placing a budget request for this item in the next ACB budget. He noted that this process begins after the September board meeting, 2010. 

Editor’s Report:
Sharon is working on the May issue of the Braille Forum. She detailed a situation involving the National Braille Press. NBP has been subsidizing $1,500.00 of the cost of producing each issue of the Forum in Braille and notified ACB that it will be no longer able to subsidize that cost starting with the May issue. Mitch noted that a letter from the Editor stating that ACB will not accept any increase until the contract is fulfilled. Paul, ACB Executive Director Melanie Brunson and Mitch Pomerantz plan to meet with NBP regarding this issue. 

Sharon reported that the favorite name proposed for the newspaper at the 2010 convention was The Cactus Currier. Ken moved to approve this name. The motion was seconded and approved. 

Mike Duke and Jay Doudna are still working on the convention CDs from 2009. Sharon will contact them for a progress report. Mike is also looking for someone to record the PR Handbook. 

Marcia moved to accept the report. The motion was seconded and approved. 

Public Relations Committee:
No formal report was available but Paul noted that the committee is working on a number of white papers and public service announcements and a media kit for affiliates. 

Social Networking Task force:
Mitch reported that an edited version of the Social Networking statement went to the ACB Board and he has received no comments. From his perspective, the statement is ready for BOP consideration. The BOP voiced no objections during the discussion. Mitch will provide them with a copy of the final statement after the meeting. 

The Social Networking Task force will reconvene with this document. 

Helping Hands Article:
Paul and Mitch noted that they had received several calls and other communication about the inappropriateness of the article “Helping Hands” that appeared in the February Braille Forum. Paul reached out to the female members of the BOP for their reaction. Given the controversy, Paul felt it would be a good idea for the BOP to informally and voluntarily review upcoming content for the next several issues of the Braille Forum to assist the editor in making decisions about such articles. Ken moved that since he and others had not considered the article yet in light of the recent complaints, the BOP defer any action until the next meeting. The motion was seconded and approved. 

Sharon will send out a list of nominees for the Vernon Henley Media and Hollis K. Liggett Braille Free Press awards. It was decided that any affiliate submitting more than 2 examples of their newsletter for the Liggett award would only have the 2 most recent issues judged. The deadline for submissions is April 15 and the BOP must send in its votes by May 1. 

BOP Convention Workshop:
The BOP will hold its regular meeting on Sunday, July 11 from 10:30am to Noon. It was decided to hold a workshop on Thursday, July 15 at 3:30pm covering an overview of social networking. Paul will communicate these times and workshop descriptions to Carla Ruschival. 

Ken reported that he received the large print issue of the Braille Forum mid month but the cassette came much later. Marcia noted that she had not received the Braille issue for January or March yet. Paul plans to adds this issue to the discussion with NBP. 

Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the BOP will take place on Monday, May 3 at 9:00pm (EDT). 

Paul moved to adjourn the meeting at approximately 11:25pm (EDT). The motion was seconded and approved. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Jenine Stanley,
Recording Secretary