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April 4, 2011, Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Publications

Meeting Minutes
April 4, 2011

The ACB Board of Publications met via teleconference at approximately 9:10pm (EDT), Monday, April 4, 2011. Members present were: Paul Edwards, Marcia Dresser, Judy Jackson, Jenine Stanley, Ken Stewart; Ex Oficio Members: Berl Colley, Bob Hachey; Absent: Ron Milliman; ACB Staff/contractors: Sharon Lovering, Earlene Hughes, Larry Turnbull, Lane Waters; Guest: Mitch Pomerantz. 


Marcia moved to accept the minutes of the February 25 meeting. The motion was seconded and adopted. 

Web Site Task force: 

Jenine gave an overview of the reactivation of the Web Site Task Force based on the work of the Drupal Group headed by Mitch. Earlene and Larry also gave explanations of setting up the infrastructure via Drupal, the content management software. Earlene noted that there are very few accessible training resources for Drupal and that she is currently awaiting assistance from Pratik Patel and others to set up the theme used on the site. 

Paul explained that there are two entities involved in the overall ACB web presence, ACB via Earlene and Larry, and DeQue Systems who currently administer the ACB Store and Conference and Convention registration. Larry noted that DeQue systems and its subcontractor are using a different content management software program, Joomla. Due to some programming software, PHP5, on the ACB server which conflicts with Joomla, he advised DeQue to run its programs from its own servers. Larry strongly recommended however, bringing all functions of the web site into one location and server for ease of control and management. 

Mitch reported that he has recently spoken with Priti Cumar of DeQue Systems. She said that the reason they use Joomla is that the shopping cart module offered by Drupal was inaccessible and she felt Drupal had security concerns. Mitch also noted that ACB plans to have a long-term relationship with DeQue Systems for sponsorship and technical support. 

Earlene stated that the Drupal shopping cart as she has worked with it is accessible under Drupal 7. Transactions go directly from the shopping cart to, the company processing credit cards, thus eliminating any data on our web site. 

All agreed that it should be possible to go live with the new web site by June at the latest with a May 1 date as a target with the current structure of two entities. 

Paul and Mitch asked that immediately after the 2011 Conference and Convention, Jenine set up meetings with Lane waters who currently oversees the DeQue portions of the web site work along with Carla Ruschival. Larry will also be part of this group. The goal is to keep lines of communication open between the two entities doing web site work for ACB. 

Request to Amend Archives: 

Mitch outlined a request to amend our archives to remove the name of a product and all references to that product and the organization involved. He did not feel the need to request formally from the BOP that the archives be amended because the organization does not have a case to request this under copyright law as advised by our legal council. He brought it to the attention of the BOP as a point of information only. 

Membership Form: 

Paul reported on the issue of an “At large” membership form on the ACB web site as discussed at the last BOP meeting. Though this is somewhat out of the scope of BOP web site involvement, Paul noted that he had met with Melanie Brunson, Lane Waters and Ardis Bazyn, chair of the ACB Membership Committee, regarding the issue. It was decided that no form will be posted at this time. Earlene will identify those affiliates with existing on-line membership forms and link directly to them. It is not currently the goal to include “At large” membership forms on the ACB web site. 

Internet Oversight Committee: 

Bob reported that the IOC would like to resurrect the ACB-Chat email list. It is difficult to restrict topics as he has found nowhere else that topics other than those provided for in list rules may be freely discussed. Bob presented a list of rules for the ACB-Chat list based on those for the ACB-L list. Michael Malver will serve as co-moderator with Bob on the ACB-Chat list. 

Jenine moved to create the ACB-Chat email list. The motion was seconded and adopted unanimously. 

Jenine moved to approve the ACB-Chat email list rules as presented by Bob prior to the meeting. The motion was seconded and adopted unanimously. 

DAISY Committee: 

Berl reported that members continue to work on their assigned areas as detailed in previous BOP minutes. 

Oral History Project: 

Berl reported that editing on the Presidents CD for conference and Convention is almost finished. There will also be a CD containing 12 to 15 interviews for sale this year with future volumes planned. Berl will draft language for introductions and bumpers between interviews on this CD. 

New Idaho Affiliate: 

The new Idaho affiliate was established and is awaiting its charter and approval. The group has its own email list. Marlaina Lieberg is preparing recordings of the first meeting for ACB Radio. 

Infrastructure Technology Resource Management Committee: 

Berl reported that this group has not met recently. Paul asked Larry about existing emergency protocols. Larry reported that yes, there are emergency protocols set up and he is confident these will avoid future server disasters. 

ACB Radio: 

Larry reported that Marlaina Lieberg now hosts ACB Coast to Coast. Plans are for this to be a monthly program. “Sound of Sight” and “Eyes on Employment” will also return to ACB Radio Mainstream. 

Larry did not have listener counts available but did report they remain steady. The listener count for Treasure Trove has gone up with the new content provider. 

Editor’s Report: 

Sharon reported that she is almost finished with the May issue of the Forum. 

She reported that subscriptions are down as follows after the policy enactment recently implemented: Large Print down 3,000; Cassette down 2,000; Braille down 700and CD down 200. 

Conference and Convention: 

Paul noted that though the ACB Walk-Run is scheduled for that morning of the Conference and Convention, the BOP meeting will take place at 10:30am to 12:00pm, on Sunday, July 10. The BOP workshop, “A forum on the forum”, will take place on Thursday, July 14 at 2:45pm The Candidates Forum will take place on Thursday, July 14 at 7:00pm. 

Paul asked BOP members to come up with a series of discussion questions for the workshop. 


Ken commended Sharon for making the quick changes recommended in the past several BOP meetings. Ken recommended changing introductory language for the “Passings” section. Sharon asked to send her suggestions. 

Unfinished Business: 

NLS Collaboration: 

Paul will follow up with Mitch on proposed National Library Service collaboration in making the Braille Forum available as a magazine download from its BARD site. 

Forum Changes Cost Analysis: 

Marcia asked about issues of cost brought up during the discussion of the name change for the Braille Forum, including copyright costs and redesign of the front cover. Paul assigned Marcia to talk with Melanie Brunson and Lane Waters about copyright and Sharon regarding contract change costs and report back. 

Regarding the front cover design, Paul asked Jenine and Ken to work with Michael Fulghum and present some ideas. 

New Business: 

Deadline for Voting on Awards: 

Sharon noted that the deadline for voting on the various awards is May 2. 

Next Meeting: 

The next meeting of the BOP will take place via conference call on Monday, May 2, 2011. 


Jenine moved to adjourn the meeting at approximately 11:55pm EDT. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Jenine Stanley, Recording Secretary