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April 22, 2004, Board Meeting Minutes

American Council of the Blind
Board Meeting
April 22, 2004

The meeting was called to order by President Chris Gray at 8:37pm Central Daylight Time. 

The secretary was asked to take roll call. All Board members were present except Mr. Beatty and Mr. Trott. Ms. Brunson was present, however, Mr. Olsen was not. 

President Gray reviewed the proposed agenda for the meeting: President's Update on a few issues. Convention update (if you wish). American Red Cross Document of Understanding. 4. Fund raising update. 5. One Constitutional Amendment or resolution topic, time permitting. 6. Mr. Edwards asked to discuss a phone call he received from Mr. Crawford. 

President’s update: He said Mr. Leonard DuBoff sent a letter to President Gray stating that “Braille-Free-Press” should be in the possession of ACB soon. An Ad hoc committee will be formed in the near future to work on cell phone access. The committee will include Ms. Bonnie O’Day as well as others involved. A Convention program call was held on Monday. President Gray reviewed some of the items that will occur at the convention. Each day will have a specific topic per day. 

Mr. Edwards reported that Mr. And Mrs. Charlie Crawford called him with concerns about correspondence about the settlement with Ms. Reeder. 

Convention update: Ms. Towers reported that she and President Gray sent a letter to the hotel in Birmingham expressing their unhappiness with services received during the Mid-Year meetings in February. 

Ms. Brunson talked about the Red Cross wanting to work with disability groups. They want to encourage local chapters to work with disability groups. 

Motion 1: Mr. Edwards moved that ACB sign The Statement of Understanding with the American Red Cross. The motion carried on a voice vote. 

Fund raising. Terry Pacheco joined the call to discuss the vehicle donation program. A coalition of organizations called “CARS” is working to combat the Senate bill. There is a fee for membership. The executive Level is $4,000 per month; next level is $1,000 per month and supporting membership is $200 a month. 

Motion 2: Mr. Edwards moved that this board give the president authority, after consultation with Mr. Jeff Thom and Mr. John Learned, to commit joining at the $200 a month level should he deem it appropriate and that he be encouraged to solicit presentations from affiliates benefiting from the Vehicle Donation Program. The motion carried on a voice vote. 

President Gray stated that we may have some success with Laura Oftedahl’s work. Her contract will be up at the end of April. Ms. Oftedahl told President Gray she is willing to work through April at a 50 per cent decrease in salary and at that same rate through May. 

President Gray reported that ACB has been able to acquire three grants to off set expenses for convention. 

Motion 3: Mr. Edwards moved to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting ended at 10:16pm. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Donna Seliger, Secretary