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Affiliate News

** CCLVI Scholarship Applications Now Available 

The Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (CCLVI) will award three scholarships in the amount of $3,000 each to one full-time student in each category: entering freshmen, undergraduate and graduate. College students who are low vision, maintain a strong GPA and are involved in their school and/or local community are encouraged to apply. 

Applications may be submitted beginning Jan. 1, and all materials must be received by March 1. Scholarship monies will be awarded for the 2011-2012 academic year. 

** Who's Who Among Blind Texans? 

ACB of Texas congratulates Ann Foxworth, braille consultant for DARS/DBS Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center in Austin; Mark A. Marvel, president and CEO of Blind Ambitions Groups in Garland; and Judy Castle Scott, director of the American Foundation for the Blind Center on Vision Loss in Dallas. All three are recipients of the Who's Who Among Blind Texans Award. They have provided service to their state and/or local community in an exemplary manner through advocacy, awareness, education and volunteer efforts and will receive a certificate of membership into the Who's Who Among Blind Texans Honor Society.