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Use Promo Code: ACB2013 on
The Sudoku game which EVERYONE can play - Sighted, Blind, Low Vision!
A Deluxe Sudoku Game With Bold Numbers And Braille


  • 40 Puzzles
  • Instructions and Solutions Guide
  • Plastic Puzzle Grid to Hold Tiles
  • Playing and Placeholder Tiles with Bold Numbers and Braille
  • Attractive Birchwood Game Board with Tile Storage Drawer

Call Perkins Products at 1.617.972.7308, or visit or email [email protected]
175 North Beacon St.
Watertown, MA, USA 02472
Perkins Products
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Guiding Eyes for the Blind

Over 50 Years of Service to the Blind and Visually Impaired
When I walk down the street with my Guiding Eyes dog, I am blind, yet I am safe.
I am free.

  • Residential Training
  • Home Training
  • Special Needs Training
  • ACTION (Accelerated Client Training Option)
  • O&M Seminars

Guiding Eyes for the Blind
611 Granite Spring Rd.
Yorktown Heights, New York 10598
Phone: 914.245.4024
Email: [email protected]
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Discovering New Worlds

This year at the ACB Convention the staff from the online text game, New Worlds Ateraan, is here to introduce you to the most exciting text role playing game in the world.
On Monday and Tuesday evenings at 5:45 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. you will learn how to become immersed in the world of Ateraan, a planet like Earth where you walk amongst mystical creatures and live in an incredible country of fantastic magic and intrigue.
Choose your destiny in this intense world of magicians, warriors, merchants, thieves, clerics, and rogues. Live a life as a swashbuckling sea farer and battle pirates, explore islands, or fish in the dangerous deep seas. Become a merchant and use your creativity to build a variety of items, build cottages, houses, or even castles while running the economy.
Branch out into the world of romance or intrigue as a rogue or thief, or become famous in politics and religion as a cleric. Show your stewardship as a fighter in the garrison of the Kingdom and battle hordes of invaders alongside dozens of fellow soldiers. Or learn magic and mysticism as a druid, shaman, or mage.
These roles and dozens of others are available to you in this beautifully scripted world where the environment is dynamic, dangerous, and exciting.
Based on the book, "The Light of the Path," New Worlds Ateraan has an alluring storyline, rich history, and a concept to help turn your character into someone as real as any you have read.
New Worlds Ateraan - where Fantasy and Reality become one.
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American Thermoform Corporation

Get Braille Paper, Braille Labels and more! * 10% off on your first order!
Get the best Braille Paper, Braille Labels, tactile graphic paper and more with products from American Thermoform Corporation.
With endless size, weight and format options you can be assured to find just what you need! If not, contact American Thermoform and they will be happy to make it for you!

  • Braille paper - continuous tractor, cut-sheet and roll formats
  • Braille labels - continuous tractor and cut-sheet formats
  • Thermoform (Brailon) and Swell-Touch paper
  • PolyCovers - clear, rigid, pre-punched plastic for book covers

Braille Paper:
American Thermoform Corporation teamed up with paper specialists to develop a high-quality braille paper in continuous, cut-sheet and roll formats that can hold up to the heavy demands of braille production. The paper is sourced from a single mill so the quality never varies and it is acid free and generates minimal paper dust making it ideal for extended braille embossing.
Braille Labels:
Developed specifically for braille production, these labels are perfectly clear and designed with a special adhesive that will not clog the printing pins and doesn't generate static electricity, which can ultimately lead to embossing issues. The braille is embossed onto the label, cut to size by the user, and will adhere to nearly every surface. This material is ideal for book titles, labeling shelves, canned goods, and identifying objects at home, school or office.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (909) 593-6711/(800) 331-3676
Fax: (909) 593-8001
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School of Piano Technology for the Blind

Independence + Profitability + Employment
Join jus all week at the Piano Technicians Exhibit Booth and discover the viable profession of piano tuning/technology.
Piano Technology Career Clinic
Sunday 7:15-8:30 p.m.
Learn about the independence, benefits, and qualifications of this profession directly from technicians around the country. Demonstration of piano actions and one-on-one instruction is available for interested persons. Workshop not convenient? Arrange for an individual appointment.
Contact Loren Buntemeyer 785 842-1370 or Jeff Lann 503-803-2395 for more information.
School of Piano Technology for the Blind
Toll Free: 1-888-693-1511
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Designed for greater independence in lifestyles and learning.

Make listening and learning easy with DAISY-compliant digital music, voice, and book player/recorders from PLEXTALK.

Enjoy a favorite book or music, convert text to speech, or listen to your own written words or those of others, and much more with the PLEXTALK (TM) Pocket, the PTN2, or the PTR2. Improve the quality of life with unsurpassed mobility and usability with these lightweight players and recorders with features that support utmost accessibility in business, education or leisure, especially for those who are visually impaired or learning disabled.
PLEXTALK(TM) Assistive Technology Devices
A Division of Shinano Kenshi Corporation
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Meaningful Work Opportunities for People Who Are Blind

The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. has been providing meaningful jobs for people who are blind, Deaf-Blind, and blind with other disabilities for nearly 100 years.
We offer a wide range of employment opportunities in production and machining, administration, information technology, and professional/managerial fields.
Visit our website to learn more about how we are fostering opportunities for professionals who are blind and Deaf-Blind in our community.
The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc.
2501 South Plum Street
Seattle, WA 98144
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Adobe Accessibility

Adobe (R) Reader for iOS now supports VoiceOver. Read, navigate, search, comment and upload your documents with the best PDF reader available. Free. Learn more at
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Celebrating 75 Years
Focused on Employment
National Industries for the Blind and its nationwide network of associated nonprofit agencies serve as the largest employer of people who are blind, offering jobs and training programs with an emphasis on upward mobility.
To learn more about these opportunities, visit or call 703-310-0500.
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AT&T. Rethink Possible. (R)

believe. do.
At AT&T, we believe in communities. That's why we compete to connect people with good jobs, create opportunities for all, advance education, promote the responsible use of our technology and give back.
Because we work to enable what you do.
That's why we proudly support the American Council of the Blind and its efforts to increase the independence, security, equality of opportunity and quality of life, for all blind and visually impaired people.
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welcomes all delegates to the 2013 ACB National Convention in Columbus, OH. Please contact us to learn how you can precisely and easily manage your indoor comfort using the VIP TALKING THERMOSTAT that was specifically designed for persons who are blind and visually impaired.
Harry Cohen
Toll free 1-800-838-8860
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Why Keep Score When You Can Get in the Game?

Blind sports is booming! Get the most comprehensive consumer-focused guide to sports, recreation and fitness for the blind ever written, the Encyclopedia of Sports & Recreation for Persons with Visual Impairments. Covers nearly 50 sports & outdoor activities.

  • Presents 100+ blind athletes at all levels
  • Profiles 200+ blind sports organizations, including accessible recreation and camps.

Inspiration + Motivation + Accommodation = Participation in this groundbreaking reference!
Encyclopedia of Sports & Recreation for People with Visual Impairments, by Andrew Leibs
(704) 752-9125; 288 pp. - Information Age Publishing (Charlotte, NC)
Order online ($39) from or
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** Special Promotion!! Only $24.95 for a limited time! Now you can download an MP3 version of the 5 CD package, "Beginning Yoga for the Blind and Visually Impaired." See details at
The time is perfect for starting a yoga practice or moving your current yoga practice to another level. Don't wait; it's time to get in shape. You will feel stronger, have more energy, feel more peaceful, and you'll like yourself more. You are worth it!
In addition to our SPECIAL MP3 download, our traditional package is also available.
* * Google Marty Klein, Blind Yoga and YouTube and enjoy my yoga flow.

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Discover What's New at Freedom Scientific!

Visit our booth for demonstrations, show specials, prizes, and more!
Introducing RUBY (R) XL HD
Handheld Video Magnifier

  • 5-inch widescreen LCD
  • High-definition image
  • 2x-14x continuous zoom

Focus Blue Wireless Braille Displays
14-cell, 40-cell and 80-cell shown

  • Compact, low-profile design
  • Ultra-responsive Braille keyboard
  • Full support for Apple devices
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Jennco Productions

Home of Quality Braille and Audio
167 Green Street
Reading, MA 01867
Phone: (781) 944-0567
Email: [email protected]
We offer quality braille and audio production at a price you can afford. From catalogs and newsletters to restaurant menus and album liner notes, if you need it, we can braille it. If you have records or cassettes you'd like to convert to CDs or MP3 files, or other custom audio projects, we can help with that, too.
Please visit our table at the IVIE Expo and pick up a catalog. We hope you have a wonderful time this year in Columbus!
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The NRTC on Blindness & Low Vision

Participate in Our Research!
We are currently seeking college students and professionals who are legally blind to participate in a program that pairs students with career mentors!
For other research opportunities, sign up for our research registry at
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Weight Watchers (R) proudly supports the American Council of the Blind

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Columbus welcomes the American Council of the Blind.
Plan your fun at

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Seedlings Braille Books For Children

By the touch of a finger … behold the world! (C)
Contact us for a free catalog with over 1,200 low-cost braille books for infants to teens.
We offer a unique selection of braille jewelry and gift items.
Shop on our website 24 hours a day.
[email protected]
14151 Farmington Road
Livonia, MI 48154
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Sprint is committed to making our award-winning services accessible to all. From offering "Wireless Accessibility," Code Factory's Mobile Accessibility application free of charge, to innovative Accessibility ID packs, Sprint provides a variety of products, services and functionality that empower all of our customers to connect to friends, family, information and entertainment.
To learn more, visit
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Learning Ally,

Making Reading Accessible to the Blind Community Since 1948!
"I am able to go from just listening to comprehending. I have seamless access just as anyone else would." - Denna Lambert, Member
With the world's largest audio textbook library, we help blind individuals realize their educational and personal goals.
Sign up for a membership at
Formerly Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic
Learning Ally
Making reading accessible for all.
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Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America™

promotes the general welfare of blind vendors nationwide who are engaged in the operation of vending machine facilities, cafeterias, military dining contracts, snack bars, and other retail businesses.  RSVA™ is proud to sponsor two ACB scholarship events (with the help of Filo Tu and Warren Toyama).
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TRACFONE wireless, inc

TracFone Wireless is Proud to Support and Honor the American Council of the Blind at their 52nd Annual Conference and Convention.
We wish you continued success.
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Limiting the time a patient waits. No matter the room.
{Powerful Answers}
Brains matter. Particularly when you're dealing with robots and algorithms.  But at Verizon's Innovation Centers, you'll see another constant. Passion. Smart people working overtime. Running on fumes. Because they know what technology can solve. They know it can help doctors make a more informed diagnosis in seconds instead of months. They know if we think long and hard enough, we can help insure a constant supply of clean energy. Or help a firefighter see through a blaze. The hours are long. But great.
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EZ Fire

Harnessing creativity with inclusive design, modern management, ability, and accessibility
First Annual CVAA Summit
October 2013

From latest regulations to latest standards, the CVAA summit will offer in-depth knowledge, training and conversations on accessibility and usability of converging entertainment options for people with disabilities.
Learn from the experts about best ways to incorporate CVAA and accessibility requirements into your organization.
Give your executives, developers, designers, engineers and customer support professionals the freedom to be creative by participating in training and discussion on serving the needs of this large market.
Meet a diverse group of users with disabilities who can give you direct feedback on your products (including hardware, software, web sites, documentation and more).
Visit today.
EZFire is an international consultancy passionately dedicated to helping telecommunication providers, government agencies, large and small corporations as well as educational institutions make their technology and communications equally accessible to all people, including those with disabilities. The company offers services like professional consulting, design, development, technology testing solutions and monthly monitoring to ensure that clients reach all audiences effectively while meeting governmental and industry standards.
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @OneEZFire