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The ACB Holiday Auction: What a Happening!

If you were fortunate enough to be one of the almost 130 listeners on ACB Radio to the first annual holiday auction held on Dec. 2, you know that this event was truly a rousing success. We raised more than $4,100 for ACB Radio.
There are so many people to recognize and thank for this wonderful event. Clear Channel Communications gave us the use of their Louisville studio and even provided some staff assistance. The broadcast team and those handling the almost constant stream of bids over the telephone, which included several members of the Kentucky Council of the Blind and members of the ACB Radio management team, did an awesome job.  We are especially appreciative of those individuals, companies, and ACB affiliates who made such generous donations to the auction and provided so many of us with food, sports memorabilia, jewelry, dolls, and much, much more. In addition, the ACB Minnesota staff worked extremely hard on many aspects of the auction. Most of all we thank all of you who listened to the auction. We hope you had as much fun in listening, bidding, and, if you were lucky, placing the winning bid, as the auction committee did in working on this auction. So, even though the end of 2013 seems a long way off, get ready for next year's holiday auction where you can help raise money for ACB Radio and get some great gifts for family, friends, and even for yourself.