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ACB Committee Meetings

Advocacy Committee

Chair: Jeff Thom

Tuesday, July 5, Mirage
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: Tools for Tomorrow $6 ($8)
Strategies for affiliates to influence state / local programs and legislation well beyond just rehab.  Presenters: Anthony Stephens, ACB Director of Advocacy and Government Affairs, Alexandria, VA; Rebecca Bridges, Chair, Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired State Rehabilitation Council.  Co-sponsored by Advocacy Committee and Rehab Issues Task Force.

DKM First-Timers Committee

Chair: Allen Casey

Thursday, July 7, President's Suite
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM: First-Timers Reception $15 ($18)
Who was Durward K. McDaniel? What is a DKM First-Timer?  Join us at the DKM reception to learn more fascinating facts about the Father of ACB and meet the 2016 DKM First-Timers Greg Lindberg, Palm Harbor, FL and Marja Byers, Salem, OR.

Environmental Access Committee

Chair: Christopher Bell

Sunday, July 3, Mirage
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Arm yourself for the trip $7 ($10)

Part 1: The Federal Transit Administration has issued new guidance explaining your transportation rights. Learn what this means for services in your community. Speaker: Marilyn Golden, Senior Policy Analyst, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Berkeley, CA.

Part 2: Do you want to get Accessible Pedestrian Signals on streets you travel?  Learn from ACB’s expert advocates about the important issues, strategies and tactics you may use to get Accessible Pedestrian Signals installed in your community.  Presenters: Becky Barnes Davidson, Mt. Kisco, NY, Debbie Grubb, Bradenton, FL; Eugene Lozano, Sacramento, CA; Lori Scharff, Malverne, NY; Patrick Sheehan, Silver Spring, MD; Ken Stewart, New York, NY.  Co-sponsored by EAC and Transportation Committee.

Information Access Committee

Chair: Brian Charlson

Saturday, July 2, Mirage
1:15 PM – 4:00 PM: 411 from the IAC $6 ($8)
Learn about ACB's progress in full access to the digital world with technology and communications companies.  Join the members of the ACB Information Access Committee as they update ACB’s progress in securing full access to the digital world.  Presenters: Brian Charlson, Watertown, MA; Eric Bridges, ACB Executive Director, Alexandria, VA; Jeff Bishop, ACB Board Member, Tucson,AZ.  Sponsored by Lighthouse for the Blind, Seattle, WA.
Sunday, July 3, Greenway A
3:30PM - 4:30PM: The Future of Learning $5 ($7)
Brian Charlson, Jeff Bishop, and Chris Kchao discuss accessibility and advocacy in today's online Learning Management Systems.  Sponsored by ACBS and IAC.
Monday, July 4, Lake Harriet
5:45 PM – 7:00 PM: Unconventional Ways to Read
$6 ($8).  Every year new and exciting ways of reading books come along. We will look at Alexa and other new ways to access books.  Moderated by Brian Charlson, Watertown, MA and Paul Edwards, Miami, FL.  Co-sponsored by IAC and LUA.

International Relations Committee

Chair: Sandra Sermons

Tuesday, July 5, Greenway A
12:15 PM – 2:30 PM: Voices from Around the World
Luncheon $30 ($35).  What other organizations for blind people exist outside the U.S? Charles Mossop, WBU North America/Caribbean Region president, Toronto, Canada, will discuss the WBU and the upcoming quadrennial.  Also, welcome our international guests.  Sponsored by DeQue Systems.

Membership Committee

Chair: Ardis Bazyn

Sunday, July 5, Minnehaha
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM: Keys to the Convention
For anyone wishing to learn more about convention week. Presented by the ACB Membership Committee.
Thursday, July 7, Mirage
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: 2016 Membership Seminar
“How Affiliates Can Be Inclusive and Remain Viable”

2:45 PM: Welcome and Introductions

2:55 PM: Panel: "How to connect members using alternate meeting structure and social media.”  Speakers: Alice McGrath, California Council of Blind Women, Sunnyvale, CA; Ron Brooks, American Council of the Blind Families, Phoenix, AZ; John McCann, Blind Information Technology Specialists, Tucson, AZ.

3:20 PM: Panel: "How to protect your affiliate's important records."  Speakers: Sally Benjamin, Florida Council of the Blind, Tallahassee, FL; Steve Fiksdal, Washington Council of the Blind, Federal Way, WA; Lane Waters and Nancy Becker, ACB Minneapolis Office, Brooklyn Center, MN.

3:45 PM: Announcing ACB Membership Growth Awards

3:55 PM: Hand-outs and door prizes.

Multicultural Affairs Committee

Chair: Peggy Garrett

Monday, July 4, Lake Nokomis
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM: MCAC Luncheon and Program $30 ($30).  “Land of Many Cultures."  Speaker, Charles Mossop, WBU North America/Caribbean Region President, Toronto, Canada.
1:15PM - 2:30 PM: MCAC Program.  “Newspaper’s impact on people with disabilities.”  Presenter: Jane McClure, Editor, Access Press, St. Paul, MN.
Wednesday, July 8, President's Suite
5:00 PM – 6:15 PM: Mid-Week Social $18 ($20)
Meet old friends and make new acquaintances.  Join us for fun, food, music and door prizes.

Rehab Issues Task Force

Chair: Doug Powell

Tuesday, July 5, Mirage
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: Tools for Tomorrow $6 ($8)
You'll walk away with effective strategies for affiliates to influence state and local legislation and program delivery well beyond just rehab.  Presenters: Anthony Stephens, ACB Director of Advocacy and Government Affairs, Alexandria, VA; Rebecca Bridges, Chair, Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired State Rehabilitation Council.  Co-sponsored by Advocacy Committee and Rehab Issues Task Force.

Resource Development Committee, Co-chairs: Dan Dillon and Dan Spoone.

Saturday, July 2, Mirage
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM: "Just Ask" - Easy Money! $6 ($8)
This RDC workshop will help your affiliate or local chapter raise easy money.  Explore corporate sponsorships, service club donations & ACB joint fundraising programs.  Presenters: Tom Tobin, ACB Director of Development, Cleveland Heights, OH; Carla Ruschival, ACB Treasurer, Louisville, KY; and Dan Dillon, RDC Committee Chair, Hermitage, TN.

Scholarship Committee

Chair: Michael Garrett

Saturday, July 2, Greenway A
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM: ACB Scholarship Dinner (by invitation only).  Sponsored by RSVA.
Sunday, July 3, Greenway A
12:15 – 2:30 PM: ACBS Scholarship Lunch $28 ($30)
Celebrate the accomplishments of the 2016 scholarship winners.  Sponsored by RSVA.
Tuesday, July 5, Nicollet Ballroom A
9:15 AM: 2016 ACB Scholarship Presentations

6:30 PM – 7:30 PM: ACB Scholarship Winners' Reception, Executive Director’s Suite.  Sponsored by National Industries for the Blind.  Each affiliate is invited to send two representatives to meet the 2016 scholarship winners.

Sight and Sound Impaired Committee

Chair: Karyn Campbell

Monday, July 4, Minnehaha
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: An Invisible Journey $8 ($10).  Facing the journey of combined vision and hearing loss?  Learn about one woman's experiences.  Presenter, Ruth Silver, founder and former Executive Director, Center for DeafBlind Persons, Milwaukee, WI.

8:00 PM – 10:00 PM: Executive Director’s Suite Get Social with SASI $13 ($15).  Meet people who share your unique issues and learn about various ways to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere.

Transportation Committee

Chair: Alice Ritchhart

Sunday, July 3, Mirage
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Arm yourself for the trip $7 ($10)

Part 1: The Federal Transit Administration has issued new guidance explaining your transportation rights. Learn what this means for services in your community. Speaker: Marilyn Golden, Senior Policy Analyst, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Berkeley, CA.

Part 2: Do you want to get Accessible Pedestrian Signals on streets you travel?  Learn from ACB’s expert advocates about the important issues, strategies and tactics you may use to get Accessible Pedestrian Signals installed in your Community.  Presenters: Becky Barnes Davidson, Mt. Kisco, NY, Debbie Grubb, Bradenton, FL; Eugene Lozano, Sacramento, CA; Lori Scharff, Malverne, NY; Patrick Sheehan, Silver Spring, MD; Ken Stewart, New York, NY.  Co-sponsored by EAC and Transportation Committee.

Women's Concerns Committee

Chair: Lori Scharff

Monday, July 4, Spin Room, 6th floor
5:45 PM – 7:00 PM: Yogalates with Leslie Spoone. Stay fit with a yoga and Pilates workout.  Open to all levels of experience.  Presenter: Leslie Spoone, Certified Aerobics Instructor and Personal Trainer, Orlando, FL. Sponsored by WCC and Recreation Zone.
Thursday, July 7, Spin Room, 6th floor
5:45 PM – 7:00 PM: Yogalates with Leslie Spoone
Stay fit with a yoga and Pilates workout. Open to all levels of experience. Presenter: Leslie Spoone, Certified Aerobics Instructor and Personal Trainer, Orlando, FL. Sponsored by WCC and Recreation Zone
Friday, July 8, Mirage
7:00AM – 8:15 AM: Sister Power Breakfast $25 ($30)
Join your friends and make new ones while being inspired by two fantastic ladies!  From opposite coasts, Mary Ellen Frost, ME, and Cindy Van Winkle, WA, will talk about their experiences with leadership and life, leaving you feeling empowered and connected.