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ACB Committee Meetings

Advocacy Committee

Chair: Jeff Thom

Wednesday, July 8, Austin Ballroom 1
2:45 PM — 4:00 PM: Social Security Seminar $6 ($8)
Does the Social Security system make you feel like you are rowing upstream without any oars? Learn all you need to know about your rights and responsibilities under the Social Security's programs.  Presenters: Roberta Roque, Advocate Supervisor, Disability Rights Texas, Austin, TX; Tony Stevens, Public Policy Advocacy Manager, National Industries for the Blind, Alexandria, VA; and Michael Byington, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist and former Social Security Advocate, Topeka, KS.

DKM First-Timers Committee

Chair: Allen Casey

Thursday, July 9, President's Suite
5:00 PM — 7:00 PM:  First-Timers Reception $15 ($18)
Join the celebration of the 100th birthday of Durward K. McDaniel, Father of ACB.  Meet and greet 2015 DKM First-Timers Shirley Stivers of Kentucky and Todd Fahlstrom of North Dakota.  Test your knowledge of ACB history.

Environmental Access Committee

Chair: Christopher Bell

Sunday, July 5, Austin Ballroom 1
2:00 PM — 4:00 PM: GPS and Paratransit $6 ($8)
2:00 PM Highlights of the internal GPS way-finding system, introduced at the convention in Dallas and sponsored by the Macular Degeneration Network.  This way-finding system will be available as an app on your iPhone/iDevice and will help you find the way to meeting rooms, restrooms, elevators and other locations in the Sheraton.  Presenter: Dan Roberts, Director
Macular Degeneration Support, Grandview, MO.
3:00 PM "Lessons Learned from the Trenches."
A discussion of issues concerning paratransit eligibility, certification and re-certification.
Presenter: Kristi McLaughlin, Training and Technical Assistance Specialist II, Easter Seals Project ACTION Consulting, Washington, DC.
Co-sponsored by EAC and Transportation Committee.

Information Access Committee

Chair: Brian Charlson

Saturday, July 4, Austin Ballroom 1
1:15 PM — 4:00 PM: 411 from the IAC $6 ($8)
Following a report on the activities of the IAC,
we will demonstrate two new Apple iOS devices, one for your wrist, the other for your back.  We will then have a panel discussion: "How Do I Complain and Make It Count?"  When technologies, hardware, software and services fail to meet our needs, how to make your voice heard.
Sunday, July 5, Austin Ballroom 2
4:00 PM — 5:00 PM: iOS App Swap $6 ($8)
Share useful apps and learn about new ones.
5:00 PM — 6:00 PM: Podcasts From Both Sides
 of the Mic $12 ($15)
Share your favorite podcasts, learn about the best podcast catchers.  Cash bar and snacks.
Monday, July 6, State Room 3
5:45 PM: Scanning: New Ways / New Devices $6 ($8)
LUA and IAC with special guests explore the KNFB Reader and two new scanning products from HIMS Inc. to see if portable scanning is ready for prime time.

International Relations Committee

Chair: Sandra Sermons

Monday, July 6, State Room 3
1:15 PM — 2:30 PM: ACB Passport $6 ($8)
Explore the benefits and opportunities of studying or traveling abroad.  Co-sponsored by ACBS and IRC.
Tuesday, July 7, Houston Ballroom A
7:00 AM — 8:15 AM: International Breakfast $25 ($30)
Learn about the innovative way braille is being used around the world.  Moderator: Sandra Sermons, Rockville, MD.  Co-sponsored by BRL and IRC.
12:15 PM — 2:30 PM: Voices From Around the World
Luncheon $25 ($27)
Join IRC in welcoming our international guests both returning and new.  Presentation: the Marrakesh Treaty, Learn how the Marrakesh Treaty will improve our book lists!  Melanie Brunson, ACB Executive Director, Arlington, VA.
2:45 PM — 4:00 PM: Rehab Around the World $6 ($8)
A panel of international guests discuss what we can learn from each other to improve outcomes for b/vi people. Presenter:  Fikru Gebrekidan, Professor, St. Thomas University, Ontario, Canada.  Co-sponsored by IRC and Rehab Issues Task Force.

Membership Committee

Chair: Ardis Bazyn

Sunday, July 5, State Room 3
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM: Keys to the Convention
For anyone wishing to learn more about convention week.  Presented by the ACB Membership Committee.
Thursday, July 9, Houston Ballroom 1
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: 2015 Membership Seminar
Theme: "How to use your convention as a tool for membership."
2:45 PM: Welcome and introductions
2:55 PM: Panel: “Best Practices for Successful Conventions."  Peggy Garrett, ACB of Texas, Missouri City, TX; Allan Peterson, North Dakota Association of the Blind, Horace, ND; Donna Seliger, Iowa Council of the United Blind, West Des Moines, IA.
3:20 PM: Panel: "Building Attendance Through Outreach and Communication."  Sally Benjamin, Florida Council of the Blind, Tallahassee, FL; Dan Sippl, Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America, Eau Claire, WI; George Holliday, Pennsylvania Council of the Blind, Philadelphia, PA; Brian Charlson, Library Users of America, Watertown, MA.
3:45 PM: Affiliate Growth Awards, hand-outs and door prizes.  We encourage each affiliate to send at least one representative to attend the seminar.

Multicultural Affairs Committee

Chair: Peggy Garrett

Monday, July 6, City View 8
12:15 PM — 2:30 PM: MCAC Luncheon and Program $30 ($30)
Wednesday, July 8, President's Suite
5:00 PM — 6:30 PM: Mid-Week Social $18 ($20)
Join MCAC for fun, food, music and door prizes!

Public Relations Committee

Chair: Nolan Crabb

Tuesday, July 7, Austin Ballroom 1
2:45 PM — 4:00 PM: PR Basics $6 ($8)
Learn how to craft press releases that get attention; become an expert your local media will look to for information, and learn how to mend fences when things go wrong and get media attention.  Presenters: Mike Duke, Jackson, MS; Brian Charlson, Watertown, MA; Nolan Crabb, Hilliard, OH; Katie Frederick, Worthington, OH.

Rehab Issues Task Force

Chair: Doug Powell

Monday, July 6, Austin Ballroom 1
1:15 PM — 2:30 PM: Structured Discovery:  Why Not?
What is "Structured Discovery"?  How is it different from conventional rehab?  Who thrives under which system and how to advocate for services.  Presenters: Michael Byington, Certified O & M Instructor, Wichita, KS and Mark Bulger, Executive Director,  ACB of Nebraska, Omaha, NE.  Co-sponsors: CCLVI & Rehab Issues Task Force.
Tuesday, July 7, Houston Ballroom A
2:45 PM — 4:00 PM: Rehab Around the World $6 ($8)
A panel of international guests discuss what we can learn from each other to improve outcomes for b/vi people. Presenter: Fikru Gebrekidan, Professor, St. Thomas University, Ontario, Canada.  Co-sponsored by IRC and Rehab Issues Task Force.

Resource Development Committee

Co-chairs: Dan Dillon and Dan Spoone

Saturday, July 4, State Room 3
4:30 PM — 6:00 PM: Grant Writin' Roundup $8 ($8)
Ever wanted to apply for a grant for your affiliate, but didn't know where to begin?  Now is your chance to learn the ins and outs of grant writing.  Presenter: Thomas L. Tobin, ACB Director of Development, Cleveland Heights, OH.

Scholarship Committee

Chair: Michael Garrett

Saturday, July 4, City View 7
6:30 PM — 8:00 PM: ACB Scholarship Dinner (by invitation only)
Sunday, July 5, Houston Ballroom A
12:15 — 2:30 PM: ACBS Scholarship Lunch $28 ($30)
Join ACBS and RSVA to celebrate the accomplishments of the 2015 scholarship winners.
Tuesday, July 7, Lone Star Ballroom A
9:15 AM: 2015 ACB Scholarship Presentations
6:30 PM — 7:30 PM: ACB Scholarship Winners' Reception, President's Suite
Sponsored by RSVA.  Each affiliate is invited to send two representatives to meet the 2015 scholarship winners.

Sight and Sound Impaired Committee

Chair: Karyn Campbell

Monday, July 6, President's Suite
8:00 PM — 10:00 PM: Get Social with SASI $13 ($15)
Meet people who share your unique issues and learn about various ways to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere.
Wednesday, July 8, State Room 4
2:45PM — 4:00 PM: Being SASI in Social Situations? $8 ($10)
Large group discussion about being Sight and Sound Impaired (SASI) and coping in social situations. Facilitator: Lori Scharff, Licensed Master Social Worker and SASI member, Malverne, NY.  Co-sponsors AAVL and SASI.

Special Education/Schools for the Blind Task Force

Chair: Debbie Grubb

Tuesday, July 7, State Room 2
2:45 PM — 5:30 PM: A panel of experts will provide information enabling you to be a resource for parents, educators and all who are interested in advocating for equal education for children who are blind and visually impaired.  Panelists: Brenda Lee, M. Ed. Educational Consultant for BVI Teachers, Abilene, TX; Cyral Miller, Director of Outreach at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Austin, TX; Kristin Smedley, Parent Advocate, Bucks County, PA; Lori Scharff, Master Social Worker and President, ACBNY, Malverne, NY; Mark Richert, Director, Public Policy, American Foundation for the Blind, Arlington, VA.

Transportation Committee

Chair: Alice Ritchhart

Sunday, July 5, Austin Ballroom 1
2:00 PM — 4:00 PM: GPS and Paratransit $6 ($8)
2:00 PM: Highlights of the internal GPS way-finding system introduced at the convention in Dallas, sponsored by the Macular Degeneration Network. This way-finding system will be available as an app on your iPhone/iDevice and will help you find the way to meeting rooms, restrooms, elevators and other locations in the Sheraton.  Presenter: Dan Roberts, Director, Macular Degeneration Support, Grandview, MO.
3:00 PM 3:00 PM: "Lessons Learned from the Trenches."  A discussion of issues concerning paratransit eligibility, certification and re-certification.  Presenter: Kristi McLaughlin, Training and Technical Assistance Specialist II,
Easter Seals Project ACTION Consulting, Washington, DC.  Co-sponsored by EAC and Transportation Committee.

Women's Concerns Committee

Chair: Lori Scharff

Monday, July 6, State Room 4
2:45 PM — 4:00 PM: Feeling Your Fashion $8 ($10)
Tips on dressing and fashion from simple to sensational.
5:45 PM — 7:00 PM: Yogalates with Leslie Spoone, State Room 2
Stay fit with a yoga and Pilates workout.  Open to all levels of experience.  Presenter: Leslie Spoone, Certified Aerobics Instructor and Personal Trainer, Orlando, FL.  Sponsored by WCC and Recreation Zone
Thursday, July 9, State Room 2
5:45 PM — 7:00 PM: Yogalates with Leslie Spoone
Stay fit with a yoga and Pilates workout.  Open to all levels of experience.  Presenter: Leslie Spoone, Certified Aerobics Instructor and Personal Trainer, Orlando, FL.  Sponsored by WCC and Recreation Zone
Friday, July 10, City View 7
7:00 AM — 8:15 AM: Sister Power Breakfast $25 ($30)
Peggy Garrett, TX and Zelda Gebhard, ND provide a look at their lives as women who are blind/visually impaired.

Audio Description Conference

Joel Snyder, President, Audio Description Associates
Tuesday, July 7, City View 1
2:45PM – 4:00PM: AD: the Latest and Greatest $5 ($7) Learn about Audio Description: Updates in media (TV, film, technology), Telecommunications Act, Dept. of Justice Hearings, arts, and Audio Description Project activities.
4:15PM – 5:30PM: AD: Make It Work For You. $5 ($7)
Navigate the Audio Description Project website and ADP listserv; advocate for AD in your community; connect consumers and describers via ADP's mentorship program.
5:45PM – 7:00PM: ADP Mixer $15 ($18)
Enjoy a beverage and a snack while sharing more information about audio description with colleagues and friends.  A prominent, surprise guest may join us.
July 8 - 10, City View 1
9:00AM – 5:00PM Audio Description Institute $495
Interactive sessions to build skills for the audio describer; information on the use of audio description for consumers.  Experienced users of description will provide perspective on audio description in a range of formats.