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ACB Committee Meetings

DKM First-Timers Committee

Chair: Allen Casey

Wednesday, July 10, Suite 2007

5:00 PM: DKM First-Timers Reception, $12 ($15)

  • Welcome DKM First-Timers Frank Ventura, West Roxbury, MA, and Guillermo Robles, Los Angeles, CA; share memories of ACB pioneer Durward K. McDaniel

Education Task Force

Chair: Ray Campbell

Monday, July 8, Madison

4:15 PM: Partnerships in Education $5 ($7)

  • Discuss work immersion, the Anne Sullivan Macy Act and short courses.  Cynthia Johnson, Superintendent, Ohio State School for the Blind, Columbus, OH; Mark Richert, Director, Public Policy, American Foundation for the Blind, Washington, DC; and Jim Durst, Superintendent, Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Indianapolis, IN

Employment Issues Task Force

Chair: Rebecca Bridges

Tuesday, July 9, Madison

2:45 PM: Two People in an Elevator $5 ($8)

  • Make a good first impression with a perfected elevator pitch.  Rebecca Bridges, Management Consultant, Arlington, VA

4:15 PM: Storytelling During Interviews $5 ($8)

  • Land the job of your dreams; master the increasingly popular behavioral interview. Peter Altschul, Organization Development Specialist, Columbia, MO; Mitch Pomerantz, Retired ADA Compliance Officer, Los Angeles Department on Disability, Pasadena, CA

Environmental Access Committee

Chair: Debbie Grubb

Sunday, July 7, Delaware A

2:45 PM: The View from the Driver's Seat

  • What do drivers really see as you stand at the curb? How can you increase your visibility and lower your risk? Take an interactive look from the driver's seat.  The Guide Dog Foundation and the ACB Environmental Access Committee present internationally known speaker Dr. Gene Bourquin, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist, Helen Keller National Center, Hempstead, NY

Information Access Committee

Chair: Brian Charlson
Sponsored in part by Linda Dardarian and Lainey Feingold

Friday, July 5, Delaware A

1:15 - 4:00 PM: 411 from the IAC $5 ($7)

  • Everything you need to know about using Windows 8; using iOS as your primary notetaker.

Saturday, July 6, Grant

4:00 PM: iOS App Swap $5 ($7)

  • Share apps you have found useful and learn about new ones.

5:00 PM: How Tweet It Is $10 ($10)

  • Hang out with friends from the TwitterVerse at the ACB Tweetup.  Not on Twitter?  Come anyway; it's lots of fun!  Cash bar and snacks.

Sunday, July 7, Taft C

5:45 PM: Let Me Count the Ways $5 ($7)

  • LUA and IAC demonstrate how to read a book in the information age.

International Relations Committee

Chair: Sandra Sermons

Sunday, July 7, Union A

1:15 PM: ACB Passport $5 ($7)

  • Traveling abroad as a person who is blind or visually impaired.  Sponsored by IRC and CCLVI.

Monday, July 8, Union E

7:00 AM: BRL International Breakfast $25 $30)

  • Guests: Peter Brass, Executive Board Member, German Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted, Berlin, Germany; Judith M. Dixon, Project Manager, World Braille Usage 3rd Edition, Revised, NLS, Washington, DC

Tuesday, July 9, Delaware A

5:45 PM: Voices from Around the World $12 ($15)

  • Meet and greet our international guests.

Membership Committee

Chair: Ardis Bazyn

  • Wednesday, July 10, Delaware A

2:45 PM: 2013 ACB Membership Seminar

  • Create teamwork to improve productivity.

2:45 PM: Introductions

2:55 PM: Handling Difficult Situations and Resolving Conflicts

3:15 PM: Sharing Board Responsibilities

3:40 PM: Recognition of affiliates with largest growth

3:45 PM: PR Committee recognition of affiliates' "Most Outstanding" brochures

3:55 PM: Hand-outs and door prizes

Multicultural Affairs Committee

Chair: Peggy Garrett

Sunday, July 7, Taft C

12:15 PM: MCAC Luncheon and Program $27 ($29)

  • Discussion and games on our theme "Discovering Our Connections."  Katherine H. Betts, Intercultural Specialist, Multicultural Center Office of Student Life, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

Tuesday, July 9, Suite 2007

5:00 PM: MCAC Mid-week Social $18 ($20)

Rehab Issues Task Force

Chair: Doug Powell

Monday, July 8, Delaware A

2:45 PM: Is Rehab Working? $5 ($7)

  • Interactive session with Janet LaBreck, Commissioner, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Washington, DC; Dr. Jamie O'Malley, Assistant Professor on Research, National Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS; Dan Sippl, President, Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America, Eau Claire, WI; Ardis Bazyn, Secretary, RSVA, Burbank, CA; Sara Conrad, President, ACB Students and Member, ACB Board of Directors, Stevensville, MI; Paul Edwards, Chair, Board of Publications, Miami, FL.  Sponsored by Rehab Issues Task Force, AAVL, ACBS and RSVA.

Scholarship Committee

Chair: Michael Garrett

Friday, July 5, Taft C

6:30 PM: ACB Scholarship Dinner (invitation only)

  • Sponsored by RSVA

Saturday, July 6, Taft C

12:15 - 2:30 PM: ACBS Scholarship Luncheon $26 ($28)

  • Join ACBS and RSVA to celebrate the accomplishments of this year's national scholarship winners, the newest shining stars in the ACB galaxy.

Monday, July 8, Regency Ballroom

9:15 AM: 2013 ACB Scholarship Presentations

6:30 PM: ACB Scholarship Winners' Reception, Suite 2007

  • Sponsored by RSVA.  Each affiliate is invited to send two representatives to meet the 2013 scholarship winners.

Sight and Sound Impaired Committee

Chair: Karyn Campbell

Sunday, July 7, Suite 2007

8:00 PM: Get Social with SASI $12 ($14)

  • Meet people who share your unique issues; learn various ways to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere.

Monday, July 8, Madison

2:45 PM: Get Connected Through NDBEDP $5 ($7)

  • Learn about the National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program.

Women's Concerns

Chair: Lori Scharff

Monday, July 8, Delaware C

5:45 PM: Pilates with Leslie Spoone

  • Leslie Spoone, certified aerobics instructor and personal trainer, Orlando, FL

Wednesday, July 10, Delaware D

4:15 PM: Achieving is Overrated $7 ($10)

  • As women who are blind, often we feel that we need to do everything! Is it really necessary to be an overachiever? Discussion facilitated by ACB members Marlaina Lieberg, Burien, WA, and Lori Scharff, Malverne, NY

5:45 PM: Yoga with Leslie Spoone

Thursday, July 11, Taft C

7:00 PM: Sister Power Breakfast $24 ($27)

  • Inspirational look into the lives of successful blind women.  Dr. Phyllis Burson, Personal Trainer and Clinical Psychologist, Bethesda, MD; Leslie Spoone, Fitness Trainer, Orlando, FL

Audio Description Institute

Joel Snyder, President
Audio Description Associates

Wednesday, July 10 - Friday, July 12, Fayette

8:30 AM: ADP Institute $450 ($450)

  • Intense three-day training program for audio describers and others interested in audio description.  The ADP is an ACB initiative designed to promote audio description activity in all formats throughout the United States.