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Abbreviations in this Program

ACB - American Council of the Blind

AAVL - Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss

AAVIA - American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys

ACBDA - ACB Diabetics in Action

ACBF - ACB Families

ACBGE - ACB Government Employees

ACBHSP - ACB Human Service Professionals

ACBL - ACB Lions

ACBRA - ACB Radio Amateurs

ACBS - ACB Students

ADP - Audio Description Project

AFB - American Foundation for the Blind

APH - American Printing House for the Blind

BITS - Blind Information Technology Specialists

BOP - Board of Publications

BPI - Blind LGBT Pride Int'l.

BRL - Braille Revival League

CCLVI - Council of Citizens with Low Vision Int'l.

DKM - Durward K. McDaniel First-Timer

FIA - Friends-in-Art of ACB

GDUI - Guide Dog Users, Inc.

IRC - International Relations Committee

IVIE - Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs

LUA - Library Users of America

MCAC - Multicultural Affairs Committee

NABT - National Association of Blind Teachers

NELDS - National Education & Legal Defense Service

NIB - National Industries for the Blind

NLS - National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

RSVA - Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America

SASI - Sight and Sound Impaired Committee

VIVA - Visually Impaired Veterans of America

WCC - Women's Concerns Committee