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2014 Presidents' Meeting Agenda

American Council of the Blind
2014 Presidents' Meeting Agenda

Dates: Saturday and Sunday, February 22 and 23


11:00 AM:

  • Opening Remarks - Kim Charlson, President, Watertown, MA
  • Meeting Logistics: Melanie Brunson, ACB Executive Director, Arlington, VA

11:10 AM:

  • Self-Introduction of Attendees

11:20 AM:

  • ACB Social Media Team – John McCann, Twitter Team Liaison, ACB Board of Directors, Falls Church, VA; Carla Ruschival, Facebook Liaison, ACB Treasurer, Louisville, KY

11:45 AM:

  • Training Our Leaders of Tomorrow: ACB National Leadership Training Institute - Berl Colley, Chair, Leadership Training Task Force and Member, ACB Board of Directors, Lacey, WA; Regional Training Efforts: Midwest Leadership Training: Ray Campbell, Member, Leadership Training Task Force and ACB Secretary, Glen Ellyn, IL; Crossroads Leadership Training: Carla Ruschival, ACB Treasurer, Louisville, KY

12:15 PM: Lunch

  • Progress and New Developments from Vanda Pharmaceuticals – Mallery Mayo, PhD, Senior Medical Science Liaison, Vanda Pharmaceuticals, Inc

1:30 PM:

  • Empowering Young Leaders and Giving Them a Place to Contribute: Why We Do What We Do - Sara Conrad, Past President, ACB Students and Member, ACB Board of Directors, Stevensville, MI; and Joshua Pearson, President, ACB Students, Barre, MA

2:15 PM:

  • ACB Radio: Working for You in 2014 – Marlaina Lieberg, ACB Radio Project Director and ACB Second Vice President,  Burien, WA

2:40 PM:

  • ACB Public Relations Committee Update: PSA’s for Your Affiliate – Ardis Bazyn, Member, PR Committee, Burbank, CA; and Sara Conrad, Member, ACB Board of Directors PR Committee Liaison, Stevensville, MI

3:00 PM: Break
3:15 PM:

  • Meeting Information Needs on Rehabilitation Topics – Doug Powell, Chair, ACB Rehabilitation Issues Task Force, Falls Church, VA

3:30 PM:

  • More Than Before: Updates on the ACB Braille Forum, the EForum and a Collaborative Future -- Denise Colley, Chair, ACB Board of Publications, Lacey, WA; Ron Brooks, Appointed BOP Member, Phoenix, AZ; and Doug Powell, Elected BOP Member, Falls Church, VA

4:00 PM:

  • Managing Affiliate Funds for Success: Budgeting for Your Future -- Carla Ruschival, ACB Treasurer, Louisville, KY; Rick Morin, Treasurer, Bay State Council of the Blind, Waltham, MA; Lane Waters, ACB Controller, Brooklyn Center, MN 

4:45 PM:

  • Audio Description Project Update and More! -- Joel Snyder, President, Audio Description Associates, LLC and Director, ACB Audio Description Project, Takoma Park, MD; and Dan Spoone, Chair, Audio Description Project Steering Committee, Orlando, F

5:30 PM: Recess


9:00 AM:

  • ACB Fund-Raising, Partnerships and Opportunities – Dan Spoone, Co-Chair, ACB Resource Development Committee and ACB Board of Directors, Orlando, FL; Dan Dillon, Co-Chair, ACB Resource Development Committee, Hermitage, TN; Leslie Spoone, Auction Committee Chair, Orlando, FL; and Donna Brown, Co-Chair Walk Committee, Romney, WV

9:45 AM:

  • ACB's New and Improved Affiliate Membership Management System Database - Lane Waters, ACB Controller, Brooklyn Center, MN; & Rick Morin, AMMS Team Member, Waltham, MA

10:15 AM:

  • Looking for a Few Good Advocates – Jeff Thom, ACB First Vice President and ACB Advocacy Services Committee Chair, Sacramento, CA; and Eric Bridges, ACB Director of External Relations and Policy, Arlington, V

10:30 AM: Break

10:45 AM:

  • In-Person Office Hours: Dialogue with the ACB Officers – Kim Charlson, President, Watertown, MA; Jeff Thom, First Vice President, Sacramento, CA; Marlaina Lieberg, Second Vice President, Burien, WA; Ray Campbell, Secretary, Glen Ellyn, IL; Carla Ruschival, Treasurer, Louisville, KY

11:45 AM:

  • Wrap-Up – Kim Charlson, ACB President, Watertown, MA; and Melanie Brunson, ACB Executive Director, Arlington, VA

12:00 Noon: Adjourn