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2013 Exhibits

Sponsored by Freedom Scientific

The 2013 ACB/Freedom Scientific Exhibit Hall is located in the Battelle South Ballroom on the third floor of the convention center.  It is filled with everything from jewelry to information resources to the latest in appliances and technologies designed especially for people who are blind and visually impaired.

ACB/Freedom Scientific exhibit hall hours are as follows:

  • Sat., July 6, 1:00 - 5:00 PM
  • Sun., Mon. & Tues., July 7-9, 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Wed., July 10, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

The following exhibitors were registered for the convention at the time the program went to press.  The Show-Stopper Directory containing a complete list of exhibitors is available in braille or large print at the front of the Exhibit Hall; electronic copies available from the ACB/NIB Information Desk before 10:00 AM each day.


ACB Mini Mall

ACB Students

AI Squared

American Printing House for the Blind

Avon for Success


Braulio Worldwide

Bureau of Engraving & Printing

Cambium Learning Technologies

Charmtech Labs

District of Columbia Gov., DDS & RSA

Dolphin Computer Access

Duxbury Systems Inc.

Enabling Technologies

En-Vision America

eTouchSciences, LLC

EZ Fire

Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation

Freedom Scientific


Google (Tues.)

Gospel Light Foundation (Sat.-Mon.)

Guide Dogs for the Blind

Guide Dogs of America

Guiding Eyes for the Blind

GW Micro, Inc,

Hadley School for the Blind

HIMS, Inc.



Leader Dogs for the Blind

Lutheran Braille Incorporated


Missouri Council of the Blind

Monthly Monetary Support

National Braille Press, Inc.

National Library Service for the Blind & Physically Handicapped

Newsreel Magazine


Perkins Products

Philmore Productions

Scentsy Flameless Candles

School of Piano Technology

Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind

Talking Solutions Corporation

The Seeing Eye, Inc.

Thirty One Gifts 

Vanda Pharmaceuticals