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2011 Exhibits

Sponsored by AT&T

The 2011 ACB/AT&T Exhibit Hall, located on the second floor in Pavillion C-E, is filled with everything from jewelry to information resources to the latest in appliances and technologies designed especially for people who are blind and visually impaired.

ACB/AT&T exhibit hall hours are as follows:

Saturday, July 9, 1:00pm to 5:00pm

Sunday, July 10, 9:00am to 5:00pm

Monday through Wednesday, July 12-14, 11:00am to 5:00pm

Thursday, July 15, 9:00am to 1:00pm

The following exhibitors were registered for the convention at the time the program went to press. The Show-Stopper Directory containing a complete list of exhibitors is available in braille or large print at the front of the Exhibit Hall; electronic copies available from the ACB/NIB Information Desk before 10:00am each day.

  1. A T Guys
  2. Abisee
  3. ACB Radio
  4. ACB Store
  5. Access Education/Audio Dartmaster
  6. Adaptive Technology
  7. AI Squared
  8. American Printing House for the Blind
  9. Autumn River Gifts and Jewelry
  10. Baum Retec AG
  11. Bay Area Digital
  12. Benetech/
  13. Blindskills
  14. Bosma Enterprises
  15. Bpcprograms LLC
  16. Braulio International
  17. Byram Healthcare/Prodigy
  18. Bureau of Engraving and Printing
  19. Cambium Learning/Kurzweil
  20. Capital Chapter, California Council of the Blind
  21. Dolphin Computer Access
  22. Duxbury Systems Inc.
  23. Elegant Insights
  24. En-vision America
  25. Enabling Technology
  26. Enhanced Vision
  27. Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
  28. Freedom Scientific
  29. Friends-in-Art of ACB
  30. Guide Dogs for the Blind
  31. Guide Dogs of America
  32. Guiding Eyes for the Blind
  33. GW Micro
  34. Hadley School for the Blind
  35. Handy Tech
  36. HIMS Inc.
  37. Humanware
  38. Independent Living Aids
  39. IRTI
  40. Learning Ally
  41. LevelStar LLC
  42. Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
  43. Maxi-Aids
  44. National Braille Press
  45. National Library Service
  46. Navi Tech/Safezone
  47. Nevada Council of the Blind
  48. Ohava Computers
  49. Optelec U.S., Inc.
  50. Pennsylvania Council of the Blind
  51. Perkins Products
  52. Piano Technology
  53. Plextalk
  54. Polara Engineering, Inc.
  56. Sendero Group
  57. Social Security Administration
  58. Specialty Adaptations
  59. Student e-rent Pilot Project (STEPP)
  60. The Seeing Eye
  61. Travel One
  62. Vanda Pharmaceuticals